Sensata Technologies Develops Passive Inceptor for the Advanced Air Mobility Market


  • Sensata has developed a new fly-by-wire inceptor for electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and has provided prototypes to several advanced air mobility manufacturers.
  • Sensata will showcase its new inceptor at the Farnborough Airshow from July 18-22 in Farnborough, United Kingdom at Hall 4, Booth 4138.

Farnborough, United Kingdom, July 18, 2022 – Sensata Technologies (NYSE: ST) today announced it has developed a new fly-by-wire inceptor for electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and has provided prototypes to several advanced air mobility manufacturers.

Sensata will showcase the new passive inceptor and its solutions for advanced air mobility and electric aircraft at the Farnborough International Airshow from July 18-22 in Farnborough, United Kingdom in Hall 4, Booth 4138.

A passive inceptor is a cockpit control device through which pilot inputs are collected and transmitted to actuators via the fly-by-wire system on the vehicle. Inceptors typically use position sensors like RVDTs to provide the inceptor stick’s actual positions to output to the flight control system.

Sensata combines its world class position sensors, multi-axis controllers and expertise in other cockpit controls to provide inceptor solutions that adhere to the strict safety and reliability design requirements in order to achieve airworthiness certification and are ideal for advanced air mobility, urban air mobility, trainers and other electric aircraft applications. Sensata’s passive inceptor is available in 1, 2 or 3 axis movement designs, with each axis utilizing at least three rotary variable differential transformers (RVDTs) for precise position output.

The most common use of the 3-axis inceptor is to control the pitch, roll and yaw of the vehicle and features self-centering and independently customizable operating force in each axis. The grips that the pilot interfaces with can be tailored to each vehicle’s operational requirements, including integrated switch functionality.

“Our decades of expertise in the aerospace sector, together with our wide range of sensing and power solutions that enable electrification, uniquely positions Sensata as a leading supplier in the advanced air mobility space. We’re excited to be a part of the industry’s transformation as we work with innovative companies to develop solutions for new electric aircraft,” explains Stuart Parker, Aerospace General Manager at Sensata Technologies.

To learn more Sensata’s inceptor and other solutions for urban air mobility and electric aircraft, please visit Sensata at the Farnborough International Airshow in Hall 4, Booth 4138.

英国范堡罗2022年7月18日消息——森萨塔技术公司(纽交所代码:ST)今天宣布,该公司已开发出一种用于电动垂直起降(eVTOL)飞机的新型电传飞行感应装置,并已向几家先进的空中机动制造商提供了原型机。森萨塔公司将于7月18日至22日在英国范堡罗国际航展4号厅4138号展位展示新型被动感知器及其用于先进空中机动和电动飞机的解决方案。被动接收器是一种座舱控制装置,通过它收集驾驶员的输入信息,并通过车辆上的电传飞行系统传输给执行器。初始飞行器通常使用位置传感器,如rvdt来提供初始飞行器杆的实际位置,输出到飞行控制系统。森萨塔将其世界一流的位置传感器、多轴控制器和其他座舱控制方面的专业知识相结合,提供符合严格的安全性和可靠性设计要求的舱内解决方案,以实现适航认证,是先进空中机动、城市空中机动、教练机和其他电动飞机应用的理想选择。森萨塔的被动感应装置可用于1、2或3轴运动设计,每个轴使用至少3个旋转可变差动变压器(RVDTs)进行精确位置输出。三轴感应头最常见的用途是控制车辆的俯仰、横摇和偏航,每个轴具有自定心和独立定制的操作力。驾驶员使用的握把可以根据每辆车的操作需求进行定制,包括集成的开关功能。“我们在航空领域数十年的专业知识,以及我们广泛的传感和电力解决方案,使其能够实现电气化,使森萨塔成为先进空中机动领域的领先供应商。我们很高兴能与创新公司合作,为新型电动飞机开发解决方案,成为行业转型的一部分。”森萨塔技术公司航空航天总经理Stuart Parker解释道。欲了解更多森萨塔的启动器和其他城市空中机动和电动飞机解决方案,请访问位于范堡罗国际航展4号馆4138号展位的森萨塔。
  • en


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