Wi-Fi HaLow: The Solution for Smart Homes


Wi-Fi HaLow: The Solution for Smart Homes
Illustration: © IoT For All

Is your “smart” home behaving like a dumb house? There is hope. Wi-Fi HaLow delivers a secure, reliable connection for all your connected devices. Consumers have embraced the concept of relying on convenient, internet-connected devices to automate functions within their homes. Gone are the days of manually setting the thermostat or putting lights on mechanical timers. Now these functions can be controlled from anywhere via a smart phone app or even by AI in the cloud. Broadband service connections provide ample bandwidth and low latency to the home, but a good wireless link between modem and devices has proved elusive.

'IEEE 802.11ah Wi-Fi HaLow™ is the technology that can solve issues faced by existing wireless solutions— using a scalable industry standard.' -Morse MicroClick To Tweet

Is Wi-Fi the Answer?

Wi-Fi was the promised last link to bring everything together. Manufacturers rushed to fill the demand for connected appliances, security systems, door locks, switches, lights, garage door openers, and virtual assistant speakers. By providing new convenience and functionality to the homeowner, while gathering analytics and extending reach of diagnostic capabilities, manufacturers have found ways to offset the additional manufacturing and maintenance costs of connected devices. Consumers have assumed that device-makers have used safe and secure architectures for deploying and maintaining their services.

However, several common problems have plagued the varied use scenarios of these connected products. High power consumption of traditional Wi-Fi connections, dead spots, and poor coverage due to varied home construction techniques and building materials. Additionally, crowded 2.4GHz and 5GHz RF spectrum, complex deployment/setup procedures, and hackers exploiting holes in security. Consumers’ expectations of simple, reliable, and secure connections have driven manufacturers to cobble together a mix of proprietary wireless technologies that are costly to install.

Consumers have been forced to use proprietary wireless hub devices running on Zigbee, Z-wave, Bluetooth and other non-standard RF techniques, and bridge it to the Wi-Fi router. They have come to believe that frequent battery replacements or AC power supplies are needed. They have been forced to use network extenders for devices located far from the router. In the absence of better long-distance solutions, manufacturers have fallen back on power-hungry cellular phone technology with recurring subscription fees and unpredictable data use charges. Hackers have exploited holes in the security of thinly protected authentication protocols on devices which do not have the capacity for OTA updates to respond to new threats.

Wi-Fi HaLow Advantages

IEEE 802.11ah Wi-Fi HaLow™ is the technology that can solve issues faced by existing wireless solutions— using a scalable industry standard. It is purpose-built for the specific needs of IoT devices. Wi-Fi Halow has longer distances, lower power dissipation, better penetration through building materials, adequate bandwidth, improved network capacity, ease of deployment and installation, lifecycle security, over-the-air (OTA) updates and low cost of materials. Let’s look into each of these requirements separately:

#1: Distance

The sub-1GHz frequencies of Wi-Fi HaLow using narrow 1MHz channels travels ten times farther than legacy Wi-Fi, without the need for network extenders. Battery-powered cameras can be placed in more convenient locations where they are needed outside the walls of a home or garage. Lighting systems can be controlled from a single AP, regardless of whether the fixture is indoors or out in the garden. Providing customers with a solution that reaches 100m farther — without additional extenders or cellular data plans — is a huge competitive advantage.

#2: Power

Wi-Fi HaLow requires less power than conventional Wi-Fi to reach longer distances, while providing adequate bidirectional data transfers. Various new sleep modes are specified by IEEE 802.11ah that allow devices to stay in very low power states for extended periods of time — conserving battery energy.

#3: Battery Consumption

Wi-Fi HaLow can be powered by a simple coin cell battery with average power consumption below 10uW. With such low power, HaLow can be used in devices which historically had to rely on Zigbee, Bluetooth, or proprietary technologies.

