How is eSIM Technology Streamlining Global BVLOS Drone Operations?


Illustration: © IoT For All

Drones have revolutionized many industries in recent years, from agriculture to logistics to global military operations. These flying robots have proven their worth in various applications, and drone technology has continued to develop and improve.

Connectivity is a must for many autonomous drones that need to have a reliable and robust connection that enables them to operate remotely and safely, without issues in data delivery and transmission. eSIM technology is a significant step forward for drone connectivity. Let’s explore how it works and the benefits that it offers.

eSIMs: Fast & Easy Deployment

eSIMs come in multiple form factors and are similar to a traditional SIM, as eSIMs can be a physical, insertable chip (2FF/3FF/4FF). However, unlike traditional SIMs, eSIMs can also be soldered onto the motherboard of a device (MFF2).

One of the critical benefits that eSIM technology provides is quick and easy deployment of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) drones, anywhere in the world. BVLOS drones are unmanned aerial vehicles that can fly autonomously. BVLOS drones can cover much larger distances than drones that are operated within visual range, which makes them ideal for search and rescue missions, surveying vast areas of land, mapping, and monitoring wildlife and livestock.

With eSIM technology, drone operators can equip their BVLOS drones with an eSIM, eliminating the need to purchase local SIM cards or navigate the complex process of signing up for local carrier services when deploying their drones to new regions.

eSIM technology simplifies the management of numerous drones within a fleet, reducing the workload on drone operators. With traditional SIM cards, operators would need to switch SIMs in and out of devices and monitor, manage, and pay for individual subscriptions for each drone in a fleet. 

eSIM for Drone Expansion

eSIM technology is a key enabler for the expansion and growth of drone operations worldwide. With eSIMs, drones have access to a global network of carrier services, enabling quick and easy deployment of diverse BVLOS drone missions anywhere in the world.

This intelligent, programmable technology ensures reliable connectivity for drones, even in remote areas, simplifies fleet management, and optimizes the use of carrier services. By leveraging eSIM technology, drone operators can focus on delivering quality results, and expand the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in an ever-growing range of industries.





  • Connectivity
  • Drones
  • eSIM

  • Connectivity
  • Drones
  • eSIM

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