How to Invest in the Drone Industry Now: Diving in to the UAV ETF


Recently, some DRONELIFE articles have had a tag line:

[Company name]  is held in the AdvisorShares Drone Technology ETF [NYSE ARCA:UAV], the only ETF dedicated to the drone economy. The AdvisorShares Drone Technology ETF is a thematic investment strategy seeking to capture the growth opportunities in drones and autonomous vehicles (AV).  AdvisorShares is a DRONELIFE sponsor.

At DRONELIFE, we write often about the growth of drones in industry and advanced air mobility – and we take calls and emails every month from individuals who want to know how to invest in the drone industry now.  The AdvisorShares Drone Technology ETF (UAV) is one way to add drones to your portfolio.

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An ETF, or exchange-traded fund, is similar to a mutual fund. When investors buy shares of an ETF, they are getting access to a basket of different of stocks.  In the case of UAV, the ETF currently consists of 37 companies that are involved in the drone economy.

“The drone and eVTOL industries are in the early innings and there are a lot of companies jockeying for position,” said Luca Esposito, founder of the investment group sponsoring UAV. “It is a very competitive environment. This has made it difficult for investors who want exposure to the space. The UAV ETF alleviates a lot of those problems by offering thematic diversification and active portfolio management.”

The portfolio includes companies like Red Cat Holdings (NASDAQ:RCAT), AgEagle Aerial Systems (NYSEAMERICAN:UAVS) and Draganfly (NASDAQ:DPRO), along with military drone manufacturer, AeroVironment (NASDAQ:AVAV). Draganfly and AeroVironment have been in the news lately as they provide drones to Ukraine.

Ondas Holdings (NASDAQ:ONDS) and its subsidiary, American Robotics, provide an example of the expanding applications for drone technology. Their autonomous drones are being used by Chevron to manage, monitor and inspect oil and gas fields.

“When people think of drones, they typically only think hardware,” Esposito said. “The reality is that there is also an incredible amount of AI and software behind these systems. Companies have figured out the ‘Drone-as-a-service,’ recurring revenue business models, and are leveraging the vast amounts of data being collected.”

There are also companies like Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM), Teledyne-FLIR (NYSE:TDY) and NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA) in the ETF that provide chips, sensors and other drone components.

Then there are the leaders in home delivery: Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), UPS (NYSE:UPS), FedEx (NYSE:FDX) and Google (GOOG). In the first quarter of 2022, Google’s subsidiary, Wing, completed over 50,000 commercial drone deliveries, up more than three times year-over-year. Levitate Capital predicts that drone logistics will become the fastest growing segment after 2025.

“People want delivery faster than ever, whether it’s products, medicine or food,” Esposito said. “More and more companies are turning to drones to meet that demand and do it efficiently. Walmart just announced the other day that they’re expanding their drone-delivery service to reach 4 million households. Amazon is launching a similar program in California.”

In terms of portfolio composition, at least 25% of UAV will consist of the Aerospace & Defense industry. Another roughly 20% consists of Advanced Air Mobility and eVTOL (electric vertical take-off and landing) companies: i.e., Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY), Archer Aviation (NYSE:ACHR), Blade Air Mobility (NASDAQ:BLDE), Lilium (NASDAQ:LILM), EHang Holdings (NASDAQ:EH) and Vertical Aerospace (NYSE:EVTL). Morgan Stanley Research has said that accelerating tech advances and investment in autonomous urban aircraft could create a $1.5 trillion market by 2040.

UAV is the only ETF that targets the drone tech and eVTOL ecosystems. For more information, visit the AdvisorShares website – and keep an eye out for the UAV tag line, to read more about the many players represented.

Read more about the ETF and some of the companies included:

  • A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience at the NYSE: Celebrating UAV, a New Way to Invest in the Drone Industry
  • Joby Aviation Gets Part 135 Carrier Certificate: Company Plans eVTOL Service for 2024
  • Archer and Hexcel Partner: Ramping Up eVTOL Manufacturing
  • Blade Air Mobility Announces First Quarter Earnings and Expansion into Europe
  • Wing Drone Delivery in Texas Starts This Week: Walgreens, Texas Health, EasyVet, and Ice Cream
  • Amazon Drone Delivery: A Brief History of the Patents, Problems and Progress from the DRONELIFE Archives
  • From the Floor of Xponential 2022: Teledyne FLIR Hadron™ 640R More Power, More Resolution in a Small Form Factor

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb is the Editor-in-Chief of DRONELIFE and CEO of JobForDrones, a professional drone services marketplace, and a fascinated observer of the emerging drone industry and the regulatory environment for drones. Miriam has penned over 3,000 articles focused on the commercial drone space and is an international speaker and recognized figure in the industry.  Miriam has a degree from the University of Chicago and over 20 years of experience in high tech sales and marketing for new technologies.For drone industry consulting or writing, Email Miriam.