#4: Penetration

Wi-Fi HaLow’s superior reach through buildings will reduce customer service calls and product returns that plague products based on ordinary Wi-Fi. The lower frequencies used by Wi-Fi HaLow penetrate through various building materials better than 2.4GHz and 5GHz, while consuming less power. Wi-Fi HaLow uses OFDM modulation to correct for reflections and multi-path environments. Device manufacturers can be assured of a robust HaLow connection to the AP, whether their products are placed inside or outside, or whether in the basement or the attic of a home. This eliminates the added complexity and cost of supplying proprietary hub or bridge devices to compensate for consumers’ varied home architectures across the globe.

#5: Bandwidth

Similar to traditional Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi HaLow can automatically scale bandwidth depending on signal integrity and distance from the AP. These pre-defined Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) levels support bandwidths from 150Kbps to 40Mbps for single-stream, single-antenna (1×1) products using channel widths varying between 1, 2, 4 and 8MHz, with up to 80Mbps capability using an optional 16MHz wide channel. Automatic selection of the most appropriate MCS rate ensures that data is transferred quickly.

This is important as the faster the data transfer is, the less battery energy used, and the less time the device needs on the radio waves — thus leaving them free for use by other devices.

#6: Security

IEEE 802.11ah includes the latest Wi-Fi requirements for authentication (WPA2/WPA3) and AES encryption of traffic over the air.

#7: Capacity

Up to 8,191 devices can be addressed by a single Wi-Fi HaLow AP. That should be enough capacity to cover every light bulb, door lock, window shade, thermostat, and every imaginable smart home device for the distant future.

The Reliable & Connected Choice

Typical Wi-Fi routers for the home only support tens of devices. If deployed into the home by a broadband service provider, the Wi-Fi HaLow AP can become a platform for additional revenue via subscriptions to security and utility management devices and services for one or more homes in a neighborhood. HaLow is a star network topology and does not suffer from the capacity problems of mesh networks. With a mesh network, the radio spectrum gets congested with duplicates of the same messages being sent over and over again.





  • Connectivity
  • Remote Management
  • Sensors
  • Smart Home Automation
  • WiFi

  • Connectivity
  • Remote Management
  • Sensors
  • Smart Home Automation
  • WiFi

