What Is Zigbee Technology, and How Is It Used in IoT?


What Is Zigbee?

Zigbee is a technical standard based on IEEE 802.15.4. It is a set of communication protocols to create wireless computer networks to interconnect small, low-power electronic devices. Zigbee’s short-range radio frequency technology allows devices to interact in close-proximity residential or commercial environments.

Where Did It Get Its Name?

Some believe Zigbee got its name from the zigzag or waggle technique honeybees use to communicate the location of food sources to the colony.

Another explanation is that the technology was named after Zbigniew Brzezinski (nickname Zbig). He was a Polish-American geopolitical advisor to presidents Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. Brzezinski authored the book, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era.”  

Who Developed the Technology and Why?

Recognizing the limitations of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® wireless technology, Zigbee was developed as a cost-effective and simple-to-use protocol alternative. The technology standard was developed in 1998 after Bluetooth technology (1994) and Wi-Fi (1997). However, it took off in 2002 when several technology companies joined to establish the Zigbee Alliance.

The Zigbee Alliance aimed to simplify and harmonize the Internet of Things (IoT). Its purposes include:

  • Managing the standard
  • Promoting Zigbee’s usage
  • Distributing application profiles companies use in their IoT technology products

Zigbee Alliance Rebrand

In May 2021, the Zigbee Alliance rebranded itself as Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA). At the same time, they announced a second brand, Matter, formerly known as Project Connected Home over IP (CHIP).

According to an issued press release, “The newly developed Matter mark will serve as a seal of approval, assuring that any object built on this standard is reliable by nature, secure by design, and compatible at scale. The Alliance will continue to develop Zigbee technology and will retain the Zigbee technology brand.”

How Does It Work, and What Are the Benefits?

The Zigbee technology standard enables more secure, cost-efficient data communication compared to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology.

Zigbee uses a low-power mesh network of multiple nodes that allow devices to communicate and exchange information. It aims to get the data back to a central hub or gateway. Its devices operate in the unlicensed industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands. These bands are 2.4 GHz in most regions and countries for most Zigbee devices for home use.

This standard is used for larger data transfers and applications requiring a low-power network. Bluetooth wireless technology is used for small data transfers between devices up to 10 meters apart. In contrast, indoor Zigbee devices can communicate over 70 to 100 meters.

Compared to the better-known Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology, this protocol is less costly, easier to use and more secure for data communication. It also has some valuable self-healing and routing technologies within it. Whether data goes left, right, up or down, it will find its way back to the data collection point efficiently.

What Are Typical Zigbee Use Cases?

Home automation and smart energy are among typical Zigbee technology use cases.

Typical use cases include:

  • Building and home automation
  • Smoke, fire and security alarm systems
  • Medical data collection
  • Industrial control systems
  • Smart energy and utilities
  • Embedded sensing
  • Remote wireless microphone configuration

What Are Typical Devices?

Common devices that support this protocol include:

  • Smart speakers with AI assistants
  • Security systems and smart locks
  • Smart thermostats
  • Wireless control outlets
  • Smart lightbulbs

IoT Modules Ensure Secure Data Delivery for Zigbee Devices

Secure data delivery begins with secure IoT modules. Our secure IoT modules are inside many gateways or central hubs. Whether you are connecting via Wi-Fi or cellular gateway, our technology ensures that data from Zigbee devices is delivered securely to the cloud or back to the customer server.

Our IoT solutions also play an important part in Zigbee-enabled smart utility and energy metering solutions that leverage cost-efficient LTE-M and narrowband IoT (NB-IoT). We enable customers to deploy wireless technology worldwide and select Zigbee or other private wireless protocols moving to cellular. As a result, customers can scale and benefit from carrier-deployed networks.

Speak with our IoT experts to learn how we can support your Zigbee deployment.

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Zigbee是基于IEEE 802.15.4的技术标准。它是一套通信协议,用于创建无线计算机网络,以互连小型、低功耗电子设备。Zigbee的短程射频技术允许设备在近距离的住宅或商业环境中进行交互。有人认为Zigbee得名于蜜蜂用来向蜂群传达食物来源位置的之字形或摇摆技术。另一种解释是,这项技术是以兹比格涅夫·布热津斯基(昵称Zbig)的名字命名的。他是吉米·卡特和巴拉克·奥巴马总统的波兰裔美国地缘政治顾问。布热津斯基著有《两个时代之间:美国在技术电子时代的角色》一书。认识到Wi-Fi和蓝牙®无线技术的局限性,Zigbee被开发为一种具有成本效益和简单易用的替代协议。该技术标准是继蓝牙技术(1994年)和Wi-Fi技术(1997年)之后于1998年制定的。然而,在2002年,当几家技术公司加入建立Zigbee联盟时,它开始起飞。Zigbee联盟旨在简化和协调物联网(IoT)。2021年5月,Zigbee联盟更名为连接标准联盟(CSA)。与此同时,他们宣布了第二个品牌Matter,原名Project Connected Home over IP (CHIP)。根据发布的新闻稿,“新开发的Matter标志将作为批准的印章,确保任何基于该标准建造的物体本质上可靠,设计上安全,并且在规模上兼容。该联盟将继续开发Zigbee技术,并保留Zigbee技术品牌。Zigbee使用低功耗的多节点网状网络,允许设备进行通信和交换信息。它的目的是将数据传回中央集线器或网关。其设备在未经许可的工业、科学和医疗(ISM)无线电频段运行。对于大多数家庭使用的Zigbee设备,这些频段在大多数地区和国家为2.4 GHz。该标准用于需要低功耗网络的大型数据传输和应用程序。蓝牙无线技术用于相距10米的设备之间的小型数据传输。相比之下,室内Zigbee设备的通信距离可达70 ~ 100米。与众所周知的Wi-Fi和蓝牙技术相比,该协议成本更低,更容易使用,数据通信更安全。它还具有一些有价值的自我修复和路由技术。无论数据向左、向右、向上还是向下,它都将有效地找到返回数据收集点的方法。典型用例包括:支持该协议的常见设备包括:安全数据传输从安全物联网模块开始。我们的安全物联网模块位于许多网关或中心集线器中。无论您是通过Wi-Fi还是蜂窝网关连接,我们的技术都能确保Zigbee设备的数据安全地传输到云端或返回到客户服务器。我们的物联网解决方案也在zigbee智能公用事业和能源计量解决方案中发挥着重要作用,这些解决方案利用了具有成本效益的LTE-M和窄带物联网(NB-IoT)。我们使客户能够在全球范围内部署无线技术,并选择Zigbee或其他移动到蜂窝的私有无线协议。因此,客户可以从运营商部署的网络中扩展和受益。与我们的物联网专家交流,了解我们如何支持您的Zigbee部署。
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