NASA Partners with DRONERESPONDERS to Develop Systems for Automated Flight in Emergency Response Ops



by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian M Crosby

NASA has announced the formation of a partnership with DRONERESPONDERS for the research and development of automated safety processes and procedures that will allow for highly automated aviation response in the national airspace.

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DroneLife · NASA – Partners – With – DRONERESPONDERS

DRONERESPONDERS is a non-profit program made up of specialized teams of experts in fields including aviation, emergency management and public safety, each trained to carry out tasks across the preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery phases of significant events, complex emergencies, and major disasters.

The partnership will see DRONERESPONDERS share its extensive breadth of gathered operational expertise and data with NASA. Working alongside DRONERESPONDERS, NASA’s System-Wide Safety (SWS) researchers will leverage this data in order to develop a safety management system that allows for highly automated flights in emergency response operations, as well as to establish a demonstration of highly automated aerospace vehicle safety management systems with applications outside the scope of emergency response.

“NASA is working to provide immediate benefit to society by improving the national response to disasters. We are also hoping to learn from these operations to enable innovative aviation operations in the future,” said NASA’s System-Wide Safety Project Manager, Misty Davies. “As more innovative, and increasingly autonomous air vehicles enter the airspace, coordination and automation of safety monitoring, assessment, and mitigation will be critical to maintain or even improve on aviation’s safety performance. We know this wouldn’t be possible without the help of public safety experts like DRONERESPONDERS engaged at the start of NASA’s research and planning.”

“Our team is excited to partner with NASA,” said Charles Werner, founder, and director of DRONERESPONDERS and a retired fire chief. “It gives us the opportunity to be a part of new technology that advances public safety.”

The goal of the three-year partnership is to gather safety metrics to identify patterns and common risks, along with proposed solutions to prevent or lessen the impact of the hazards; review DRONERESPONDERS training exercises and recommend potential integration for NASA-developed techniques and processes; and apply knowledge gained during the data collection and analysis to prepare In-Time Aviation Safety Management System (IASMS) implementations for use cases that can enable more rapid operational response for emergency operations.

Read more about DRONERESPONDERS:

  • Everything You Wanted to Know About the Blue sUAS Program: DIU on DRONERESPONDERS Webinar
  • DRONERESPONDERS at Xponential 2022: New Concepts for Public Safety UAS Education and Networking
  • DRONERESPONDERS Florida Public Safety Coordination Group: Working Together to Use Drones Effectively
  • DRONERESPONDERS and AIRT: This Week on Dawn of Drones, as Public Safety Month Begins
  • AIRT-DRONERESPONDERS Summer 2021 Public Safety UAS Survey Now Open

Ian attended Dominican University of California, where he received a BA in English in 2019. With a lifelong passion for writing and storytelling and a keen interest in technology, he is now contributing to DroneLife as a staff writer.

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb is the Editor-in-Chief of DRONELIFE and CEO of JobForDrones, a professional drone services marketplace, and a fascinated observer of the emerging drone industry and the regulatory environment for drones. Miriam has penned over 3,000 articles focused on the commercial drone space and is an international speaker and recognized figure in the industry.  Miriam has a degree from the University of Chicago and over 20 years of experience in high tech sales and marketing for new technologies.For drone industry consulting or writing, Email Miriam.


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See Also

  • DRONERESPONDERS Public Safety Summit is Back at AUVSI XPONENTIAL
  • AIRT-DRONERESPONDERS Summer 2021 Public Safety UAS Survey Now Open
  • DRONERESPONDERS Goes International, the Global Network of Drones in Public Safety
  • AIRT and DRONERESPONDERS 2020 Drones in Public Safety Survey: Contribute Now!
  • Atlanta Police Department to Host DRONERESPONDERS Public Safety UAS Summit at AUVSI XPONENTIAL


美国国家航空航天局(NASA)与DRONERESPONDERS建立合作伙伴关系美国国家航空航天局(NASA)宣布与DRONERESPONDERS建立合作伙伴关系,共同研发自动化安全流程和程序,以实现国家空域高度自动化的航空响应。继续阅读或收听:DRONERESPONDERS是一个非盈利项目,由航空、应急管理和公共安全等领域的专门专家团队组成,每个人都经过培训,在重大事件、复杂紧急情况和重大灾害的准备、缓解、响应和恢复阶段执行任务。这次合作将使DRONERESPONDERS与NASA分享其广泛收集的操作专业知识和数据。与DRONERESPONDERS合作,NASA的全系统安全(SWS)研究人员将利用这些数据开发一种安全管理系统,以便在紧急响应操作中实现高度自动化飞行,并建立一种高度自动化的航空航天飞行器安全管理系统的演示,应用于紧急响应范围之外的应用。“NASA正在努力通过改善国家对灾难的反应,为社会提供直接的利益。我们也希望从这些操作中学习,在未来实现创新的航空操作,”NASA全系统安全项目经理米斯蒂·戴维斯说。“随着越来越多的创新和越来越自主的飞行器进入空域,安全监测、评估和缓解的协调和自动化将是保持甚至提高航空安全性能的关键。我们知道,如果没有像DRONERESPONDERS这样的公共安全专家在NASA研究和规划之初参与的帮助,这是不可能的。”“我们的团队很高兴能与NASA合作,”无人机应急响应机构的创始人兼主管、退休的消防队长查尔斯·维尔纳说。“这让我们有机会成为推动公共安全的新技术的一部分。”这项为期三年的合作伙伴关系的目标是收集安全指标,以识别模式和共同风险,以及拟议的解决方案,以防止或减少危险的影响;审查DRONERESPONDERS的培训演习,并对nasa开发的技术和流程的潜在集成提出建议;并运用在数据收集和分析过程中获得的知识,为用例准备即时航空安全管理系统(IASMS)的实施方案,以便对紧急行动作出更快速的行动响应。阅读更多关于无人机应答者的信息:伊恩就读于加州多米尼加大学,并于2019年获得英语学士学位。他对写作和讲故事有着毕生的热情,对技术有着浓厚的兴趣,现在他作为特约撰稿人为DroneLife撰稿。推特:@ spaldingbarker订阅DroneLife。

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