TMP Pro Distribution
The Music People 是一家成熟的国际企业对企业供应商,为音乐零售商和音响承包商提供音乐乐器配件和专业音频设备。作为始终如一的 Music Trades 全球 100 强供应商,我们很自豪能够支持 80 个国家/地区的表演者。The Music People 成立于 1979 年,由家族所有并经营了 40 多年。2020年,我们携手Exertis | Jam,北美领先的乐器、专业音频、专业照明和消费电子产品分销商。我们的员工和领导层将他们的知识和能力贡献给两个品牌部门:700 多种乐器配件和支架的 On-Stage,设计师、制造商和供应商,以及 200 多种专业音频、视频、灯饰、配件品牌。The Music People 成功支持世界各地的表演者和承包商的关键是培养一种重视与客户的长期关系的工作场所文化。该公司在 2013 年获得了 Hartford Business Journal 的家族企业奖,并四次获得 Hartford Courant 的最佳工作场所荣誉,最近一次是在 2021 年。TMP-Pro,The Music People 的专业音频、视频、灯光和专业配件部门,Exertis | Jam 业务经销 200 多个优质品牌,同时提供来自认证专家的产品建议和技术支持的附加值。我们强大的分销能力基于与知名品牌的牢固关系。我们提供逐项报价,并提供从单一联系点采购各种品牌的便利,没有最低订购要求。由于我们的认证专家了解如何设置和集成我们提供的专业音频产品,我们作为分销合作伙伴超出了预期。我们的专家包括音乐家和 AVL 安装专业人员,他们接受了我们分销的品牌的培训,使用的方法与品牌培训自己的技术人员的方法相同。对产品和系统的了解使我们的团队能够熟练地团结起来,并将项目成功所必需的项目联系起来。
  • TMP Pro Distribution 52681 混音器和控制台

    Ashly ne24.24m DSP主机增加4个输出
  • TMP Pro Distribution 36450 混音器和控制台

  • TMP Pro Distribution 48698 混音器和控制台

  • TMP Pro Distribution 50907 混音器和控制台

    "ZED-24 has an incredibly advanced feature-set for a mixer at this level - it has 23 independent sources to the mix, 10 independent outputs, 4 aux sends, Configurable USB audio in\/out makes it easy to capture stereo recordings, playback and effects, a unique dual stereo input capability and some very advanced monitoring facilities. In fact, ZED-24 is so packed full of great features that you'd think it would cost much, much more! USB audio flexibility Getting audio to and from a computer easily is now a common requirement for live sound and music production. The way this has been implemented on ZED is super-flexible and super-easy! No longer do you need to fiddle around the back of your PC to get to the soundcard inputs, only to find that the levels are all wrong and noisy. Just plug in a USB lead to your ZED, select the USB routing on the mixer and the device on your computer and that's it! CD quality audio to and from your PC or Mac. Switches and connection through jack socket terminals provide different send\/return configurations:- Send options: 1) Main Mix Left + Right (Post-fade) 2) Main Mix Left + Right (Pre-Fade) 3) Auxes 1-2 4) Auxes 3-FX Return options: 1) To Stereo 3 channel MusiQ ZED-22FX features a responsive 3-band, swept mid frequency EQ design which utilises MusiQ - with optimised slope (or Q factor) for equalising individual instruments. DuoPre™ Based on the proven pre-amps from the hugely successful PA series, ZED-22FX has DuoPre pre-amps, which use a two stage design, with carefully controlled amounts of gain in each stage. When amplifying the signal from the XLR input, the gain range is huge - 69dB of range to be exact - and is very evenly distributed around the gain control, meaning better control of signal level. Most of the gain comes from the first stage, so unwanted noise is kept to a minimum. Line level signals are simply plugged into the second stage of the pre-amp by using the line input jack socket, which has the great advantage of less noise when using the line input and also matching to a higher input impedance.SONAR X1 LE - Provided Free! We've included Cakewalk SONAR X1 LE with ZED-22FX so you can immediately start to use it to create your own music - just add a PC and it couldn't be easier to get going. You'll be able to record from your ZED mixer, create tracks and arrange songs, then play back to ZED via the USB port. You can use SONAR X1 LE and your ZED mixer together in many ways - e.g. straightforward recording of a stereo mix, recording tracks individually to build up a song, or using the USB port and software as an effects loop. Key Features • Powered by SONAR X1 • 32 audio tracks • 64 MIDI tracks • 8 simultaneous inputs and outputs • 24-bit\/96 kHz audio quality • 24 simultaneous effects • 8 simultaneous virtual instruments"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 29764 混音器和控制台

