How Companies Are Using Innovative Technology to Improve On-the-Job Training


Since the dawn of time, methods have existed for training employees to perform new or unfamiliar tasks. From facilitating mentorship between highly competent colleagues and other employees to developing user manuals for technical skills, most companies already have the resources necessary to train their workforce.

But the question arises: Why are companies now choosing to develop new-era on-the-job training programs?

Adaptability is crucial in the modern business world. New platforms, markets and technologies appear to emerge every quarter, making each new venture risky, because the environment is susceptible to change at any moment.

A rise in the number of employees working remotely or through a hybrid model has necessitated these rapid changes in the workplace and industries. Even if a company can adjust its goals and strategy to accommodate these changes, it is an entirely different challenge to ensure that its employees have the skills necessary to adapt rapidly.

Related: 6 Ways to Keep Your Employees Learning At Work

How are companies utilizing technology to create innovative on-the-job training programs?

Companies incorporate technology into training programs in a variety of ways. Three of the most innovative include:

Opening up future-oriented education to all:

Offering free training via the internet is part of a larger movement to make information readily available and empower individuals to determine their futures. From Khan Academy to YouTube tutorials, it is evident that the internet is revolutionizing education, particularly skill-based education.

Companies have noted this change. They have begun offering skill-based training programs to talented individuals outside the organization.

TheSoul Publishing is an example of a company that has previously opened up its on-the-job training programs to offer educational experiences to everyone. It transformed its internal Boost Academy into three future-focused camps open to the public. This allowed TheSoul to provide practical training methods that have helped individuals learn skills such as social media management, animation and video production.

Immersive technology:

Immersive training utilizes the power of next-generation technology to develop human-centered on-the-job training programs. They are individualized and do not assume that all employees learn in the same manner and at the same rate.

Immersive technologies combine the physical and digital worlds, including virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). This technology enhances the elements of the most effective forms of on-the-job training, such as gamified online platforms and demonstrator videos aimed at particular skills.

Additionally, VR and AR experiences increase employee engagement to new heights. Employees participate in a hands-on, practical manner by manipulating objects in a digital environment. Thus, employees can perform tasks independently while being permitted to make mistakes from which they can learn and enhance their skills.

Remote onboarding:

A 700-page training manual with a mile-long table of contents may be exhaustive, but it is not engaging for employees.

Another complication is that it is becoming increasingly common for new employees to be onboarded without ever setting foot in a company's office — if the company even has a physical office space. Companies have started re-onboarding employees in response to the rapid technological change occurring across all industries to ensure they can utilize the new technologies they have implemented.

Companies can make training significantly more engaging, exciting and digestible by leveraging the dynamic and integrated nature of the latest tools. Employers can ensure employees are truly absorbing and contextualizing content by incorporating entertaining and informative videos and gamification into their programs.

Related: Gamified Training: An Infallible Way For Employee Engagement

How on-the-job training programs can benefit from new technologies

Workforces become progressively more flexible:

New technology permits the company-wide implementation of more effective training programs. Digital methods for teaching employees skills are significantly less expensive than traditional, pre-pandemic methods.

A workforce can become flexible and adaptable to whatever the business world throws at it if training is facilitated at the level of the individual employee and the entire organization.

When you have well-trained employees, the attitude that "this is not really part of my job" will disappear. Although you shouldn't train each employee to do everything, training can expand an employee's capabilities beyond the minimum requirements of their initial role. When it comes to unfamiliar tasks, the "no-can-do" philosophy disappears. Instead, employees ask, "Where can I learn how to do this?"

Then a new issue arises: Employees wonder, "Will my boss be upset if I take the time to educate myself?" Therefore, companies must foster an environment in which employees are encouraged and empowered to pursue additional on-the-job training so that employees feel comfortable acquiring new skills. It produces long-term benefits for both the employer and the employee.

Progress evaluation is streamlined:

When it comes to ensuring that employees comprehend complex technical procedures, adhere to essential guidelines and comply with health and safety protocols, companies must do more than simply provide lengthy documents and assume that employees will retain all the information.

This information must be assimilated thoroughly. Companies must determine whether employees have comprehensively understood the topic. Using technology's adaptability, companies can evaluate an employee's progress in real-time using multimedia tools such as games, quizzes and videos. The company can then determine if the on-the-job training was effective or if modifications are required.

Related: Where to Deploy Innovative Tech to Create a More Flexible, Engaging Organization

Employers must adopt the philosophy that if you continue to train, teach and develop your employees, you will always have the most qualified candidates in the roles — this is especially beneficial if the company's industry makes it challenging to recruit skilled workers.

On the other hand, this type of philosophy is also attractive to potential employees who not only want to get paid, but also want to develop their own sets of skills via the on-the-job training opportunities the company provides. Improving and expanding access to skill-based training will always benefit both employers and employees.

