Revolutionizing Data Accountability Through Immutable Tracking


The data industry has grown in leaps and bounds over the last ten years or so. When it will slow down, nobody knows. There is an opportunity for innovation and tech-based solutions with this much growth. Both data producers and consumers need to understand and control their usage of said data, especially in the finance and entertainment industries. While the current status quo works, it could always be made more efficient especially as a large amount of data still moves over older technology such as SFTP. When done right, producers can monetize data use, while consumers can zero in on exactly the data they want, without paying for what they don't want or having to endure costly audits.

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A look from the top down

"Data, like other software applications, has network effects," said the Chief Data Officer of Bitvore, Gregory Bolcer. "The more data from more diverse sources you put together, and understanding how they correlate, the more value you can extract. Yet many content publishers don't understand the value of the data they already have, and are both resistant to change and hugely protective of their data. The issues around content distribution and decentralization didn't have a solution until recently."

While many top professionals in the finance and entertainment industries don't realize how they can optimize data tracking, a small handful do and are in the forefront of changing the way data moves and is being accounted for. They are looking forward rather than resting on their laurels.

There is an obvious need for new technology to help people keep their data more secure, says Elliot Banks, Chief Product Officer of BMLL Technologies. "As a FinTech, we're not averse to utilizing the latest technologies and tools to help make our product as secure and as available as possible. From our side, we see data security and ease of data management as a priority for our customers and we continue to leverage technologies to achieve this. Any tools that make the signup and licensing agreement process more straightforward — a process that we think will continue to remain a critical topic — is going to be hugely valuable from a security and entitlement perspective."

Of particular importance to this novel approach to data is the idea that the data be immutable. This refers to the concept that data can't and shouldn't be discarded when new data replaces it — such as how medical databases will generally keep a complete record concerning a patient's health history.

For Dirk Anderson, Chief Information Officer of the loan platform, SALT Lending, it's all about data integrity. "Immutability has integrity — it gives you that assurance that the data you're looking at is accurate, and that it's what was there in the first place. While decentralization isn't required for immutability, it definitely helps. In our context, KYC and AML data is frequently audited and one of the most restricted data types from a privacy perspective. A blockchain-based approach can help answer two main questions: how do we create pathways for data to flow and be analyzed in a way where it can be trusted, and how do we prevent the wrong people from accessing it?"

"A major problem for any organization, regardless of size, is knowing where non-public and sensitive data reside within your data ecosystem," said Dirce Hernandez, vice-chair of the FS-ISAC Insider Threat Working Group. "If you have a foolproof method of making sure that the data you're reporting is accurate, validated, and true — and can prove it — it's going to be great for your business. It reduces your liability for data breaches, or bad intent, or data misuse. It does this not just by shifting responsibility, but also by making sure that at any given point you can lock down your data and account for how it's being represented and identified."

There is room for improvement in industries other than finance and technology, too. Take the entertainment industry, for example. "When you work on a movie for 4 years like Dune, you start to understand why the industry needs a better tool that can provide greater security, access control and immutable logging," opined Cody Lassiter, former Content Protection Executive at Legendary.

Of course, transparency and other issues can be a challenge for producers and consumers, both. Armin Kech, Head Data Governance at MBC Group addresses that. "One major challenge for every company is having transparency over its Data Assets. Like many others, we are a fragmented enterprise, with many departments and entities resulting in data silos. This makes it very challenging to receive a 360-degree view of our data, or understand, for example, what kind of data we have in our landscape, and how this data flows throughout our enterprise - the data lineage. Knowing the data flows is particularly important when it comes to international transfer of Personal Data. Data Protection regulations across the globe pay a great attention on data transfer across international borders. Therefore, being able to ensure traceability — by usage, and not as a flat subscription — makes perfect sense."

Tractiv was founded by Drew Orsinger, SpaceX's former Chief Security Officer, to create trust between two parties with regard to controlling and exchanging proprietary data by harnessing the power of immutable data. Their proven technology enables immutable tracing and data delivery for data providers, and empowers data consumers with the ability to understand where and how their purchased data is used. Through instantly distributing, receiving, and processing data, Tractiv have not only made a huge step towards creating a more efficient and accountable data ecosystem, but also developed a reputation for driving concrete results for their clients, including better benchmark tracking, cost savings, and increased revenue.

