Meet What Might be the World's Smallest Cybersecurity Device


These days, cybercriminals are running rampant. And it's not just big businesses that are the targets. One study found that small businesses are the targets of 43 percent of data breaches. When your trade secrets and information are at risk, you have to do everything you can to protect them — especially if you're not working on a protected enterprise network these days.

Deeper Network

One simple way to add a layer of cybersecurity to your home office operation is by investing in Deeper Connect Pico, the world's smallest cybersecurity hardware device, the company says. But don't be fooled by its size; Deeper Connect Pico packs a cybersecurity punch.

This clever device integrates a seven-layer, enterprise-grade firewall and the world's only Decentralized VPN (DPN) into a machine you can plug-and-play anywhere. There are no subscription fees, all you have to do is pay once and enjoy protection for life, no matter where you're connecting to the internet. The travel-friendly device sets up in a matter of minutes to give you access to unrestricted, secure internet anywhere, thanks to the included Wi-Fi adapter.

With the DPN, you'll always have a fully decentralized VPN experience with multi-routing, smart routing, and unrestricted access to content from any country on fast, anonymous internet connections. Plus, Pico blocks all ads while you're browsing and even performs active blockchain mining to earn you passive income when you share your extra bandwidth. (It also offers one-click parental controls if you're worried about what's going on on your home network.)

Protect your business from cybercrime. Right now, you can get Deeper Connect Pico and a Wi-Fi adapter for the one-time price of just $248.

Prices subject to change.

如今,网络犯罪猖獗。而且不只是大企业是目标。一项研究发现,小企业是43%数据泄露的目标。当您的商业机密和信息处于危险中时,您必须尽一切可能保护它们——特别是如果您现在不是在一个受保护的企业网络上工作的话。该公司表示,为家庭办公业务增加一层网络安全的一个简单方法是投资全球最小的网络安全硬件设备deepconnect Pico。但是不要被它的大小所愚弄;更深的连接Pico在网络安全方面有很大的优势。这个聪明的设备集成了一个七层的企业级防火墙和世界上唯一的去中心化VPN (DPN)到一台机器上,你可以在任何地方即插即用。没有订阅费用,你所要做的就是支付一次,享受终身保护,无论你在哪里重新连接到互联网。这款适合旅行的设备在几分钟内就能设置好,让你在任何地方都能访问不受限制的、安全的互联网,这要归功于内置的Wi-Fi适配器。有了DPN,你总会有一个完全分散的VPN体验,多路由,智能路由,和不受限制地访问任何国家的内容在快速,匿名的互联网连接。另外,当你重新浏览时,Pico阻止所有广告,甚至执行主动区块链挖矿,当你分享你的额外带宽时,为你赚取被动收入。(如果你担心你的家庭网络正在发生什么,它还提供一键式的家长控制。)保护您的企业免受网络犯罪。现在,你只需花248美元就可以买到deep Connect Pico和Wi-Fi适配器。价格可能会变动。
  • en


EN 650 & EN 650.3 观察窗

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