How Conversational AI Bridges the Gap for Retail Customers, No Matter How You Shop


Along with many other things, the past two years of the pandemic have changed our consumer patterns, with 89% of shoppers expressing concerns about in-store shopping and proximity to other people.

All of a sudden, retailers were reduced to digital for a customer interaction channel, and while online retailers barely felt the change, for offline retailers it was a new reality to adapt to. This resulted in a tech breakthrough, which normally would have taken years to make, and the ecommerce sector grew by more than 30% in 2020.

More than two years have passed and the digitization of retail is gaining momentum with AI-powered conversational agents being a significant part of it. Chatbots engage with customers online, provide information and answer questions, among other things. Juniper Research expects chatbots to save retailers globally $439 million a year by 2023 compared to $7 million in 2019. In this piece, I'll talk about efficiencies that conversational AI can create for retailers and common roadblocks that get in the way of chatbot projects.

Related: 4 Ways to Use AI to Enhance the Customer Experience

Conversational AI meets retail

According to Accenture, chatbots are mostly expected to reduce the time for processing requests and increase the productivity of employees. Here are a few examples of how conversational AI can help retailers navigate the challenges of digitalization:

Reduced costs

AI-powered chatbots make it possible for businesses to provide excellent customer service without increasing employee numbers. The technology enables businesses to make a call at a moment when the customer receives an order and still remembers the entire history of communication with the company. The results of a smart call will show whether customers are willing to recommend the company to other people and help businesses adjust their strategy, loyalty program and rewards system.

Improved service quality

Chatbots and voice assistants can answer consumer questions day and night, on holidays and weekends, 365 days a year. Unlike human agents, AI-powered assistants don't need sleep and can assist customers even after business hours. Naturally, when customers get immediate help, it increases their satisfaction with the services.

Higher response rates

Bots respond instantly, in a consistent and specific manner, without giving out any unimportant information to the customer. When integrated with CRM systems, they can access order history and customers do not have to repeat basic information about themselves.

Better awareness

Chatbots and voice assistants allow businesses to stay in touch with customers and inform them about new products, promotions, and discounts. Customers regularly see information about the company — when they need to make a purchase, they know exactly where to go.

Increased loyalty

The consumer sees that his requests are understood. This attitude is the foundation for building trust and loyalty to the company. Brand supporters are important in competitive industries such as retail because it costs a lot more to attract a new customer than to keep one.

Faster customer feedback

Personalization in marketing has been around for some time: Some 75% of consumers are "keen on buying from brands that offer personalized digital experiences." To offer this hyper-personalization, businesses require specific data and chatbots can easily handle data collection faster than a call center and at lower costs.

HR process automation

Large retail chains employ thousands of different professionals. They need to look for and hire the right candidates and train new employees according to the company's standards. Bots can take care of the initial selection of candidates, setting the date and time of the interview, as well as training programs.

Related: What Small Retailers Can Learn From the Industry's Push Towards AI and Big Data

Retail digitization: things to consider

Despite an extensive list of business processes that conversational AI can help automate, there are reasons why some retailers are in no hurry to start adopting the technology.

Legacy customer relationship management platforms

Among the things that hinder conversational AI adoption is the fact that retail companies often use legacy CRM and heavily customized billing systems. There are so many different technologies, products and systems "under the hood," that business processes are very difficult to digitize. Sometimes, to change an order, one has to use from two to five systems to get the data needed.

So, if a company wants a voice bot that will respond to inbound calls and inform customers about order status, they need to have all the necessary integrations in place and make sure the voice bot has instant access to the right systems and data.

Still, it's also important to say that upgrading systems or transitioning to a new CRM platform in retail is extremely expensive and time-consuming.


Apart from the pricey upgrades, there are other reasons behind the high costs of conversational AI projects in retail: from wide assortments of products to large data volumes to customization needs.

That's why large retail chains adopt conversational AI more eagerly; they have a sufficient volume of inquiry topics and automation results in reduced contact center load, reduced time to provide information, and ultimately, customer service costs.

However, today more conversational AI tools allow even small businesses to build basic chat and voice bots, and this way start contact centre automation. With visual bot builders like ManyChat, Voiceflow or DialogStudio, it takes little to no coding skills to create a bot that will help reduce contact center load during seasonal sales.

Besides, there are ready-to-use AI-powered conversational solutions that address particular needs that retailers have. Thus, a smart Shop Assistant, for example, helps customers to easily navigate a mobile app, place orders using voice commands and check the shipping information, as well as ask users for feedback after the purchase.

Related: How AI is Making Retail Shopping Experience Simpler for E-commerce Consumers


Those who venture into an AI bot project, need to remember that the work doesn't end there. It implies continuous training, adding seasonal items to the catalog, refining bot scenarios and promoting new specials. Here the retailer has a choice: hand over the management to a vendor or invest in a strong in-house team.

No panacea

There are a lot of ways how conversational AI technologies can benefit retail, but what worked for one company may not apply to another. For example, a voice bot for outbound communication that works as a consultant and salesperson would be a good fit for products people buy regularly: contact lenses, pet food, etc. But it's unlikely that this technology would work for a retailer selling refrigerators — here, a voice bot for NPS surveys would work much better.


Digital transformation is not something businesses can veer away from, while the growing market of conversational AI technologies and successful implementation of cases prove that retail chatbots and virtual assistants will become an integral part of our lives soon. Fortunately, as technologies evolve, adoption of conversational AI is no longer a prerogative of large retail chains, small and medium-sized businesses can begin with basic conversational solutions, but no change is too small.

