Block Out Internet Distractions and Stay Focused with Control D


It's no secret that entrepreneurs often struggle with distractions. That's a curse for people who work for themselves because time, literally, is money when you're the one leading the work. With so many things online to distract you, you need something to help you block out the noise and focus on the task at hand. Sure, a pair of noise-cancelling headphones might help a bit, but they can't silence the internet. Control D can.


Control D is a one-touch productivity solution that helps you navigate the digital world without being constantly steered away by distractions. It's a simple tool to help you take back control of your digital life and boost your everyday performance. With enhanced security and performance, you can browse faster by blocking ads and silencing the constant bombardment of distractions.

Control D allows you to create and enforce a productivity schedule for both you and the rest of the users in your home. It gives you tools to help your kids stay focused on their homework and avoid dangerous websites and allows you to set up controls on up to ten devices. Each device offers different rules, allowing you to create unique browsing profiles for all of the devices in your family under a single account so you aren't bound by the kids' rules.

With this special plan, you'll get unlimited usage, 15 native filters, access to a number of third-party blocklists, 10,000 custom rules, and the ability to block more than 300 services. That's customization that is hard to come by from competitors, no matter where you look.

Find out why Control D has earned a perfect 5-star rating from Product Hunt. For a limited time, you can get a five-year subscription to Control D for 66 percent off $120 at just $39.99.

Prices are subject to change.

众所周知,企业家经常与分心作斗争。这对为自己工作的人来说是一种诅咒,因为当你是领导工作的人时,时间实际上就是金钱。网上有这么多的事情分散你的注意力,你需要一些东西来帮助你屏蔽噪音,专注于手头的任务。当然,一副降噪耳机可能会有一点帮助,但它们不能让互联网安静下来。控制D。Control D是一种一键式的提高工作效率的解决方案,它可以帮助你在数字世界中导航,而不会经常受到干扰。这是一个简单的工具,可以帮助你重新控制你的数字生活,提高你的日常表现。通过增强安全性和性能,您可以通过屏蔽广告和静音持续轰炸分心浏览更快。控件D允许您为您和家里的其他用户创建并执行一个生产力时间表。它给你工具来帮助你的孩子保持专注于他们的家庭作业,避开危险的网站,并允许你设置控制多达10个设备。每个设备提供不同的规则,允许您在一个帐户下为您的家庭所有设备创建独特的浏览配置文件,这样您就不会受到孩子的约束'规则。有了这个特殊的计划,你将获得无限的使用,15个本机过滤器,访问大量第三方屏蔽列表,10,000条自定义规则,以及阻止300多个服务的能力。that 's定制,这是很难从竞争对手,无论你看哪里。找出为什么Control D在Product Hunt上获得了完美的5星评级。在有限的时间内,你可以用39.99美元以66%的折扣获得Control D的五年订阅,120美元。价格可能会变动。
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