Wi-Fi HaLow:智能家居的解决方案
你的“智能”家是否像一个愚蠢的房子?还有希望。Wi-Fi HaLow为所有连接设备提供安全可靠的连接。消费者已经接受了依靠便捷的联网设备来实现家庭自动化功能的概念。手动设置恒温器或按机械定时器开灯的日子一去不复返了。现在,这些功能可以在任何地方通过智能手机应用程序甚至云端人工智能进行控制。宽带服务连接为家庭提供了充足的带宽和低延迟,但是在调制解调器和设备之间建立良好的无线连接被证明是难以实现的。Wi-Fi被认为是将一切连接在一起的最后一环。制造商急于满足对联网电器、安全系统、门锁、开关、灯、车库门开关和虚拟助理扬声器的需求。通过为业主提供新的便利和功能,同时收集分析和扩展诊断功能,制造商已经找到了抵消连接设备的额外制造和维护成本的方法。消费者认为设备制造商已经使用安全可靠的架构来部署和维护他们的服务。然而,一些常见的问题困扰着这些联网产品的不同使用场景。传统Wi-Fi连接耗电量大,有盲点,由于不同的家庭建筑技术和建筑材料,覆盖范围很差。此外,拥挤的2.4GHz和5GHz射频频谱、复杂的部署/设置程序以及黑客利用安全漏洞。消费者对简单、可靠和安全的连接的期望促使制造商拼凑出一系列安装成本高昂的专有无线技术。消费者被迫使用基于Zigbee、Z-wave、蓝牙和其他非标准射频技术的专有无线集线器设备,并将其桥接到Wi-Fi路由器上。他们开始相信需要经常更换电池或交流电源。他们被迫在远离路由器的设备上使用网络扩展器。由于缺乏更好的远程解决方案,制造商不得不依靠耗电量大的手机技术,收取经常性的订阅费和不可预测的数据使用费。黑客利用了设备上保护薄弱的认证协议的安全漏洞,这些设备没有OTA更新的能力来应对新的威胁。IEEE 802.11ah Wi-Fi HaLow™技术可以解决现有无线解决方案面临的问题-使用可扩展的行业标准。它是专为物联网设备的特定需求而设计的。Wi-Fi Halow具有更远的距离,更低的功耗,更好的穿透建筑材料,足够的带宽,改进的网络容量,易于部署和安装,生命周期安全,空中(OTA)更新和低成本的材料。让我们分别研究一下这些需求:使用狭窄的1MHz信道的Wi-Fi HaLow的1ghz以下频率的传输距离是传统Wi-Fi的10倍,而不需要网络扩展器。电池供电的摄像头可以放置在更方便的地方,在家庭或车库的墙外。照明系统可以由一个AP控制,无论灯具是在室内还是在室外的花园里。为客户提供远达1亿米的解决方案——无需额外的扩展器或蜂窝数据计划——是一个巨大的竞争优势。与传统Wi-Fi相比,Wi-Fi HaLow需要更少的能量才能达到更远的距离,同时提供足够的双向数据传输。IEEE 802.11ah规定了各种新的睡眠模式,允许设备长时间保持极低功耗状态,从而节省电池能量。 Wi-Fi HaLow可以由一个简单的硬币电池供电,平均功耗低于10uW。HaLow具有如此低的功耗,可以用于以往必须依赖Zigbee、蓝牙或专有技术的设备。Wi-Fi HaLow在建筑物内的卓越覆盖范围将减少困扰基于普通Wi-Fi的产品的客户服务电话和产品退货。Wi-Fi HaLow使用的较低频率比2.4GHz和5GHz更能穿透各种建筑材料,同时能耗更低。Wi-Fi HaLow使用OFDM调制来校正反射和多路径环境。设备制造商可以确保与AP的健壮的HaLow连接,无论他们的产品是放置在室内还是室外,还是在家中的地下室或阁楼。这消除了提供专有中心或桥接设备的额外复杂性和成本,以弥补全球消费者不同的家庭架构。与传统Wi-Fi类似,Wi-Fi HaLow可以根据信号完整性和与AP的距离自动缩放带宽。这些预定义的调制和编码方案(MCS)级别支持单流、单天线(1×1)产品的带宽从150Kbps到40Mbps,使用通道宽度在1,2,4和8MHz之间变化,使用可选的16MHz宽通道可达到80Mbps能力。自动选择最合适的MCS速率,确保数据快速传输。这一点很重要,因为数据传输越快,使用的电池能量就越少,设备在无线电波上的时间就越短,从而使它们可以被其他设备使用。IEEE 802.11ah包括最新的Wi-Fi认证要求(WPA2/WPA3)和空中流量的AES加密。一个Wi-Fi HaLow AP最多可以处理8191个设备。这应该足以覆盖所有灯泡、门锁、窗帘、恒温器以及遥远未来所有可以想象到的智能家居设备。典型的家用Wi-Fi路由器只能支持几十个设备。如果由宽带服务提供商部署到家庭中,Wi-Fi HaLow AP可以成为一个平台,通过为一个或多个社区的家庭订阅安全和公用事业管理设备和服务来获得额外收入。HaLow是一种星型网络拓扑结构,不存在网状网络的容量问题。在网状网络中,由于相同信息的重复发送,无线电频谱会发生拥塞。
  • en


EN 650 & EN 650.3 观察窗

EN 650.3 version is for use with fluids containing alcohol.

Acromag 966EN 温度信号调节器

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雷克兰 EN15F 其他

品牌;雷克兰 型号; EN15F 功能;防化学 名称;防化手套

Honeywell USA CSLA2EN 电流传感器


TMP Pro Distribution C012EN RF 音频麦克风

C012E射频从上到下由实心黄铜制成,非常适合于要求音质的极端环境,具有非常坚固的外壳。内置的幻像电源模块具有完全的射频保护,以防止在800 Mhz-1.2 Ghz频段工作的GSM设备的干扰。极性模式:心形频率响应:50赫兹-18千赫灵敏度:-47dB+\/-3dB@1千赫

ValueTronics DLRO200-EN 毫欧表

"The DLRO200-EN ducter ohmmeter is a dlro from Megger."









