






1、赛莱克斯北京 BAW 滤波器启动量产 (相关信息参看《其首款国产BAW滤波器正式量产!》)

2023 年 7 月 15 日,因公司控股子公司赛莱克斯微系统科技(北京)有限公司(以下简称“赛莱克斯北京”)以 MEMS 工艺为某客户制造的系列 BAW(Bulk Acoustic Wave,带谐振腔体声波)滤波器完成了小批量试生产阶段,赛莱克斯 北京与该客户同步签署《长期采购协议》,赛莱克斯北京开始进行 BAW 滤波器的商业化规模量产。

4、投资设立赛莱克斯深圳 (相关信息参看《深圳首条MEMS中试线落地!》)

2023 年 8 月 2 日,公司召开的第四届董事会第三十八次会议及第四届监事会第二十八次会议审议通过了《关于全资 子公司对外投资设立控股子公司暨关联交易的议案》,公司、公司全资子公司赛莱克斯国际与深圳市重大产业投资集团 有限公司关联主体、深圳市远致星火私募股权投资基金合伙企业(有限合伙)、深圳市华大松禾生科一号私募创业投资 基金合伙企业(有限合伙)、深圳科莱恩特科技合伙企业(有限合伙)、深圳赛莱创晶科技合伙企业(有限合伙)签署 《投资合同》,共同出资设立赛莱克斯微系统科技(深圳)有限公司(暂定名,最终以市场监督管理机构登记核定的名 称为准),其中公司全资子公司赛莱克斯国际出资 45,000 万元,持有其 30%股权。

5、赛莱克斯北京启动 MEMS 微振镜 8 英寸晶圆的小批量试生产

2023 年 8 月 9 日,因公司控股子公司赛莱克斯北京代工制造的某款 MEMS 微振镜通过了客户验证,赛莱克斯北京收 到该客户发出的采购订单,启动首批 MEMS 微振镜 8 英寸晶圆的小批量试生产。

8、赛莱克斯北京 MEMS 微振镜启动量产

2023 年 9 月 13 日,因公司控股子公司赛莱克斯北京以 MEMS 工艺为某客户制造的 MEMS 微振镜完成了小批量试生产 阶段,赛莱克斯北京与该客户同步签署采购订单,开始进行 MEMS 微振镜的商业化规模量产。

9、赛莱克斯北京启动 MEMS 加速度计 8 英寸晶圆的小批量试生产

2023 年 10 月 23 日,公司控股子公司赛莱克斯北京代工制造的某款 MEMS 加速度计通过了客户验证,赛莱克斯北京 收到该客户发出的采购订单,启动首批 MEMS 加速度计 8 英寸晶圆的小批量试生产。


2023年10月24日上午阿布扎比投资局Abu Dhabi Investment Authority,简称ADIA股权投资部副部长Rashed G. Almuhairi等一行莅临赛微电子北京8英寸MEMS基地参观调研赛微电子董事长总经理杨云春以及集团子公司相关负责人员进行了热情接待

On the morning of October 24, 2023, Rashed G. Almuhairi, Deputy Director of the Equity Investment Department of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), and a delegation visited the Beijing 8-inch MEMS Fab for research. Yang Yunchun, chairman and CEO of SMEI, and relevant management of SMEI and its subsidiaries greeted them enthusiastically.


ADIA team visited infrastructure and clean room of MEMS production line of Beijing FAB3. Subsequently, both sides held a meeting to have in-depth exchanges on topics of common concern. Both sides reached mutual consents on "One World, One Asia", and actively seek cooperation and common development.


Yang Yunchun, chairman and CEO of SMEI, warmly welcomed the guests' arrival, and answered questions concerned by them. He said that SMEI focused on semiconductor business, continued to accumulate core technologies and expand competitive advantages in the field of MEMS pure foundry. With sustainable development of the Stockholm production line and improvement of operation of the Beijing production line, the revenue of MEMS wafer manufacturing of SMEI has been ranking among the top globally in recent years. Despite facing various challenges, SMEI continues to improve production capacities and international team at home and abroad, and the company's customers and suppliers are more widely distributed. Based on the prediction of the growing demand for basic MEMS devices in the era of Internet of everything and intelligent sensing, SMEI will keep on improving the global production and operation network, adhering to the internationalization strategy, strengthening cooperation with chip design customers and suppliers, and actively expanding the global market.


Mr. Zhang Abin, Director&Vice GM&Board Secretary&CFO of SMEI, introduced the company's basics, development history, core business, industry roles, global layout, and development strategy to the guests. He expressed that SMEI is optimistic about the future development space of the intelligent sensing industry, and confident in the wafer manufacturing process and comprehensive competitive strength.


Abu Dhabi Investment Authority(ADIA) was established in 1976, a globally-diversified investor that prudently invests on behalf of the Government of Abu Dhabi to generate long-term value. The team of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority expressed gratitude for the reception of SMEI. Through this visit and research, they enhanced understanding of SMEI. ADIA mentioned that their investment portfolio covers different asset classes and has been seeking investment opportunities in the Chinese market for a long time and will continue to deepen cooperation with Chinese enterprises.


Sai MicroElectronics Inc.(SMEI) is a global leading and internationalization high-end integrated circuit wafer foundry manufacturer, and it is also a domestic professional wafer manufacturer with independent intellectual property rights and core semiconductor manufacturing technologies. The company has a number of pilot platforms and mass production foundries and worldwide business.

Customers of SMEI include Internationally renowned manufacturers of lithography machines, DNA/RNA sequencing machines, infrared thermal imaging, computer networks and systems, metaverse, silicon photons, AI computing, ICT, new medical equipment giants, and leading enterprises in various sub industries, the products cover communications, biomedical, industrial automobile, consumer electronics and other fields. The company is building advanced wafer level packaging and testing capabilities, committed to providing customers with systematic high-end manufacturing services from process development, wafer manufacturing to packaging and testing, and strive to become a well-known semiconductor technology group locally and internationally.









