AI Governance, Regulation, and Bias: A Crucial Conversation with Manasi Vartak


Illustration: © IoT For All

In the fifth episode of the AI For All Podcast, Manasi Vartak, CEO of Verta, leads a crucial and timely discussion on AI governance, regulation, and bias. Verta’s specialization in AI portfolio management makes Manasi a key voice in understanding how to navigate the ethical and practical challenges of AI.

AI Governance: Steering the Ship

AI governance refers to the structures and processes that guide how AI systems are developed, deployed, and monitored. Manasi elucidates the importance of having clear governance in place to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically. The conversation explores the current landscape of AI governance, highlighting best practices and emerging trends.

Generative AI and Its Risks

A noteworthy segment of the episode focuses on generative AI, which involves algorithms capable of creating new content or predictions. Manasi and the host delve into the potential risks associated with this technology, from unintentional biases to potential misuse, emphasizing the need for careful oversight.

Reducing AI Bias: A Path to Fairness

AI bias is one of the most pressing concerns in the field, affecting everything from hiring practices to criminal justice. Manasi sheds light on the challenge of detecting and reducing bias in AI models. The conversation underscores the continuous effort required to build and maintain fair AI systems.

Responsible AI: Ethics in Action

The concept of responsible AI goes beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations; it encompasses a commitment to ethical principles and social responsibility. Manasi explores the practicalities of implementing responsible AI, emphasizing collaboration between developers, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Regulation and AI Adoption: A Delicate Balance

Finally, the episode delves into the potential impact of regulation on AI adoption. While regulation is essential to ensure safety, accountability, and ethical usage, the discussion raises questions about finding the right balance. Overregulation might hinder innovation, while lax regulation could lead to abuse. Manasi provides expert insights into this delicate equilibrium, looking at the potential pathways and challenges ahead.

Watch the Episode

This episode provides a comprehensive and insightful overview of the intricate interplay between technology, ethics, and law in the world of artificial intelligence. Manasi Vartak’s expertise offers listeners a deeper understanding of how to navigate these complexities, both today and in the future.

The episode is essential listening for AI professionals, policymakers, and anyone interested in the ethical considerations surrounding AI. With practical insights and thought-provoking discussions, it adds valuable perspective to the ongoing dialogue on how we can build and manage AI systems that align with our values and societal needs.

Join the AI For All Podcast to participate in this important conversation and continue exploring the multifaceted world of artificial intelligence.





  • Standards & Regulations
  • Artificial Intelligence
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  • Standards & Regulations
  • Artificial Intelligence
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