Introducing Version 4.0.0 of the MicroStrain ROS Driver


We're excited to announce the release of version 4.0.0 of our ROS driver. As our microstrain_inertial_driver has become the preferred choice to replace or complement existing ROS packages like robot_localization, we've been diligently working to further enhance its integration capabilities. We've listened to your feedback and have made significant improvements to ensure a smoother, more efficient experience.

Key Features of the New Release:

  • ROS Standards Compliance: All published messages are now fully compliant with ROS standards, ensuring seamless integration and better compatibility with your systems. For more details, check out the changelog.
  • Device-Specific Examples: We've introduced easy-to-use, self-contained examples for each device, making setup and usage a breeze. Stay tuned for more examples coming soon! Visit the examples page on our wiki for more information.
  • Transform Publishing: This feature simplifies integration with popular tools like RViz, robot_localization, move_base, and Nav2. Explore the transforms page on our wiki to learn more.
  • Enhanced GNSS Capabilities: Now, relative position reporting is available on all GNSS devices. This feature, previously exclusive to the GQ7, is a game-changer. Dive into the relative position configuration page on our wiki for further insights.
  • Support for 3DM-CV7-INS and 3DM-GV7-INS: Expand your horizons by taking additional aiding measurements while leveraging MicroStrain's cutting-edge filtering capabilities.

Staged Rollout for a Seamless Transition:

To ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruption, we're adopting a staged rollout approach for these exciting updates. Please note that version 4.0.0 is not backwards compatible, but we've got you covered with an phased release schedule:

  • January 26, 2024: Version 4.0.0 will be available on Github. Eager to try the new features? Simply check out and manually build the 4.0.0 (ROS) or ros2-4.0.0 (ROS2) tags following our Building from Source instructions for ROS or ROS2.
  • April 1, 2024: The official release to the ROS buildfarm takes place. You can continue manually building as before, or conveniently install from the ROS package index with these instructions. If you prefer the previous version, you can check out and manually build the desired tag from our available tags.

We're excited to bring these enhancements to you and are confident that the latest version of our ROS driver will elevate your projects to new heights.

For more information and to stay updated on future releases, visit the MicroStrain ROS page and follow us on social media.

  • en


EN 650 & EN 650.3 观察窗

EN 650.3 version is for use with fluids containing alcohol.

Acromag 966EN 温度信号调节器

这些模块为多达6个输入通道提供了一个独立的以太网接口。多量程输入接收来自各种传感器和设备的信号。高分辨率,低噪音,A/D转换器提供高精度和可靠性。三路隔离进一步提高了系统性能。,两种以太网协议可用。选择Ethernet Modbus TCP\/IP或Ethernet\/IP。,i2o功能仅在6通道以太网Modbus TCP\/IP模块上可用。,功能

雷克兰 EN15F 其他

品牌;雷克兰 型号; EN15F 功能;防化学 名称;防化手套

Honeywell USA CSLA2EN 电流传感器


TMP Pro Distribution C012EN RF 音频麦克风

C012E射频从上到下由实心黄铜制成,非常适合于要求音质的极端环境,具有非常坚固的外壳。内置的幻像电源模块具有完全的射频保护,以防止在800 Mhz-1.2 Ghz频段工作的GSM设备的干扰。极性模式:心形频率响应:50赫兹-18千赫灵敏度:-47dB+\/-3dB@1千赫

ValueTronics DLRO200-EN 毫欧表

"The DLRO200-EN ducter ohmmeter is a dlro from Megger."





LORD MicroStrain




3 EV Charging Challenges with Poor Connectivity