从一开始,就有训练员工执行新的或不熟悉的任务的方法。从促进能力强的同事和其他员工之间的指导,到开发技术技能的用户手册,大多数公司已经拥有培训员工所需的资源。但问题来了:为什么公司现在选择开发新时代的在职培训项目?适应能力在现代商业世界中至关重要。新平台、新市场和新技术似乎每个季度都在出现,这使得每一个新企业都面临风险,因为环境随时都可能发生变化。远程工作或通过混合模式工作的员工数量的增加,使得工作场所和行业发生了这些迅速的变化。即使一家公司可以调整其目标和战略来适应这些变化,确保其员工拥有快速适应所需的技能也是一个完全不同的挑战。相关内容:6种让员工在工作中不断学习的方法公司如何利用技术来创造创新的在职培训计划?公司以各种方式将技术融入到培训计划中。其中最具创新性的三项包括:向所有人开放面向未来的教育:通过互联网提供免费培训是一项更大运动的一部分,该运动旨在使信息随时可用,并使个人能够决定自己的未来。从可汗学院(Khan Academy)到YouTube教程,互联网显然正在彻底改变教育,尤其是以技能为基础的教育。企业已经注意到了这一变化。他们已经开始为组织外的人才提供基于技能的培训项目。灵魂出版公司(soul Publishing)就是一个例子,该公司此前开放了其在职培训项目,为每个人提供教育体验。它将内部的Boost学院改造成了三个面向公众开放的面向未来的训练营。这使得soul能够提供实用的培训方法,帮助个人学习社交媒体管理、动画和视频制作等技能。沉浸式技术:沉浸式培训利用下一代技术的力量,开发以人为中心的在职培训项目。它们是个性化的,并不假设所有员工都以相同的方式和速度学习。沉浸式技术结合了物理世界和数字世界,包括虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)。这项技术增强了最有效的在职培训形式的元素,如游戏化的在线平台和针对特定技能的演示视频。此外,VR和AR体验将员工的敬业度提升到新的高度。员工通过在数字环境中操作物体,以一种亲力亲为、切实可行的方式参与其中。因此,员工可以独立完成任务,同时允许他们犯错误,他们可以从中学习和提高他们的技能。远程培训:一份700页的培训手册和长达一英里的目录可能是详尽无遗的,但对员工来说并不吸引人。另一个复杂的问题是,新员工在入职时从未踏进过公司办公室的情况越来越普遍——如果公司有实际的办公空间的话。公司已经开始重新培训员工,以应对所有行业发生的快速技术变化,以确保他们可以利用他们已经实施的新技术。通过利用最新工具的动态和集成特性,公司可以使培训变得更加吸引人、令人兴奋和易于理解。雇主可以确保员工真正吸收和情境化的内容,将娱乐和信息视频和游戏化融入他们的程序。相关文章:游戏化培训:提高员工敬业度的可靠方法 在职培训项目如何从新技术中受益劳动力逐渐变得更加灵活:新技术允许在公司范围内实施更有效的培训项目。向员工传授技能的数字方法比大流行前的传统方法要便宜得多。如果在员工个人和整个组织层面进行培训,员工就可以变得灵活和适应商业世界的任何要求。当你有训练有素的员工时,这种态度并不是我工作的一部分"将会消失。虽然你不应该培训每个员工去做所有的事情,但培训可以扩展员工的能力,超出他们最初角色的最低要求。当遇到不熟悉的任务时,no-can-do"哲学就消失了。相反,员工会问:“我从哪里可以学到如何做到这一点?”然后一个新的问题就出现了:员工会想,“如果我花时间自我教育,我的老板会不会不高兴?”因此,公司必须营造一种环境,鼓励和授权员工进行额外的在职培训,以便员工在获得新技能时感到舒适。它为雇主和雇员都带来了长期的利益。进度评估被简化:当涉及到确保员工理解复杂的技术程序、遵守必要的指导方针以及遵守健康和安全协议时,公司必须做的不仅仅是提供冗长的文件,并假定员工会保留所有信息。这一信息必须充分吸收。公司必须确定员工是否全面理解了这个话题。利用技术的适应性,公司可以实时使用多媒体工具,如游戏、测验和视频,评估员工的进步。公司可以确定在职培训是否有效,或者是否需要修改。相关:在哪里部署创新技术来创建一个更灵活、更有吸引力的组织雇主必须采取这样的理念,如果你继续培训、教授和发展你的员工,你将总是有最合格的候选人在这个角色-这是特别有益的,如果公司的行业使招聘技术工人变得具有挑战性。另一方面,这种理念也对潜在的员工具有吸引力,他们不仅想要得到报酬,还想通过公司提供的在职培训机会来发展自己的技能。改善和扩大获得技能培训的机会将始终有利于雇主和雇员。
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