与许多其他事情一样,过去两年的疫情改变了我们的消费模式,89%的购物者对店内购物和与他人的距离表示担忧。突然之间,零售商被缩减为数字化的客户互动渠道,虽然在线零售商几乎感受不到这种变化,但对线下零售商来说,这是一个需要适应的新现实。这导致了通常需要数年才能实现的技术突破,电子商务行业在2020年增长了30%以上。两年多过去了,零售的数字化势头正在增强,人工智能驱动的对话代理是其中的重要组成部分。聊天机器人与客户在线互动,提供信息和回答问题等。Juniper Research预计,到2023年,聊天机器人每年将为全球零售商节省4.39亿美元,而2019年为700万美元。在这篇文章中,我将讨论对话式人工智能可以为零售商创造的效率,以及聊天机器人项目中常见的障碍。相关内容:4种使用人工智能增强客户体验的方法埃森哲咨询公司表示,聊天机器人有望减少处理请求的时间,提高员工的工作效率。以下是一些对话式人工智能如何帮助零售商应对数字化挑战的例子:降低成本的人工智能驱动的聊天机器人使企业在不增加员工数量的情况下提供优秀的客户服务成为可能。这项技术使企业能够在客户接到订单的那一刻打电话,并且仍然记得与公司通信的整个历史。智能电话的结果将显示客户是否愿意向其他人推荐该公司,并帮助企业调整其战略、忠诚度计划和奖励系统。提高服务质量聊天机器人和语音助手可以一天到晚、在节假日和周末、一年365天回答消费者的问题。与人类代理不同,人工智能助理不需要睡眠,即使在工作时间之外也可以帮助客户。当然,当顾客得到即时的帮助时,他们对服务的满意度就会提高。更高的响应速度机器人以一致和具体的方式立即响应,而不会向客户提供任何不重要的信息。当与CRM系统集成时,它们可以访问订单历史,客户不必重复自己的基本信息。更好的认知聊天机器人和语音助手使企业能够与客户保持联系,并告知他们新产品、促销和折扣。顾客经常会看到公司的信息——当他们需要购买时,他们确切地知道该去哪里购买。增加忠诚度消费者看到他的要求被理解了。这种态度是建立对公司的信任和忠诚的基础。在零售等竞争激烈的行业,品牌支持者很重要,因为吸引新客户的成本要比留住新客户高得多。市场营销中的个性化已经存在一段时间了:大约75%的消费者热衷于从提供个性化数字体验的品牌那里购买产品。为了提供这种超个性化服务,企业需要特定的数据,而聊天机器人可以轻松地以比呼叫中心更快的速度处理数据收集,而且成本更低。人力资源流程自动化大型零售连锁店雇佣了数千名不同的专业人员。他们需要寻找并雇佣合适的候选人,并根据公司的标准培训新员工。机器人可以负责候选人的初步选择,设置面试的日期和时间,以及培训计划。相关文章:小零售商可以从行业向人工智能和大数据的推进中学到什么 尽管对话式人工智能可以帮助实现自动化的业务流程有很多,但一些零售商不急于采用这项技术是有原因的。阻碍对话式AI应用的因素之一是,零售公司经常使用传统的CRM和高度定制的计费系统。在引擎盖下有如此多不同的技术、产品和系统"业务流程很难数字化。有时,为了改变订单,一个人必须使用2到5个系统来获得所需的数据。因此,如果一家公司想要一个能够响应入站呼叫并告知客户订单状态的语音机器人,他们就需要将所有必要的集成就绪,并确保语音机器人能够立即访问正确的系统和数据。不过,同样重要的是,在零售领域升级系统或过渡到新的CRM平台是非常昂贵和耗时的。除了昂贵的升级,在零售中会话式人工智能项目的高成本背后还有其他原因:从广泛的产品类别到大数据量到定制需求。这就是为什么大型零售连锁店更急切地采用会话式人工智能;他们有足够数量的查询主题和自动化结果减少了联络中心负荷,减少了提供信息的时间,并最终,客户服务成本。然而,如今更多的对话式人工智能工具甚至允许小型企业构建基本的聊天和语音机器人,并通过这种方式启动呼叫中心自动化。有了像ManyChat、Voiceflow或DialogStudio这样的可视化机器人生成器,在季节性销售期间,创建一个有助于减少呼叫中心负载的机器人几乎不需要任何编码技能。此外,还有现成的人工智能对话解决方案,可以满足零售商的特殊需求。例如,智能商店助手可以帮助顾客轻松地浏览移动应用程序,使用语音命令下单,查看运输信息,并在购买后要求用户反馈。相关:人工智能如何使电子商务消费者的零售购物体验更简单那些冒险进入人工智能机器人项目的人,需要记住,工作不会到此为止。它意味着持续培训、向目录中添加季节性商品、改进机器人场景以及推广新的特价商品。在这方面,零售商面临一个选择:将管理层交给供应商,还是投资于一个强大的内部团队。对话式人工智能技术可以在很多方面为零售业带来好处,但对一家公司有效的方法可能不适用于另一家公司。例如,一个用于对外交流的语音机器人既是顾问又是销售人员,它很适合人们经常购买的产品:隐形眼镜、宠物食品等。但这项技术不太可能适用于销售冰箱的零售商——在这里,用于NPS调查的语音机器人会更好。数字转型是企业无法回避的,而对话式人工智能技术市场的增长和案例的成功实施证明,零售聊天机器人和虚拟助手将很快成为我们生活中不可分割的一部分。幸运的是,随着技术的发展,采用对话式人工智能不再是大型零售连锁店的特权,中小型企业可以从基本的对话解决方案开始,但任何改变都是不可小觑的。









