By Keeping Its Options Open, the Crypto Market Is Evolving Into a Different Beast


While the crypto market continues to stumble along in a bearish state, options trading has come to represent a silver lining in the ongoing storm.


Options trading volumes have increased across global crypto exchanges, with institutional investors increasingly trading crypto options to hedge their bets in an uncertain environment, while even Bitcoin miners are embracing trading strategies in an attempt to chart a course through untested waters.

The impact of the trend is already highly visible. Earlier this month, in a disappointing second-quarter earnings report, crypto exchange giant Coinbase (COIN) referenced traders migrating to derivatives-focused platforms as a reason for declining trading volume. Coinbase's dipping volume led to a 30 per cent decline in the company's revenue, below most analysts' estimates.

Such trends bear witness to the evolution of the crypto market through natural selection, with the mutations only likely to continue. Despite some promising macro-economic signs, soaring inflation across the world and a looming global recession could well prolong the crypto winter into the latter half of this decade. To survive, the crypto market needs to think outside the box and keep its options open.

In doing so, it's imperative to keep in mind the relative infancy of crypto options trading, and by the same token, its potential for extraordinary growth. As EDG CEO Chris Bae has noted, crypto options trading volumes "have yet to hit their j-curve when it comes to their adoption and growth".

Presently, the focus remains on a narrow set of 'blue-chip' crypto assets, namely on Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), with many traders for example hedging positions on highly anticipated market developments such as the Ethereum blockchain's imminent 'merge' event, which will see the current Ethereum Mainnet merge with the Beacon Chain proof-of-stake system, marking the end of proof-of-work for Ethereum, and the full transition to proof-of-stake. However, such market moving events are few and far between.

Growth is likely to come from two places. Firstly, these assets are likely to become a higher proportion of trading volume. Currently, Bitcoin options trading accounts for only 2 per cent of open derivatives contracts across exchanges trading the cryptocurrency, whose market cap is about $462 billion, according to structure product provider Enhanced Digital Group (EDG).

Regulatory clarity on the legal status of leading digital assets, and permission to incorporate them into exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are the catalysts required to kick-start this growth. As EDG's quant developer Marcin Maksymiuk recently stated, "When you think of all the other [S&P 500]-like products including [exchange-traded funds], SP Minis, etc., you can see that bitcoin options have multifold growth ahead of it."

Unfortunately, regulatory hesitancy continues to prevail in this sphere, with the SEC recently rejecting Grayscale's Spot ETF application, despite the company's comprehensive efforts to win approval. Proponents of a spot bitcoin ETF approval have argued the product would offer a low-cost and easily accessible way for individuals and institutions to invest in bitcoin.

Optimism about an approval began to grow in after a number of bitcoin futures-based ETFs were approved last autumn, and two further futures ETF approvals earlier this year based on the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the same act under which spot bitcoin ETFs have been filed.

For what it's worth, Grayscale has protested that it is not consistent to approve an ETF based on bitcoin futures but not allow one based on the underlying investment. I am personally confident that a Bitcoin-based spot ETF will inevitably be greenlighted. It is only a matter of 'when', not 'if', and when it happens, the market capitalisation of Bitcoin and other crypto assets will balloon, spurring further demand and investment as the fear of missing out takes hold.

Secondly, the markets will likely tie options to a widening range of digital assets, not just BTC or Ether. This doesn't just mean less conventional cryptocurrencies, like Cardano or Solana, but a wide spectrum of digital assets, whether NFTs or – in the longer-term – tokenised assets ranging from commodities to real estate, the winning digital infrastructure for which is yet to emerge. Once it does however, we won't just be dabbling in a digital asset market, we will be living within a digital asset ecosystem.

In short, the growth of crypto options relies on the convergence of a number of factors, including technological improvements and bold regulatory action, not just sudden market shocks. As the market clears these hurdles over time, there is no reason for options not accounting for 70 per cent of the crypto trading market.

At, we think that options trading can help put the wind back in the crypto industry's sails - that's why we will be launching a new, best-in-class USD- options trading service for our users, allowing them to gain exposure to a range of markets and hedge risks amongst them, as they wish.

The new service reflects our belief at that natural selection does not reward the strongest players, only the most adaptable. This is not the first time that news of crypto's demise has been greatly exaggerated. There is no doubt that winter is coming, but the crypto industry will not die out. We're only going into hibernation, and likely to emerge as a very different beast.

Note: Investment in cryptocurrency and crypto assets is subject to financial risk and readers should do their own due diligence. Entrepreneur Media does not endorse any such investment.

