Bluetooth for IIoT Condition Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance


Illustration: © IoT For All

The Internet of Things (IoT) is helping industries worldwide become more efficient with managed and scalable digital solutions. More specifically, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) focuses on connecting machines and devices in key industries such as oil and gas, hydropower, as well as manufacturing. In factories, the application of connected sensors to machines is being used to collect valuable data for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance purposes. The goal is to use this data to improve overall operations and make business decisions faster and more accurately. An integral part of condition monitoring is providing data that can be used for predictive maintenance. However, for predictive maintenance to be effective in an industrial setting, the following components are required:

  • Machine sensors
  • Communication protocol/gateway
  • Data repository
  • Predictive analytics tools

The idea of using sensors to monitor machines is not particularly new. Factories have been measuring and tracking equipment performance parameters for years, and have evaluated everything from equipment effectiveness to maintenance, and overall operations. What’s different about the IIoT is that mass adoption is now possible thanks to the proliferation of smart sensors, the adoption of wireless networking options, and the increase of data analytics applications.

Part of the proliferation of smart sensors in IIoT is using Bluetooth Low Energy. Many of us think of Bluetooth as a consumer-oriented technology, but the technology has now been widely leveraged in IIoT.

Several reasons for this include low-power consumption, low cost, ubiquity, and interoperability. However, despite its widespread adoption in IIoT, several challenges remain.

Let’s take a look at current challenges facing Bluetooth technology in IIoT, possible solutions to overcome these challenges, and the benefits of using a long-range gateway and centralized management system for Bluetooth to improve scalability, flexibility, security, and ease of management.

“Many of us think of Bluetooth as a consumer-oriented technology, but the technology has now been widely leveraged in IIoT.”

-Cassia Networks

Bluetooth IIoT Challenges

In the ongoing effort to improve manufacturing operations and performance, many industrial enterprises have incorporated condition monitoring and predictive maintenance approaches as part of their operations strategy.

An important component of this strategy is choosing a wireless protocol. There are many connectivity options to choose from each with its advantages and limitations, but the ubiquity of Bluetooth Low Energy provides a substantial competitive edge.

For industrial enterprises using Bluetooth Low Energy as part of their operations strategy, there were limiting factors that prevented factory personnel from having the real-time visibility needed to mitigate any equipment issues. Below are several Bluetooth technology challenges that industrial enterprises continue to face.

Data Collection is a Time-Consuming Process

Most Bluetooth devices are limited by short-range connectivity; therefore, data capture only occurs when someone is physically onsite and within proximity to inspect, monitor, and gather data from the equipment.

This manual approach to data collection becomes a time-consuming process. Furthermore, during offline hours, valuable data is not being collected in a continuous and automated fashion which can be problematic since the probability of missed failures can be high.

A study conducted by McKinsey & Company states that downtime, whether from repairs, breakdowns, or maintenance, can keep machinery out of use 40 percent of the time or more. The financial repercussions can damage an organization’s bottom line as well as the negative long-term effects on customer satisfaction.

Limitations With Short-Range Connectivity

The growth of affordable short-range wireless devices using protocols such as Bluetooth Low Energy as well as the rise of IoT gateways has enabled industries worldwide to benefit from lower deployment costs and improved operations.

However, limitations concerning range and connectivity still exist. Most Bluetooth gateways are limited by short-range and one-to-one connectivity. In a factory environment with thousands of machines operating simultaneously, there would have to be a substantial number of gateways to provide the necessary coverage.

Unlocking the Potential of Bluetooth for IIoT

For industries to take full advantage of the capabilities of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, a comprehensive approach must be considered. The move to a wireless connectivity solution can be complex and involves a wide range of considerations that include redesigning existing business processes, retraining personnel, and investing in new tools and technologies.

However, the benefits of deploying a more scalable and flexible wireless solution can result in significant cost savings. Bluetooth technology has evolved and is now recognized by industries worldwide as a cost-effective and flexible wireless solution for several reasons.

Low-Power Consumption and Long Battery Life

Compared to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy consumes much less power and therefore has a longer battery life. For example, the transmission power of low-power Wi-Fi and standard Wi-Fi devices is typically around 11mw to 100mw and the transmission power of Bluetooth Low Energy is typically around 1mw.

