How to Enhance Your App With NLP Technology


How to Enhance Your App With NLP Technology
Illustration: © IoT For All

Natural language processing (NLP) is an arm of computer science, specifically artificial intelligence (AI), responsible for giving computers the capacity to understand, manipulate, and interpret human language. It aims to fill the gap between computer understanding and human communication.

'Many enterprises are adopting NLP technology because of its excellent business and growth opportunities.' -MobiDevClick To Tweet

Although NLP is not a new science, the technology is swiftly advancing due to great interest from businesses. Tons of text information is generated in the world every day and business owners see value in using it for their needs. For example, automatic NLP analysis of customer feedback will enable the company to find out how satisfied their customers are and draw conclusions about future improvements. And this is only one of the examples.

This article will help you identify how you can take advantage of natural language processing for your business.

Key NLP Tasks

Language models are machine learning solutions that manipulate text data to achieve various business goals. NLP has two primary divisions of tasks: Natural Language Understanding and Text Generation. The language models perform different tasks in NLP. The most popular of them include the following:

  • Name Entity Recognition (NER) – NER extracts, identifies, and places entities into categories. The use cases include SEO content classification, academic research, customer support, and lab report analysis.
  • Sentiment Analysis – Text classification is one of the primary steps in sentiment analysis. Sometimes it’s better to perform data preprocessing techniques, f.e.  stemming and lemmatization on the corpus (the entire collection of text), then the result is passed on to a machine-learning algorithm for further classification.
  • Keyword extraction – Keyword extraction allows you to quickly find the most important words and phrases in large data sets, including standard documents and reports, social media comments, news, and more. This helps in summarizing the text material.
  • Text Summarization – Text summarization solves the problem of summarizing text data and reducing the words of a document without changing its meaning. By filtering inappropriate material, algorithms extract the most relevant details from the text. Various news aggregator apps are the most popular business cases of text summarization algorithms.
  • Chatbots – Unlike old-school rule-based bots, NLP-based chatbots are able to provide smoother communication with the user because it analyzes not only keywords but also intent, entity, context, and session.

Key NLP Tasks

Let’s see how exactly these NLP tasks can benefit your business applications.

Speech Recognition Feature 

There is a certain difference between speech recognition and voice recognition, but NLP helps to cope with both tasks. Speech recognition involves the ability of the system to recognize exactly what was said, that is, to translate audio into text. Voice recognition or diarization makes it possible to distinguish speaker identity, that is, to determine that this text refers to speaker A, and the other to speaker B.

You can use voice recognition to achieve security measures such as voice biometrics and speech recognition to create virtual assistants and chatbots that understand voice commands and automate communication.

Any speech recognition application is founded on the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology that obtains words and grammatical meaning from the audio, manipulates it, and provides a specific form of system output. In speech recognition, speech-to-text (STT) conversion must be done to apply natural language processing. The STT converter is the most crucial component of the whole AI process.

When thinking of how to build a speech recognition system, you need to choose a suitable deployment model and employ the required third-party SDK. There are two deployment models you can use: cloud and embedded. The cloud is the most convenient way to achieve voice recognition. Its advantage is that it will save you lots of storage space, but it requires an internet connection to work. 

You can use the embedded model offline because it is stored on your device. The advantage of the embedded model is speed because it is not located on a server. But it would be best if you had lots of storage space on your device to store all audio elements locally.

Some key benefits of incorporating speech recognition into your app are increased productivity in business, faster capture of speech than typing, the ability to interact with individuals with sight or speech impairment, and reduced operational costs by automating business processes.

Autocomplete and Autocorrect with NLP

Autocorrect is a software feature that automatically suggests or corrects spelling or grammatical errors as you type. You have probably come across this feature in many messaging and writing assistant applications. There are four primary steps in building a functional autocorrect model to correct spelling errors.

1. Identify the misspelled word – If a word is not found in a dictionary, it is flagged as incorrect.

2. Edit the string – Editing is an operation done on a string to change it into another string. The types of edits include:

  • Insert (add a letter)
  • Replace (change one letter to another)
  • Delete (remove a letter)
  • Switch (swap adjacent letters)

3. Filter candidates – We only consider correctly spelled words from our list and compare them to words in a general dictionary, then filter out words that don’t appear in the available lexicon.

4. Compute word probabilities – With our list of words, we can compute probabilities and find the most probable word from our candidates. Modern NLP models trained on deep learning technologies are smart enough and can filter out the best option for replacing a word, by looking at the context.

Autocomplete is a user interface feature based on Text Generation models in which an application predicts a phrase or word that the user wants to type without the user having to type it entirely. It aims to predict what the user desires to type and add sections of the text automatically. The search autocomplete is a vital feature on e-commerce websites. It helps consumers find the exact item while providing full information about it and answering their questions faster and more accurately.