Subscribe to DroneLife here.

See Also

  • South Korean Government to Invest 1.2 Trillion in Drone Industry
  • How to Invest in Drone Technology
  • Drone Industry Sees Trade Show Consolidation: Commercial UAV Expo Scoops Up Drone World Expo
  • South Korea Woos Drone Industry
  • How and Where to Invest in the Drone Industry


最近,一些DRONELIFE文章有一个口号:[公司名称]被纳入AdvisorShares无人机技术ETF [NYSE ARCA:UAV],这是唯一专注于无人机经济的ETF。AdvisorShares无人机技术ETF是一种主题投资策略,旨在捕捉无人机和自动驾驶汽车(AV)的增长机会。AdvisorShares是DRONELIFE的赞助商。在DRONELIFE,我们经常写关于工业中无人机的增长和先进的空中机动性-我们每个月都接到个人的电话和电子邮件,他们想知道现在如何投资无人机行业。AdvisorShares无人机技术ETF (UAV)是将无人机添加到你的投资组合的一种方法。继续阅读下面的内容,或者听一听:交易所交易基金(ETF)类似于共同基金。当投资者购买一只ETF的股票时,他们就可以接触到一篮子不同的股票。以无人机为例,ETF目前由37家参与无人机经济的公司组成。赞助无人机的投资集团创始人卢卡·埃斯波西托(Luca Esposito)说:“无人机和eVTOL行业正处于初期阶段,有很多公司在争夺地位。”“这是一个竞争非常激烈的环境。这让想要涉足该领域的投资者感到困难。无人机ETF通过提供主题多样化和积极的投资组合管理,在很大程度上缓解了这些问题。该投资组合包括红猫控股(纳斯达克指数:RCAT)、AgEagle航空系统(纳斯达克指数:UAVS)和蜻蜓(纳斯达克指数:DPRO),以及军用无人机制造商AeroVironment(纳斯达克指数:AVAV)。Draganfly和AeroVironment最近因为向乌克兰提供无人机而上了新闻。昂达斯控股公司(NASDAQ: seconds)及其子公司美国机器人公司(American Robotics)提供了一个扩大无人机技术应用的例子。他们的无人驾驶飞机被雪佛龙公司用于管理、监控和检查油气田。“当人们想到无人机时,他们通常只会想到硬件,”埃斯波西托说。“现实情况是,这些系统背后还有大量的人工智能和软件。这些公司已经想出了“无人机即服务”(Drone-as-a-service)这种经常性收入的商业模式,并正在利用收集到的大量数据。“在这只ETF中,还有高通(NASDAQ:QCOM)、Teledyne-FLIR (NYSE:TDY)和英伟达(NASDAQ:NVDA)等公司提供芯片、传感器和其他无人机部件。此外,还有送货上门服务的领军企业:亚马逊(NASDAQ:AMZN)、UPS (NYSE:UPS)、联邦快递(FedEx:FDX)和谷歌(GOOG)。在2022年第一季度,谷歌的子公司Wing完成了5万多架商用无人机交付,同比增长超过3倍。Levitate Capital预测,无人机物流将在2025年后成为增长最快的领域。埃斯波西托说:“无论是产品、药品还是食品,人们都希望快递比以往更快。”“越来越多的公司开始使用无人机来满足这一需求,并高效地完成工作。沃尔玛前几天刚刚宣布,他们将扩大无人机送货服务,覆盖400万家庭。亚马逊也在加州推出了类似的项目。“就组合构成而言,至少25%的无人机将由Aerospace &国防工业。另外约20%由先进航空机动公司(Advanced Air Mobility)和eVTOL(电动垂直起降)公司组成:即Joby Aviation (NYSE: Joby)、Archer Aviation (NYSE:ACHR)、Blade Air Mobility (NASDAQ:BLDE)、Lilium (NASDAQ:LILM)、亿航控股(NASDAQ:EH)和vertical Aerospace (NYSE:EVTL)。摩根士丹利研究公司(Morgan Stanley Research)表示,加速技术进步和对自动驾驶城市飞机的投资,到2040年可能创造一个1.5万亿美元的市场。无人机是唯一的ETF,目标无人机技术和eVTOL生态系统。更多信息,访问AdvisorShares网站-并保持无人机标签线,阅读更多关于许多玩家代表。
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