    使用XLR和S\/PDIF连接,M-OneXL特别适合活动应用程序。它不仅包括一系列世界级的TC动词,而且还提供了专为实时声音设计的新算法。它还提供,压缩机,限幅器,延迟,和弦,参数EQ's,法兰,门,扩展器,设计,颤音,和相位器。车牌1和2 最基本的音响混响在M-One XL是\非数字\,机械的声音,使金属车牌多余:创造人工反射典型发现\旧机械\混响!盘1和盘2在鼓和声道上特别好。房间著名的TC电子房间混响产生大量不同大小和表面的房间设置。房间的混响使你的音乐生动起来,添加最终的现实主义和纹理到你的混合。预置 M-One XL装有200个高级工厂预置,涵盖几乎所有可以想象的应用。最重要的是,M-One可以在用户银行中存储多达100个你最喜欢的预置。当您对预置满意时,只需按下存储键保存即可。它是如此简单,以至于你几乎忘记你实际上是在做预置!简而言之,M-One XL为您提供了所有的工具,您需要的,无论何时您想要创建质量效果如调制和音高效果以及EQ, De-esser和动力学!鼓动词制作一个鼓包,特别是小军鼓,使用混响已经成为流行\/摇滚多年来的标准。在听力条件完美的录音室里,有很多选择。在PA的情况下达到同样的效果是完全不同的故事。高密度混响在扩音系统中往往会消失。使用的\Live\类型混响的M-One XL将给你准确的颗粒级必要的实现这一特殊的效果。Live\混响非常适合简短和快速的小snare混响,以及大民谣3.0秒的汤姆混响。大主音人声大主音人声经常被一个很好的调音大厅支持,甚至可能有一些延迟。将这两种效果完美地结合起来可能有点困难。延迟重复的事实继续重复原始干源,即使在混响衰减后,使延迟突出作为一个单独的效果。使用M-One XL \并行\/串行\路由允许您使用两种延迟,与精确的抽头控制,和高密度混响与独立的输入,同时馈送延迟重复到混响,允许更大的整合两种效果。环境声增强在现场混音中使主声声音既清脆又呈现不总是容易的。把音量调大,保持中性频率,会让声音浮在音乐上。使用M-One XL的氛围混响有助于这种特殊情况。高密度的早期反射和短暂的衰减,将为声音增加足够的亮度和光芒,而不影响频率响应。
  • TMP Pro Distribution 49623 混音器和控制台

    便携性和便利性是重要的标准,一个基于高性能雅马哈emx系列动力混频器的系统绝对是走的路。在一个集成的便携式单元中,你有一个混频器来组合和平衡你的麦克风、仪器和线源,效果来完善和抛光你的声音,动力来驱动主扬声器,甚至是监视器扬声器。EMX512具有32位SPX FX与可选的脚开关控制,双模式放大器,压缩器在每个单声道,反馈通道定位系统的识别问题通道,雅啊哈扬声器处理,以及更多。混合通道:4个单声道+ 4个立体声+返回辅助:1(效果发送)主:立体声输入通道功能 CH1-4压缩机,3波段PEQ CH5-8: 3波段PEQ 车载处理器:SPX 2x 7波段GEQ YSProcessing Mic输入:8 幽灵功率:+15V DC;开\/关线输入:4x立体声控制:脚踏开关待机(全静音)最大输出功率@ 4欧姆:500W\/ch 输出选择:L\/R L+R\/显示器"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 50149 混音器和控制台

    便携性和便利性是重要的标准,一个基于高性能雅马哈emx系列动力混频器的系统绝对是走的路。在一个集成的便携式单元中,你有一个混频器来组合和平衡你的麦克风、仪器和线源,效果来完善和抛光你的声音,动力来驱动主扬声器,甚至是监视器扬声器。EMX212的特点是32位SPX FX与可选的脚开关控制,双模式放大器,反馈通道定位系统的识别问题通道,雅aha扬声器处理,以及更多。混合通道:4个单声道+ 4个立体声+返回辅助:1(效果发送)主:立体声输入通道功能 CH1-4压缩机,3波段PEQ CH5-8: 3波段PEQ 车载处理器:SPX 2x 7波段GEQ YSProcessing Mic输入:8 幽灵功率:+15V DC;开\/关线输入:4x立体声控制:脚踏开关待机(全静音)最大输出功率@ 4欧姆:220W\/ch 输出选择:L\/R L+R\/显示器"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 42725 混音器和控制台