NLP Search and Document Processing

If your business involves a lot of documents, for example, you’re developing a fintech application, then automated document processing and systematization are exactly what will help you be more efficient.

The ability of NLP to find patterns in large volumes of data allows this technology to be used for eliminating manual work from the search process. Your clients or employees can find the information they need much easier and faster with a solution capable of processing various data sources in automatic mode.

How does it work? First of all, you need to connect and crawl all of your unstructured and structured data. Next, a unified search index is created, which ensures a uniform ranking of search results, regardless of their source. The NLP module analyzes the request and the content of documents by many variables, evaluating not only keywords but also user intent. This can be done using entity extraction and intent classification. Relying on intelligent scoring algorithms, the system provides a tailored response to each user.

Intelligent search saves significant business time and money and improves decision-making. For example, if a bank manager is going to issue a loan to a customer, he wants to collect all the information about the client to assess risk. But customer data is often scattered across different databases in structured and unstructured formats (transaction history, credit history, etc.). NLP-based search will allow you to quickly analyze all connected data sources and provide results to the manager.

How to Start Implementing NLP Into Your App

To implement NLP into your app, first, you need to hire experienced developers to analyze your project, assess all risks, and offer a suitable solution depending on your unique circumstances and business model. Here are the steps involved in creating an NLP model.

Collecting Textual Data 

The first step is to collect the textual data that we need to work with. Based on this data, the model will be trained. If you don’t have existing data, then you will need the help of experienced engineers who will find the datasets most relevant for your business task.


Tokenization is the next step, and it involves splitting a group of text into words or sentences.

Stop Words Removal

Stop words include words such as “a,” “is,” “are,” or “the.” These words do not carry much meaning in a textual data set, so you need to remove them. However, this step is often optional. For example, for sentiment analysis, where an opinion is detected, it’s crucial to have the original text, because if we delete “not”, it will greatly affect the result (“I like” vs. “I do not like”).


Stemming is converting all the verbs and plurals of a specific word into its root form. Search engines use the root forms to find the most appropriate resource for a search query despite the verbs or plurals used. But this step can also be optional and depends on the specifics of the project. 


Vectorization involves converting all text tokens into numerical vectors before feeding them into the machine-learning model. Nowadays mostly deep learning models are used for producing reliable results in NLP.

NLP Model Training

After converting the text tokens into numerical vectors, you can place this dataset into classes or clusters and start training your model. 

Many enterprises are adopting NLP technology because of its excellent business and growth opportunities. The ability to respond promptly and helpfully to customer queries is crucial for any business today. So, find experienced developers to help you implement NLP into your applications and take advantage of this innovation for your business. 





