《体育馆消防水位监测系统 ——WH311 液位传示仪详解》


在现代化的体育馆中,消防安全至关重要。为确保消防系统的可靠运行,体育馆安装了 WH311 液位传示仪,用于对消防水池和屋顶消防水箱的水位进行实时监测。


  1. 产品组成

    • 该系统主要包括一个用于消防水池的液位计和一个用于屋顶消防水箱的液位计。两个液位计通过长达 700 多米的有线连接,将信号传输至消防控制室的显示器。

    • 端子箱采用 304 不锈钢材质,防护等级为 IP55。箱内含有水位传示仪和 WH6 型显示控制表,并按照要求在箱面开孔。

    • WH311 水位传示仪采用一体式设计,包含 WH6 液位专用显示装置,设置于现场的端子箱内。

  2. 产品特点

    • 高精度测量:能够准确测量消防水池和屋顶消防水箱的水位,为消防系统提供可靠的数据支持。

    • 远距离传输:700 多米的有线传输距离,确保消防控制室能够及时获取水位信息。

    • 分别显示:消防控制室的显示器可以分别显示消防水池和屋顶消防水箱的水位,方便操作人员实时掌握不同位置的水位情况。

    • 高低液位报警功能:当水位超出设定范围时,系统会及时发出警报,提醒工作人员采取措施。

    • 防雷模块:内置防雷模块,有效保护设备免受雷击损坏。

    • WH6 液位显示装置输出 2 个过低液位信号,为消防系统提供更加精准的预警。


  1. 安装位置

    • WH311液位计分别安装在消防水池和屋顶消防水箱内,确保测量的准确性和稳定性。

    • 显示控制装置安装在现场的端子箱内,端子箱采用 304 不锈钢材质,具有良好的耐腐蚀性能和防护等级,能够适应各种恶劣环境。

    • 消防控制室的显示器挂墙安装,方便操作人员随时查看水位信息。

  2. 接线方式

    • WH311 液位传示仪采用有线连接方式,将液位计与显示控制装置、消防控制室的显示器连接起来。

    • 接线时,应严格按照产品说明书进行操作,确保连接正确、可靠。

  3. 使用方法

    • 安装完成后,接通电源,WH311 液位传示仪开始工作。

    • 消防控制室的显示器将实时显示消防水池和屋顶消防水箱的水位信息。

    • 当水位超出设定范围时,显示器将发出声光报警,提醒工作人员及时处理。


  1. 产品优势

    • 可靠性高:采用先进的技术和高质量的材料,确保设备的稳定运行。

    • 操作简便:安装和使用方便,无需专业技术人员即可进行操作。

    • 实时监测:能够实时监测水位变化,为消防系统提供及时的预警和决策支持。

    • 适应性强:适用于各种体育馆等场所,能够满足不同环境的需求。

  2. 应用场景

    • 体育馆:为体育馆的消防系统提供可靠的水位监测,确保在火灾发生时能够及时有效地进行灭火。

    • 其他公共场所:如商场、酒店、医院等,也可以使用该产品进行水位监测,提高消防安全水平。

总之,WH311 液位传示仪在体育馆的消防系统中发挥着重要的作用。它通过高精度的测量、远距离的传输、分别显示、报警功能和防雷模块等特点,为体育馆的消防安全提供了有力的保障。在安装和使用过程中,应严格按照产品说明书进行操作,确保设备的正常运行。同时,定期对设备进行维护和保养,延长设备的使用寿命。

  • 消防


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汉威科技 YB035 消防安全


City Fire Equipment Company Fire Sprinklers 消防喷头

Wet Pipe Sprinklers Wet Pipe sprinklers are the most common type of fire sprinkler systems and the most reliable, with the only operating components being the automatic sprinklers and, in some instances, the automatic alarm check valve. An automatic water supply provides water under pressure to the system piping and all the piping is filled with water. When an automatic sprinkler is exposed to sufficient heat, the heat-sensitive element (glass bulb or fusible link) releases water from that sprinkler. Wet pipe sprinklers react to a specific range of temperatures.","Dry Pipe Systems Dry Pipe systems are used only in spaces in which the ambient temperature may be cold enough to freeze the water in a wet pipe system, such as unheated buildings, parking garages, outside canopies attached to heated buildings and refrigerated coolers. Dry pipe systems are the second most common fire sprinkler. Disadvantages include increased complexity, higher installation and maintenance costs, increased fire response time and increased corrosion.","Deluge Systems Deluge systems are systems that have open sprinklers – the heat-sensing operating element is removed or specifically designed to be open so that all sprinklers connected to the water piping system are open. Deluge systems are used for special hazards where rapid fire spread is a concern, as they provide a simultaneous application of water over the entire hazard, and are commonly seen as preventive measures to prevent egress of fire from an external source, such as high-rise windows, warehouse bay entries and openings in a fire-rated wall. Water is not present in the piping until the system operates.","Pre-Action Systems Pre-Action systems are hybrids of wet, dry and deluge systems, depending on requirements. There are two main sub-types of pre-action systems: single interlock and double interlock. Single interlock systems are similar to dry systems except that they require a preceding fire detection event, typically the activation of a heat or smoke detector. Double interlock systems are similar to deluge systems except that automatic sprinklers are used. Pre-action sprinkler systems are commonly used in museums with rare works or art, manuscripts or books, and data centers.

Pyott-Boone Electronics (PBE Group) Flow Boss 消防喷头

The Pyott-Boone Electronics’ Flow Boss Sprinkler System provides protection for conveyor belt drives, storage and take-up areas, and bearings and hydraulic boxes against costly and damaging conveyor fires. Building upon our already proven fire suppression systems, we have redesigned several features for increased and enhanced protection. Offering multiple steel structure sizes that easily accommodate diverse roof heights; this product is flexible for all mining operations and innovative engineering ensures long lasting use of the system. Packaged systems are available for 50ft of coverage, ModelFB-50, or 75 ft, Model FB-75 but can be custom ordered for any coverage length.","The sprinkler bar has been designed to attach to the belt structure using two, heavy duty oval eye nuts to minimize the tools needed for installation. Two sprinkler heads provide thorough coverage of two belts, keeping safety the number one priority. FM approved and UL listed components are integrated into the fire deluge system to provide the best coverage available on the market today. A pressure test manifold is included to ensure proper operation by providing eight spray nozzles for testing the flow rate of the system along with a pressure gauge for verification that the system is operating above the minimum 10psi as specified in NFPA 120 Chapter","PBE offers installation, technical assistance and training to guarantee each product is correctly configured and properly maintained.









