Merak Ventures Announces Its Launch With $100 Million Fund


Merak Ventures, a sector-agnostic, early-stage venture capital (VC) firm, announced its launch today, with a target corpus of $100 million. The fund aims to invest in 18 to 20 startups over the next three to four years.

Company handout

Merak will invest in Seed-stage B2B and emerging technologies companies creating sustainable business models and utilizing new technologies to help solve real problems and create large-scale impact. While the fund will remain sector-agnostic, some investment themes it will proactively chase include ClimateTech, InsurTech and enterprise SaaS, as per company statement.

"The genesis of Merak is our success and learning while managing a fund, and the sustained confidence of our investors. These are passionate founders who want to solve real world problems and we want to empower them, not just with capital but as a mentor-partner. At Merak, we firmly believe businesses that solve authentic problems will always make for a sound investment," said Manu Rikhiye, partner, Merak Ventures.

The Delhi-NCR based VC firm will also provide active support in strategy, business development, and fundraising by systematically utilizing broader networks of a portfolio, LPs, industry connects and fund relationships to ultimately deliver more value for all stakeholders, claimed by the company in the statement.

"Merak is the culmination of a decade of thinking, learning and investing in the Indian startup ecosystem. It represents our strong belief that financial gains and impact, whether on industry, people, or the planet, are not mutually exclusive. And it is built on the foundation of our passion, B2B emerging technologies, and our values that are boldness, empathy and fun," said Sheetal Bahl, partner, Merak Ventures.

Merak is a sector-agnostic, early-stage venture fund investing in B2B and emerging technologies companies that are solving real problems and creating large-scale impact.

Merak Ventures宣布成立1亿美元基金
Merak Ventures是一家不了解行业的早期风险投资公司,今天宣布成立,目标资金为1亿美元。该基金计划在未来3 ~ 4年内投资18 ~ 20家初创企业。Merak将投资于种子阶段的B2B和新兴技术公司,这些公司将创建可持续的商业模式,并利用新技术帮助解决实际问题,产生大规模影响。根据Merak公司的声明,虽然该基金仍然不受行业的影响,但它将积极关注气候科技(ClimateTech)、保险科技(InsurTech)和企业SaaS等投资主题。Merak的起源在于我们在管理基金的过程中取得的成功和学习,以及投资者对我们持续的信心。这些都是充满激情的创始人,他们想要解决现实世界的问题,我们想要赋予他们权力,不仅仅是资本,而是作为一个导师合作伙伴。在美拉克,我们坚信解决真实问题的企业将永远是一个合理的投资,"Merak Ventures合伙人Manu Rikhiye表示。这家总部位于德里ncr的风投公司还将通过系统地利用投资组合、有限合伙人、行业联系和基金关系等更广泛的网络,在战略、业务发展和融资方面提供积极支持,最终为所有利益相关者提供更多的价值。Merak是印度创业生态系统十年来思考、学习和投资的巅峰。它代表了我们的坚定信念,即经济收益和影响,无论是对工业、对人类还是对地球,并不相互排斥。它建立在我们的激情,B2B新兴技术,以及我们的价值观,即大胆,同理心和乐趣的基础上,"Merak Ventures合伙人Sheetal Bahl说。Merak是一家不确定行业的早期风险投资基金,投资于B2B和新兴技术公司,这些公司正在解决实际问题并产生大规模影响。
  • 投资
  • 风投
  • 基金
  • en
  • b2b系统