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自然语言处理(NLP)是计算机科学的一个分支,特别是人工智能(AI),负责赋予计算机理解、操作和解释人类语言的能力。它旨在填补计算机理解和人类交流之间的空白。虽然NLP不是一门新科学,但由于企业的极大兴趣,这项技术正在迅速发展。世界上每天都会产生大量的文本信息,企业所有者看到了使用这些信息来满足他们的需求的价值。例如,对客户反馈的自动NLP分析将使公司能够发现客户的满意度,并得出关于未来改进的结论。这只是其中一个例子。本文将帮助您确定如何在业务中利用自然语言处理。语言模型是机器学习解决方案,通过操作文本数据来实现各种业务目标。NLP有两个主要任务:自然语言理解和文本生成。语言模型在NLP中执行不同的任务。让我们看看这些NLP任务是如何使您的业务应用程序受益的。语音识别和语音识别有一定的区别,但NLP有助于处理这两种任务。语音识别涉及系统准确识别所说内容的能力,也就是说,将音频转换为文本。语音识别或离散化使得区分说话人身份成为可能,即确定这段文字指的是说话人A,而另一段是说话人b。您可以使用语音识别来实现语音生物识别和语音识别等安全措施,以创建能够理解语音命令并实现自动化通信的虚拟助手和聊天机器人。任何语音识别应用程序都建立在自动语音识别(ASR)技术的基础上,该技术从音频中获取单词和语法含义,对其进行操作,并提供特定形式的系统输出。在语音识别中,为了应用自然语言处理,必须进行语音到文本(STT)转换。STT转换器是整个人工智能过程中最关键的组件。在考虑如何构建语音识别系统时,需要选择合适的部署模型,并使用所需的第三方SDK。您可以使用两种部署模型:云和嵌入式。云是实现语音识别最便捷的方式。它的优点是可以节省大量的存储空间,但它需要互联网连接才能工作。您可以离线使用嵌入式模型,因为它存储在您的设备上。嵌入式模型的优点是速度快,因为它不位于服务器上。但如果你的设备上有足够的存储空间来存储所有的音频元素,那就更好了。将语音识别整合到应用程序中的一些主要好处是提高业务生产率,比打字更快地捕获语音,能够与视力或语言障碍的人进行交互,并通过自动化业务流程降低运营成本。自动更正是一种软件功能,可以在你打字时自动提示或纠正拼写或语法错误。您可能在许多消息传递和写作助手应用程序中遇到过这个特性。建立一个功能自动更正模型来纠正拼写错误有四个主要步骤。识别拼写错误的单词——如果一个单词在字典中没有找到,它就会被标记为不正确。编辑字符串-编辑是对字符串进行的操作,将其更改为另一个字符串。编辑类型包括:3。过滤候选词——我们只考虑列表中拼写正确的单词,并将它们与通用词典中的单词进行比较,然后过滤掉可用词典中没有出现的单词。 4. 计算单词概率——通过我们的单词列表,我们可以计算概率,并从候选单词中找到最可能的单词。经过深度学习技术训练的现代NLP模型足够智能,可以通过查看上下文过滤出替换单词的最佳选项。自动完成是一种基于文本生成模型的用户界面特性,应用程序可以预测用户想要输入的短语或单词,而不需要用户完全输入。它的目标是预测用户想要输入什么,并自动添加文本的部分。搜索自动完成是电子商务网站的一个重要功能。它可以帮助消费者找到确切的商品,同时提供有关商品的完整信息,并更快、更准确地回答他们的问题。如果您的业务涉及大量文档,例如,您正在开发一个金融科技应用程序,那么自动化文档处理和系统化将帮助您提高效率。NLP在大量数据中发现模式的能力使该技术可以用于消除搜索过程中的手工工作。使用能够以自动模式处理各种数据源的解决方案,您的客户或员工可以更容易、更快地找到他们需要的信息。它是如何工作的?首先,您需要连接和抓取所有非结构化和结构化数据。接下来,创建统一的搜索索引,以确保搜索结果的统一排名,而不考虑其来源。NLP模块通过许多变量分析文档的请求和内容,不仅评估关键字,还评估用户意图。这可以通过实体提取和意图分类来实现。该系统依靠智能评分算法,为每个用户提供量身定制的响应。智能搜索节省了大量的商业时间和金钱,并改善了决策。例如,如果银行经理要向客户发放贷款,他希望收集有关客户的所有信息以评估风险。但是客户数据通常以结构化和非结构化格式(交易历史、信用历史等)分散在不同的数据库中。基于nlp的搜索将允许您快速分析所有连接的数据源,并将结果提供给经理。要在你的应用中实现NLP,首先,你需要雇佣有经验的开发人员来分析你的项目,评估所有风险,并根据你的独特情况和商业模式提供合适的解决方案。下面是创建NLP模型所涉及的步骤。第一步是收集我们需要使用的文本数据。基于这些数据,将对模型进行训练。如果您没有现有数据,那么您将需要有经验的工程师的帮助,他们将为您的业务任务找到最相关的数据集。标记化是下一步,它涉及将一组文本分割成单词或句子。停顿词包括“a”、“is”、“are”或“the”。这些词在文本数据集中没有多大意义,因此需要删除它们。然而,这个步骤通常是可选的。例如,对于情感分析,当检测到一个观点时,拥有原始文本是至关重要的,因为如果我们删除“不”,它将极大地影响结果(“我喜欢”vs。“我不喜欢”)。词干是将一个特定单词的所有动词和复数转换为词根形式。搜索引擎使用根形式来为搜索查询找到最合适的资源,尽管使用了动词或复数。但是这个步骤也可以是可选的,这取决于项目的具体情况。向量化包括在将所有文本标记输入机器学习模型之前将它们转换为数值向量。目前,深度学习模型主要用于自然语言处理中产生可靠的结果。在将文本标记转换为数值向量之后,您可以将此数据集放入类或集群中,并开始训练您的模型。 许多企业都在采用NLP技术,因为它具有良好的业务和增长机会。对于当今的任何企业来说,迅速而有帮助地回应客户询问的能力都是至关重要的。因此,请寻找经验丰富的开发人员帮助您在应用程序中实现NLP,并为您的业务利用这一创新。
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KOBOLD NLP静水压液位开关在有悬浮固体的开放式罐内的液位控制方面表现出色。开关的操作基于立管内静水压力的变化。KOBOLD NLP无运动部件,无需外部电源,运行时维护最少,适用于多种介质。

Campbell Scientific (CSI) LP02-L 太阳辐射仪器

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为NLP选择正确的语言模型 译文
