The Future Of Data Security


It is no secret that the world is moving rapidly towards digitalization. Banking, shopping, datings and paying bills are just a touch away. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, more activities have transitioned to the digital world, and the future of data security will need to become more stringent.

Data security is a broad term. It covers who is seeing your data, why, and exactly what data can be viewed. There are laws and regulations in place to ensure the future of data privacy. However, certain loopholes still exist which can make data privacy vulnerable. It will be crucial to keep an eye on what is going to happen in the next five years in data protection around the world. The U.S. government has started a privacy debate and is working on implementing some serious privacy changes. Let us take a look into the future and discuss the possible changes in data protection roles and regulations in the coming years.

'It will be crucial to keep an eye on what is going to happen in the next five years in data protection around the world.' -Alex LysakClick To Tweet

Changes in Data Security & Protection

We have compiled a list of some expected changes in the area of data protection and privacy control.

Data Protection Roles

The existing team of data protection personnel is working hard, but looking at the necessary level of security, the number of data protection roles needs to be increased. In the future, there must be an experienced team with the responsibility to ensure data security. This will lead to better execution of plans and policies. Roles like Data Protection Officer, Chief Information officer, and Data Security Manager must be entrusted to the most equipped personnel.

Multi-Standard Compliance Tools

There is a very thin line of difference between privacy and security. Both concepts have common roles and responsibilities. These should be aligned with other compliance standards and regulations. Hence it will be cost-effective and time-saving to incorporate common multi-standards for data security and privacy management. This will help manage multiple regulations into one.

Stringent Laws

There are laws already established for protecting the privacy of data holders. It has been established that more than 60 percent of the world’s population is covered by some kind of privacy law. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy protection regulations have a great impact; however, something is still missing. Many countries have started working on bringing more stringent privacy changes. Private data needs more security due to its sensitive and confidential nature.

More Digitalization, More Digital Threats

Along with raising the level of privacy and data protection, there is also a need to escape and defend our data from intruders and threats. In the last year due to the COVID-19 outbreak, work from home (WFH) has changed the working style of the corporate world. The chances of data being exposed to malicious hackers, attackers, and intruders increase.

Data also becomes easy prey for insiders. There are many reasons behind this, but the prominent one is working and accessing data from unsecured networks. Employees, investors, families, and friends of employees are easily able to access confidential and personal data of companies.

Role of Government and Authorities

Corporations, employees, and private individuals deserve privacy for their data. Undoubtedly in the coming years, we will see an increase in caution regarding data sharing, accessing, and network usage.

However, authorities and governments countrywide must ensure that the flow of data across the internet will be 100 percent safe and secure. To do this, there will be many necessary and strict decisions to be made. From major changes in privacy policy to adopting a people-centric approach, the ultimate goal will be to keep privacy intact.

Data Security Revolution

If there is anything we have learned from the past two post-pandemic years, it is that data is important, but protecting it is even more critical. Many changes have already been implemented by countries to protect their data, and there are many more to come. It wouldn’t be wrong to call the coming years a revolution in data security.





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