Consequently, the battery life of a Bluetooth sensor can last much longer compared to the battery life of a Wi-Fi sensor. This is critical for enterprises using wireless sensors that rely on batteries for power.

Significant Cost Savings

Traditionally, enterprises have used a wired solution to solve the connectivity challenge. However, the high costs and complexities associated with rewiring an entire factory and repairing any damaged cables did not yield a positive return on investment, not to mention the extensive planning, money, and time required before a wired solution can be fully operational.

Furthermore, wired solutions are complex and don’t provide the flexibility needed in industrial environments. For instance, if the layout of the factory changes, the process of re-wiring each sensor is not only very costly, but it is also very time-consuming. As a result, many enterprises are looking to Bluetooth technology as a low-cost alternative for their wireless solutions.

Another significant cost benefit of Bluetooth technology is the competitive price of its chips and modules. It is estimated that by 2023, nearly 1.6 billion Bluetooth Low Energy devices will ship each year. One reason for this is because of the very low cost of a Bluetooth chip and module. The total cost (including supporting components) of a chip and module is much lower compared to other wireless chips and modules, including Wi-Fi.

Interoperability and Ubiquity

Bluetooth protocol is very open. All of the certified Bluetooth devices are guaranteed to interoperate with each other. Tens of thousands of different types of Bluetooth sensors and devices are available on the market today and are widely used for many different applications.

Furthermore, the 2.4GHz unlicensed band in which Bluetooth operates is globally available. Consequently, there is no need to make different types of Bluetooth sensors for each country.

Become IIoT Ready

To successfully become IIoT-ready and benefit from the advantages that condition monitoring and predictive maintenance can offer, device manufacturers and system integrators must take a holistic approach when designing the end solution.

Key considerations should include sensor selection, the right wireless protocol and gateway, and a management platform for easy management, analysis, and data security.





  • Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Connectivity
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Remote Management

  • Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Connectivity
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Remote Management