数据行业在过去十年左右的时间里飞速发展。没有人知道何时会放缓。有了这么大的增长,就有了创新和基于技术的解决方案的机会。数据生产者和消费者都需要了解和控制他们对这些数据的使用,尤其是在金融和娱乐行业。虽然目前的现状是可行的,但它总是可以变得更高效,特别是在大量数据仍在通过SFTP等旧技术转移的情况下。如果操作得当,生产者可以将数据使用货币化,而消费者可以精确地锁定他们想要的数据,而不用为他们不想要的数据付费,也不用忍受昂贵的审计。从上往下看"数据,像其他软件应用,有网络效应,"Bitvore的首席数据官Gregory Bolcer说。从更多不同的来源收集到的数据越多,了解它们之间的关联,你就能提取出越多的价值。然而,许多内容发布者不理解他们已经拥有的数据的价值,他们既拒绝更改,又极力保护自己的数据。直到最近,围绕内容分发和去中心化的问题才有了解决方案。虽然金融和娱乐行业的许多顶级专业人士没有意识到他们可以优化数据跟踪,但少数人做到了,并且处于改变数据移动方式的最前沿。他们向前看,而不是躺在过去的荣誉上。bll Technologies的首席产品官艾略特•班克斯(Elliot Banks)表示,显然需要新技术来帮助人们更安全地保存数据。作为FinTech,我们不反对使用最新的技术和工具来帮助我们的产品尽可能地安全和可用。从我们的角度来看,我们将数据安全和数据管理的易用性视为客户的优先事项,我们将继续利用技术来实现这一目标。任何使注册和许可协议过程更直接的工具——我们认为这个过程将继续是一个关键的话题——从安全和授权的角度来看都将是非常有价值的。对于这种新的数据方法来说,特别重要的是数据是不可变的想法。这指的是这样一个概念:当新的数据取代它时,数据不能也不应该被丢弃——例如,医疗数据库通常如何保存有关患者健康史的完整记录。对于贷款平台SALT Lending的首席信息官德克·安德森(Dirk Anderson)来说,最重要的是数据完整性。不可变性具有完整性——它为您提供了保证,您正在查看的数据是准确的,并且它是在第一个地方存在的。虽然去中心化不是永恒性所必需的,但它确实有帮助。在我们的背景下,KYC和AML数据经常被审计,而且从隐私角度来看是最受限制的数据类型之一。基于区块链的方法可以帮助回答两个主要问题:我们如何创建数据流动和分析的路径,以一种可以信任的方式,以及我们如何防止错误的人访问它?"FS-ISAC内部威胁工作组副主席Dirce Hernandez说。如果你有一个万无一不可的方法来确保你重新报告的数据是准确的,有效的,真实的-并能证明它-这将对你的业务有很大的帮助。它减少了数据泄露、不良意图或数据误用的责任。它不仅通过转移责任做到这一点,还通过确保在任何给定的点上,你可以锁定你的数据,并解释它是如何表示和识别的。 除了金融和技术,其他行业也有改进的空间。以娱乐业为例。当你为像《沙丘》这样的电影工作了4年,你开始理解为什么行业需要一个更好的工具,能够提供更强的安全性、访问控制和不可变的日志记录,"传奇影业前内容保护主管Cody Lassiter表示。当然,透明度和其他问题对生产者和消费者来说都是一个挑战。MBC集团数据治理主管Armin Kech对此进行了阐述。每个公司面临的一个主要挑战是其数据资产的透明度。像许多其他企业一样,我们是一个分散的企业,许多部门和实体导致数据竖井。这使得我们很难获得数据的360度视图,或者理解,例如,在我们的视图中有什么样的数据,以及这些数据如何在整个企业的数据谱系中流动。当涉及到个人数据的国际转移时,了解数据流动尤为重要。世界各地的数据保护法规都非常重视跨国界的数据传输。因此,能够确保可追溯性——通过使用,而不是简单的订阅——是完全有意义的。
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