虽然加密货币市场继续在熊市中磕磕绊绊,但期权交易已经成为这场持续风暴中的一线希望。全球加密交易所的期权交易量有所增加,机构投资者越来越多地交易加密期权,以在不确定的环境中对冲他们的押注,而就连比特币矿工也在接受交易策略,试图在未经测试的水域中开辟一条道路。这一趋势的影响已经非常明显。本月早些时候,加密货币交易所巨头Coinbase (COIN)在一份令人失望的第二季度财报中指出,交易员转向以衍生品为重点的平台是交易量下降的原因之一。Coinbase'的交易量下降导致公司收入下降30%,低于大多数分析师的数据。估计。这种趋势见证了加密货币市场通过自然选择的演变,而突变只可能继续。尽管有一些令人鼓舞的宏观经济迹象,但全球范围内不断飙升的通货膨胀和迫在眉睫的全球衰退很可能会将加密货币的冬天延长到本十年的后半段。为了生存,加密货币市场需要跳出固有思维模式,保持选择的开放性。在此过程中,我们必须牢记,加密期权交易还处于相对初级阶段,同样,它也具有非凡的增长潜力。正如EDG首席执行官Chris Bae所指出的那样,就采用和增长而言,加密期权交易量还没有达到j曲线。目前,焦点仍集中在一小部分蓝筹股'加密资产,即比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH),例如,许多交易员在高度预期的市场发展上对冲头寸,如以太坊区块链'该事件将见证当前的以太坊主网与Beacon Chain权益证明系统合并,标志着以太坊工作证明的结束,并全面过渡到权益证明。然而,这种影响市场的事件很少。增长可能来自两个方面。首先,这些资产在交易量中所占比例可能会更高。根据结构产品提供商Enhanced Digital Group (EDG)的数据,目前,比特币期权交易仅占交易这种加密货币的交易所开放衍生品合约的2%,其市值约为4620亿美元。监管机构明确领先数字资产的法律地位,并允许将其纳入交易所交易基金(etf),是推动这一增长所需的催化剂。EDG'的量化开发者Marcin Maksymiuk最近表示,当你想到所有其他[标准普尔500]类产品,包括[交易所交易基金],SP Minis等,你可以看到比特币期权有多重增长。不幸的是,监管部门在这一领域仍然犹豫不决,美国证券交易委员会最近拒绝了Grayscale'的现货ETF申请,尽管该公司的全面努力赢得批准。支持批准比特币现货ETF的人士认为,该产品将为个人和机构投资比特币提供一种低成本、容易获得的方式。去年秋天,多只基于比特币期货的ETF获得了批准,今年早些时候,又有两只基于1934年证券交易法(Securities Exchange Act of 1934)的期货ETF获得了批准,而现货比特币ETF也是根据该法案申请的。 不管它的价值是什么,灰度公司已经抗议说,它不一致地批准基于比特币期货的ETF,但不允许基于基础投资的ETF。我个人相信,基于比特币的现货ETF将不可避免地获得批准。这只是'什么时候'的问题,而不是'如果'发生了,比特币和其他加密资产的市值将会膨胀,随着对错失良机的担忧变得更加强烈,从而刺激进一步的需求和投资。其次,市场可能会将更多的选项与数字资产绑定,而不仅仅是比特币或以太币。这不仅仅意味着不那么传统的加密货币,如Cardano或Solana,而是广泛的数字资产,无论是nft,或者(从更长期来看)代币化的资产,从大宗商品到房地产,其中取胜的数字基础设施尚未出现。然而,一旦它做到了,我们就不只是涉足数字资产市场,我们将生活在数字资产生态系统中。简而言之,加密期权的增长依赖于一系列因素的融合,包括技术进步和大胆的监管行动,而不仅仅是突然的市场冲击。随着时间的推移,随着市场清除这些障碍,期权没有理由不占加密交易市场的70%。在,我们认为期权交易可以帮助恢复加密行业的风帆,这就是为什么我们将为我们的用户推出一种新的、一流的美元期权交易服务,让他们获得一系列市场的敞口,并对冲其中的风险,如他们所愿。这项新服务反映了我们在Bit.com的信念,即自然选择不会奖励最强的玩家,只会奖励适应性最强的玩家。这并不是加密技术消亡的消息第一次被过分夸大了。毫无疑问,冬天即将来临,但加密行业不会消亡。我们只是进入了冬眠,很可能会变成一个完全不同的野兽。
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