物联网(IoT)正在通过可管理和可扩展的数字解决方案帮助全球各行业提高效率。更具体地说,工业物联网(IIoT)专注于连接石油和天然气、水电以及制造业等关键行业的机器和设备。在工厂中,连接到机器上的传感器被用于收集有价值的数据,用于状态监测和预测性维护。目标是使用这些数据来改善整体运营,并更快、更准确地做出业务决策。状态监测的一个组成部分是提供可用于预测性维护的数据。然而,为了在工业环境中有效地进行预测性维护,需要以下组件:使用传感器监控机器的想法并不是特别新的。多年来,工厂一直在测量和跟踪设备性能参数,并评估从设备有效性到维护和整体运营的一切。工业物联网的不同之处在于,由于智能传感器的普及、无线网络选项的采用以及数据分析应用程序的增加,现在大规模采用成为可能。工业物联网中智能传感器的普及部分是使用低功耗蓝牙。我们许多人认为蓝牙是一种面向消费者的技术,但该技术现在已广泛应用于工业物联网。这样做的几个原因包括低功耗、低成本、普遍性和互操作性。然而,尽管它在工业物联网中被广泛采用,但仍存在一些挑战。让我们来看看目前蓝牙技术在IIoT中面临的挑战,克服这些挑战的可能解决方案,以及使用远程网关和集中管理系统对蓝牙提高可扩展性、灵活性、安全性和易于管理的好处。“我们许多人认为蓝牙是一种面向消费者的技术,但这项技术现在已经广泛应用于工业物联网。”在不断努力改善制造操作和性能的过程中,许多工业企业已经将状态监测和预测性维护方法作为其运营战略的一部分。该策略的一个重要组成部分是选择无线协议。有许多连接选项可供选择,每个选项都有其优点和局限性,但低功耗蓝牙的无所不在提供了实质性的竞争优势。对于使用低功耗蓝牙作为其运营策略的一部分的工业企业来说,有一些限制因素阻止了工厂人员获得缓解任何设备问题所需的实时可见性。以下是工业企业持续面临的几个蓝牙技术挑战。大多数蓝牙设备都受到短距离连接的限制;因此,只有当有人在现场并在附近检查、监控和从设备收集数据时,才会发生数据捕获。这种手工收集数据的方法是一个耗时的过程。此外,在离线时间,有价值的数据没有以连续和自动化的方式收集,这可能会产生问题,因为错过故障的概率可能很高。麦肯锡公司进行的一项研究;该公司表示,无论是维修、故障还是维护,停机时间可以使机器在40%或更多的时间内无法使用。财务上的影响会损害组织的底线以及对客户满意度的长期负面影响。使用低功耗蓝牙等协议的价格实惠的短距离无线设备的增长,以及物联网网关的兴起,使全球各行各业都能从更低的部署成本和更好的运营中受益。 然而,范围和连通性方面的限制仍然存在。大多数蓝牙网关都受到短程和一对一连接的限制。在有数千台机器同时运行的工厂环境中,必须有相当数量的网关来提供必要的覆盖。为了充分利用状态监测和预测性维护的能力,必须考虑一种综合的方法。转向无线连接解决方案可能很复杂,涉及到广泛的考虑因素,包括重新设计现有业务流程、对人员进行再培训以及投资于新工具和技术。然而,部署更具可伸缩性和灵活性的无线解决方案的好处可以显著节省成本。蓝牙技术已经发展,现在被全球业界公认为具有成本效益和灵活的无线解决方案,原因有几个。与Wi-Fi相比,低能耗蓝牙耗电量更少,因此电池寿命更长。例如,低功率Wi-Fi和标准Wi-Fi设备的传输功率一般在11mw ~ 100mw左右,蓝牙低能量的传输功率一般在1mw左右。因此,蓝牙传感器的电池寿命比Wi-Fi传感器的电池寿命长得多。这对于使用依赖电池供电的无线传感器的企业来说至关重要。传统上,企业使用有线解决方案来解决连接挑战。然而,重新布线整个工厂和修复损坏电缆的高成本和复杂性并没有带来积极的投资回报,更不用说在有线解决方案完全运行之前所需的广泛规划、金钱和时间了。此外,有线解决方案很复杂,不能提供工业环境所需的灵活性。例如,如果工厂的布局发生变化,重新布线每个传感器的过程不仅非常昂贵,而且非常耗时。因此,许多企业都将蓝牙技术作为其无线解决方案的低成本替代品。蓝牙技术的另一个显著的成本优势是其芯片和模块的价格具有竞争力。据估计,到2023年,每年将有近16亿台蓝牙低能耗设备出货。其中一个原因是蓝牙芯片和模块的成本非常低。与包括Wi-Fi在内的其他无线芯片和模块相比,芯片和模块的总成本(包括支持组件)要低得多。蓝牙协议非常开放。所有经过认证的蓝牙设备都保证可以相互操作。目前市场上有成千上万种不同类型的蓝牙传感器和设备,广泛用于许多不同的应用。此外,蓝牙运行的2.4GHz非授权频段在全球范围内都是可用的。因此,没有必要为每个国家制造不同类型的蓝牙传感器。为了成功实现工业物联网,并受益于状态监测和预测性维护所提供的优势,设备制造商和系统集成商在设计最终解决方案时必须采取整体方法。主要考虑因素包括传感器的选择、正确的无线协议和网关,以及便于管理、分析和数据安全的管理平台。
  • 传感器
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Honeywell USA CSLA2EN 电流传感器

CSLA系列感应模拟电流传感器集成了SS490系列线性霍尔效应传感器集成电路。该传感元件组装在印刷电路板安装外壳中。这种住房有四种配置。所述传感器、磁通收集器和壳体的组合包括所述支架组件。这些传感器是比例测量的。 UK1A-EN-0A 超声波接近传感器

超声波接近传感器,直径18mm,15-30VDC,3线,NPN,50-400 mm标称传感距离,可选(常开或常闭)输出,10Hz开关频率,2米电缆出口。包括安装六角螺母。

Eaton 伊顿 E57EAL8T110EN 磁性接近传感器

伊顿电气公司新推出的Cutler-Hammer E57 Premium+系列短筒感应式接近传感器与我们的标准长度传感器具有相同的传感范围,但其机身长度大大缩短。这使得传感器可用于安装空间有限的应用场合。、产品特性、批准

KEYENCE 基恩士 PZ-G101EN 光电传感器及开关




