Creating the Ultimate Coworking Environment with IoT


Illustration: © IoT For All

In recent years, the traditional concept of work has changed. We are no longer confined to small cubicles or solitary home offices.

Welcome to the world of coworking spaces – a vibrant environment catering to individuals, groups, and small businesses seeking a dynamic workplace for independent work or collaborative projects. These spaces provide a unique blend of innovation and community for the modern-day office. 

Let’s delve deeper into the world of coworking spaces, exploring four challenges they face and how IoT is revolutionizing the coworking experience. 

Challenges Facing Coworking Spaces

With the ever-changing workplace model, building managers find themselves at the forefront of addressing new challenges and driving continuous improvements in operations. The landscape of modern work environments and evolving work preferences demands the agility of building maintenance.

#1: Energy Optimization

In a coworking space, there is a continuous flow of people coming and going, resulting in frequent changes in room occupancy. It’s crucial to ensure that electricity is used efficiently by powering down when rooms are not in use.

By adopting a mindful approach and implementing proactive measures, companies can significantly enhance their sustainability efforts. 

#2: Health and Safety

The environment in which people work has a huge influence on their well-being and safety. Coworking spaces are responsible for creating a workspace that ensures a comfortable atmosphere.

Poor indoor air quality is just one example of a hazard to human health. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes polluted levels can be associated with irritation, headaches, dizziness, and respiratory diseases, among others.

#3: Occupant Comfort

Coworking spaces should provide a comfortable and productive environment. This includes addressing every aspect that can impact the work experience such as physical amenities, technical support, service efficiency, and community engagement. When a space prioritizes this comfort, members can focus on work with peace of mind. 

#4: Space Management and People Flow

Efficient use of space is crucial for a productive work environment. Unlike traditional office spaces where desks are typically fixed, coworking spaces must stay flexible.

Occupancy fluctuates based on the time and day, making it essential to accommodate different occupant numbers without overcrowding or creating bottlenecks. For this reason, coworking spaces must manage this flow of traffic. 

IoT to Solve Space Challenges

Managing Energy Consumption

Efficiently monitoring and curbing excessive energy consumption is vital for real-time distribution understanding. IoT integrations employ room occupancy sensors to govern heating, cooling, and lighting, improving the coworking environment.

These systems automatically power down unoccupied rooms, making it easy to identify malfunctions and take preventive actions.

Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality significantly impacts well-being and productivity in coworking spaces. Measuring and tracking temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2 levels, and VOCs can lead to proactive measures.

When specific thresholds are reached, a window opening for immediate ventilation is one example of an automated response to ensure a healthy workspace. These data metrics result in responsiveness for a clean, safe, and conducive work environment, ultimately boosting overall mood and happiness.

Akenza AG

On-Demand Services

Streamlining facility management requests and logistical needs is crucial for improved efficiency. Members can easily report issues like low coffee in the kitchen or technical problems with meeting room equipment by simply touching a service button.

This user-friendly feature reduces the need for human intervention in reporting and enables prompt assignment to engineers for proactive maintenance.

Akenza AG

Occupancy Monitoring and Flow Management

Utilizing sensors on desks and in meeting rooms allows real-time tracking of space availability. A digital sign can display this data, with green indicating vacant spots and red denoting occupied areas.

Such transparency aids members in finding free workspaces and facilitates the booking and management of meeting rooms.

Additionally, people flow sensors at building entrances monitor foot traffic and flow. Analysis of this data helps identify peak days and times, enabling spaces to adjust staffing levels accordingly.

Real-time data displayed on a website page empowers members to plan their activities during less crowded periods.

Akenza AG

If you are looking to gain a competitive advantage and improve your coworking environment, utilizing the power of IoT could be a key strategy.





  • People Tracking
  • Remote Management
  • Sensors

  • People Tracking
  • Remote Management
  • Sensors
  • Work

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