MCPTT over 5G: The Future of Mission-Critical Push-to-Talk Devices


The Evolution of Mission-Critical Push-to-Talk Networks: 5G’s Role in Public Safety

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First responder push-to-talk systems have serious interoperability issues. These problems have been highlighted by recent catastrophic events, including:

  • COVID-19
  • Nashville bombing in December 2020
  • Hurricane Ida in 2021

When such disasters happen, communications to coordinate rescue efforts must always be ensured and cannot rely on traditional land mobile radio (LMR) systems only. The communications and public safety communities have worked to address this challenge with interoperable mission-critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) protocols.

Several companies have developed MCPTT applications over broadband, including Qualcomm, Kodiak (owned by Motorola), Harris and ESChat. 3GPP created standards for MCPTT architecture and mission-critical data and video over cellular networks.

Currently, many MCPTT applications are available through cellular LTE, with mobile broadband meeting many emergency responders’ needs for:

  • Reliable coverage
  • Secure communication
  • Real-time video sharing

Soon after 3GPP released these standards, Ericsson debuted its MCPTT services at the Homeland Security exhibition at Milipol 2017 in Paris.

MCPTT and 5G

MCPTT over 5G may solve voice, data and video transmission issues for first responders.

MCPTT services have been revolutionary in their ability to connect public agencies, including:

  • First responders
  • Transportation authorities
  • Homeland security
  • Utility emergency response teams

However, as networks become more crowded, even 4G spectrum bands are seeing limits to voice, data and video transmissions.

MCPTT over 5G networks may solve many of these issues as organizations develop new standards, such as:

  • The EU-funded initiative Next-Generation Platform as a Service (NGPaaS)
  • The National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC)
  • The First Responder Network Authority

5G networks are still developing. However, analyst SNS Telecom and IT estimates the public safety LTE and 5G market will grow at a 13% CAGR over the next few years. By the end of 2025, the market is anticipated to account for over $2.3 billion.

A large part of 5G’s appeal for public safety lies in the enhanced Internet of Life-Saving Things (IoLST) (e.g., wearables, smartphones and drones). These devices can rapidly collect, analyze and transmit data and high-resolution images between emergency responders and public agencies.

Interoperability Challenges

MCPTT over 5G networks is an indispensable life-saving technology due to 5G’s features, which include:

  • Reliability
  • Low latency
  • Support for high-volume data flows and real-time video communication

Still, 5G MCPTT cannot fully replace LMR systems, which are necessary while underground, deep inside collapsed buildings or in out-of-network geographical areas.

Most emergency response organizations aim to make LMR interoperable with broadband MCPTT systems. Achieving this goal would create seamless connections between these systems across national networks. The NPSTC, for example, has proposed several interoperable MCPTT talk groups. Some would be fixed, dynamic or created on an as-needed basis.

LMR interoperability with 5G includes designated channels for communication modes unique to emergency responders’ needs, including:

  • Out-of-network
  • Air-to-ground and vessel-to-shore
  • Short distance
  • Direct mode
  • Travel channels that support moving convoys

The development of 5G-based direct mode vehicle-to-everything (V2X) New Radio supports interoperability standards.

As a technology developed for autonomous vehicles, V2X offers many solutions for MCPTT, MCVideo, and MCData services. Other 5G-based solutions, like multimedia broadcast multicast services (MBMS), also have applications for mission-critical use cases.

These mission-critical technologies are rapidly evolving. Public-private partnerships are working through technological interoperability challenges to standardize protocols across networks and national borders.

Dual-mode LMR/MCPTT devices will deliver 5G-supported MCPTT services to first responders to bridge technology gaps. In addition, more telecommunications companies will deploy technologies optimized for MCPTT interoperability over LTE, 5G and LMR.

Speak with our IoT experts to discover how your emergency response devices and systems can benefit from 5G technology.

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Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published on 25 June 2020 and has since been updated.

第一响应者一键通话系统存在严重的互操作性问题。最近发生的灾难性事件凸显了这些问题,包括:当此类灾害发生时,必须始终确保协调救援工作的通信,不能仅依赖传统的陆地移动无线电系统。通信和公共安全界已经通过可互操作的关键任务一键通话(MCPTT)协议来应对这一挑战。几家公司已经通过宽带开发了MCPTT应用程序,包括高通、科迪亚克(摩托罗拉旗下)、哈里斯和ESChat。3GPP为MCPTT架构和蜂窝网络上的关键任务数据和视频创建了标准。目前,许多MCPTT应用程序通过蜂窝LTE提供,移动宽带满足了许多应急响应人员的需求:在3GPP发布这些标准后不久,爱立信在2017年巴黎米利波(Milipol)的国土安全展览会上首次推出了其MCPTT服务。MCPTT服务在连接公共机构方面具有革命性的能力,包括:然而,随着网络变得越来越拥挤,即使是4G频谱也面临语音、数据和视频传输的限制。随着组织制定新标准,5G网络上的MCPTT可能会解决许多这些问题,例如:5G网络仍在发展中。然而,分析师SNS Telecom and IT估计,公共安全LTE和5G市场在未来几年将以13%的复合年增长率增长。到2025年底,市场规模预计将超过23亿美元。5G对公共安全的吸引力很大程度上在于增强的救生物联网(IoLST)(例如,可穿戴设备、智能手机和无人机)。这些设备可以在应急响应人员和公共机构之间快速收集、分析和传输数据和高分辨率图像。由于5G网络的特点,5G MCPTT是一项不可或缺的救生技术,其中包括:尽管如此,5G MCPTT不能完全取代在地下、倒塌建筑物深处或网络外地理区域所需的LMR系统。大多数应急响应组织的目标是使LMR与宽带MCPTT系统互操作。实现这一目标将在这些系统之间建立跨越全国网络的无缝连接。例如,NPSTC已经提出了几个可互操作的MCPTT谈话组。有些将是固定的、动态的或按需创建的。与5G的LMR互操作性包括针对应急响应人员需求的特有通信模式的指定通道,包括:开发基于5G的直接模式车对一切(V2X)新无线电支持互操作性标准。V2X作为一项为自动驾驶汽车开发的技术,为MCPTT、MCVideo和MCData服务提供了许多解决方案。其他基于5g的解决方案,如多媒体广播组播服务(MBMS),也适用于关键任务用例。这些关键任务技术正在迅速发展。公私合作伙伴关系正在努力克服技术互操作性的挑战,以实现跨网络和国界的协议标准化。双模LMR/MCPTT设备将为急救人员提供支持5g的MCPTT服务,以弥合技术差距。此外,更多电信公司将在LTE、5G和LMR上部署针对MCPTT互操作性优化的技术。与我们的物联网专家交流,了解您的应急响应设备和系统如何从5G技术中受益。编者按:本博客最初发布于2020年6月25日,此后一直在更新。
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