What factors are driving data centre vendor selection?



Determining who the right data centre provider is for your business is crucial in an ever-changing digital environment.
Determining which is the right data centre provider for your business is crucial in an ever-changing digital environment. (Photo by Gorodenkoff /Shutterstock)

The data centre is evolving – as are the expectations among businesses with regard to choosing the right partners and providers who can help unlock their digital potential and serve their corporate ambitions and values. Now, more than ever, all organisations need to think carefully about how their selection criteria address their needs and infrastructure.  

From location and connectivity to security and reach, the digitalisation of organisations is driving greater requirements for organisations’ criteria on vendor selection for data centres. GlobalData forecasts that revenues for the global data centre industry will more than double during the course of this decade, rising from $466bn in 2020 to $948bn by 2030. Business leaders need to assess multiple factors in defining the solutions and partners that best meet their organisations’ needs, from data centre design to security measures, emerging technologies and energy efficiency.

How do you select your data centre provider?

Tech Monitor is conducting a readership survey focused on gauging the extent to which, and how, selection criteria are evolving. The ambition is to gain insights and an understanding of priorities and pain points, inviting the opinions of tech leaders across geographies and industries in order to best understand their approaches and primary concerns around finding the right data centre partner.

Getting data strategy right has the potential to unlock new digital capabilities, optimise business processes, and greatly enhance data analytics possibilities. Such criteria are ever more crucial in the changing digital landscape, with organisational success increasingly dependent upon one’s approach and capabilities around data.

With so much to consider, tech leaders are having to navigate shifting trends, challenges, and best practices in recognising the critical role data centres play to power today’s digital economy. If organisations are not already distributing applications across on-premises, colocation and hyperscale cloud providers, they are likely to be soon. Partnering with the right data centre vendor, therefore, requires thorough research and collaboration in order to ensure the right solution is found.

Survey responses are anonymised, and remain confidential. It takes less than five minutes to complete. Your participation would be hugely appreciated.

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