Unveiling the 3DMCV7 Tactical Grade Inertial Sensors


Parker Unveils 3DMCV7 Inertial Sensors That Deliver Tactical Grade Performance

Next generation inertial sensing technology uniquely optimized for the demanding nature of OEM robotics applications.

WILLISTON, Vt., May 27, 2022 - The Parker LORD Noise, Vibration and Harshness Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation, the global leader in motion and control technologies, has expanded its MicroStrain sensing portfolio with the launch of the 3DMCV7-AHRS and 3DMCV7-AR inertial sensors. The 3DMCV7 sensors offer tactical grade inertial performance in the smallest and lightest OEM package yet. Specifically designed for high volume OEM robotics applications, the 3DMCV7 sensors deliver consistently accurate results at an incredible value.

3DMCV7 sensors are designed with autonomous vehicles in mind. Photo courtesy of Clearpath Robotics.

Feedback from customers was clear: robotics applications demand inertial solutions with robust timing features. In response, Parker designed the 3DMCV7 sensors with a new timing engine at their core. Precision data timestamping, low latency output, extensive time synchronization capabilities and a 1 KHz output data rate enable the 3DMCV7 sensors to provide customers with unmatched performance and reliability.

Regularly updated software and user-friendly APIs streamline the sensor integration process.

The 3DMCV7 sensors come with factory supported ROS1 and ROS2 drivers, as well as a multi-language (C++, Python, MATLAB, LabVIEW) software communications library that simplifies software development, allowing engineers to spend less time on sensor integration and more time on their core mission challenges.

“Our team has worked tirelessly to design and develop the best possible OEM inertial sensors for a wide variety of demanding applications,” said Justin Bessette, engineering manager, Parker. “We are excited to introduce tactical grade performance at a previously unattainable price point.”

Parker’s 3DMCV7 sensors are available as an IMU/AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) and IMU/AR (Attitude Reference). Both options will be available to ship beginning June 2022.

Learn more about Parker’s 3DMCV7 inertial sensors at microstrain.com/inertial-sensors/3dmcv7-ahrs.

About Parker Hannifin

Parker Hannifin is a Fortune 250 global leader in motion and control technologies. For more than a century the company has been enabling engineering breakthroughs that lead to a better tomorrow. Learn more at www.parker.com or @parkerhannifin.

Parker推出3DMCV7惯性传感器,提供战术级性能下一代惯性传感技术,为OEM机器人应用的苛刻性质进行了独特的优化。派克汉尼汾公司是全球运动和控制技术的领导者,该公司的帕克洛德噪声、振动和苛刻部门已经通过推出3DMCV7-AHRS和3DMCV7-AR惯性传感器扩大了其微应变传感组合。3DMCV7传感器在最小和最轻的OEM包中提供战术级的惯性性能。专为大批量OEM机器人应用设计的3DMCV7传感器,以令人难以置信的价值提供始终如一的准确结果。客户的反馈很明确:机器人应用需要具有鲁棒定时功能的惯性解决方案。为此,Parker设计了以新的计时引擎为核心的3DMCV7传感器。精确的数据时间戳,低延迟输出,广泛的时间同步能力和1 KHz的输出数据速率,使3DMCV7传感器为客户提供无与伦比的性能和可靠性。3DMCV7传感器配备了工厂支持的ROS1和ROS2驱动程序,以及一个多语言(c++, Python, MATLAB, LabVIEW)软件通信库,简化了软件开发,允许工程师花更少的时间在传感器集成和更多的时间在他们的核心任务挑战。Parker公司工程经理Justin Bessette表示:“我们的团队一直在不知疲倦地工作,为各种苛刻的应用设计和开发最好的OEM惯性传感器。“我们很高兴能以以前无法企及的价格推出战术级性能。”帕克公司的3DMCV7传感器可用作IMU/AHRS(姿态和航向参考系统)和IMU/AR(姿态参考)。这两种选择都将于2022年6月开始交付。了解更多关于Parker 3DMCV7惯性传感器的信息,请访问microstrain.com/inertial-sensors/3dmcv7-ahrs.About Parker Hannifin
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