    EMX5014C是一款多功能混频器,它将高性能混频器、功率放大器、图形均衡器和数字效果单元封装在一个紧凑、便携式控制台式单元中。它是机架,便于携带,适合广泛的用途。EMX5014的特点是SPX FX,轻23磅的重量,6个简单的单旋钮压缩机,反馈通道定位,待机模式,双模放大器,可选的机架耳,和雅aha扬声器处理音乐会俱乐部和BR系列扬声器。混合通道:6个单声道+ 2个立体声+返回辅助:3个(含1x效果发送)主:立体声输入通道功能 CH1-6: HPF压缩机3波段中扫PEQ插入I\/O CH7-10: HPF 3波段PEQ;CH11-14: 3波段PEQ 车载处理器:2x SPX 2x 9波段GEQ YSProcessing Mic输入:8 幽灵功率:+48V DC;开/关线输入:4x立体控制:脚踏开关板上放大器最大输出功率@4ohms: 500W\/ch 最大输出功率@8ohms: 370W\/ch (100V型)350W\/ch (120V型)320W\/ch (220-240V型)输出选择:500W 200W 75W;L \ / R AUX1 \ / MONO AUX1 \ / AUX2
  • TMP Pro Distribution 38862 混音器和控制台

    Soundcraft还推出了另一款快速增长的新Soundcraft系列产品——多格式低成本EPM混音器。 Soundcraft EPM的重点是非常坚定的质量构建和音频性能,与一个容易理解的控制表面没有不必要的设施,Soundcraft带来了新技术和想法,这是一个非常经济的范围。表面安装技术贯穿始终,使用紧密公差组件实现高精度和EQ和增益控制的可重复设置。高透明GB30 Mic amp(由Graham Blyth为公司成立30周年而设计,也用于较大的LX7ii和GB系列主机上)具有高分辨率的调整,增益范围为55dB,通过控制台提供了令人惊叹的+22dB净空。真正专业的48伏幻影电源满足电容器麦克风的所有类型。信号监控的一个独特特点是尖峰led。这使用多点信号起飞,以观察超载在通道带的几个部分,和led灯更明亮,当信号接近峰值点。为了平滑和准确的通道控制,EPM有60mm高质量的喇叭,作为使用在其他Soundcraft桌。监视器输出和耳机输出是并行工作的,这样当工程师在录音室的监视器上监听时,表演者仍然可以监听手机。模拟\/数字:模拟帧大小:12 立体通道:2 数字I\/O:无 FX处理器:0 组:0 EQ波段:3 辅助发送:2 返回:1 直接输出:无矩阵输出:0 主总线输出:LR"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 38874 混音器和控制台

    Soundcraft还推出了另一款快速增长的新Soundcraft系列产品——多格式低成本EPM混音器。 Soundcraft EPM的重点是非常坚定的质量构建和音频性能,与一个容易理解的控制表面没有不必要的设施,Soundcraft带来了新技术和想法,这是一个非常经济的范围。表面安装技术贯穿始终,使用紧密公差组件实现高精度和EQ和增益控制的可重复设置。高透明GB30 Mic amp(由Graham Blyth为公司成立30周年而设计,也用于较大的LX7ii和GB系列主机上)具有高分辨率的调整,增益范围为55dB,通过控制台提供了令人惊叹的+22dB净空。真正专业的48伏幻影电源满足电容器麦克风的所有类型。信号监控的一个独特特点是尖峰led。这使用多点信号起飞,以观察超载在通道带的几个部分,和led灯更明亮,当信号接近峰值点。为了平滑和准确的通道控制,EPM有60mm高质量的喇叭,作为使用在其他Soundcraft桌。监视器输出和耳机输出是并行工作的,这样当工程师在录音室的监视器上监听时,表演者仍然可以监听手机。模拟\/数字:模拟帧大小:6 立体通道:2 数字I\/O:无 FX处理器:0 组:0 EQ波段:3 辅助发送:2 返回:1 直接输出:无矩阵输出:0 主总线输出:LR"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 71763 混音器和控制台

    MT-X扩展盒为个人混频器的机箱和连接器提供坚固的保护,以及额外的音频连接选项,简化了几乎任何监控设备的连接。 MT-X与MT-1 Mic Stand Mount一起连接到个人搅拌机底面的内置安装孔上。配备MT-X的个人混频器被设计为通过Cat-5电缆从A-16D或A-16D Pro A-Net分配器供电。 MT-X连接音频连接包括1\/8英寸和1\/4英寸立体声耳机插孔以及单独的XLR左\/右不平衡线级音频输出。在MT-X上的a - net使用了一个重型锁定EtherCon®连接器。所有接头都在MT-X机箱的底面。 MT-X膨胀盒可以附在A-16II或原(已停产)的A-16个人搅拌机上。音频输出: 1\/4英寸TRS立体声,耳机或线电平; 1\/8英寸TRS立体声,耳机或线水平; XLR左右音频输出,不平衡"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 51530 混音器和控制台

    这款19\机架式混频器是专门设计用于教堂和表演场所的小型装置,或用于小型便携式扩音系统。它还将在广播中找到朋友,它的高质量和功能设置将非常吸引人。 GB2R 16提供16个单声道输入到一个立体声混合输出和6个辅助发送。一如既往地,Soundcraft控制台强调操作简单、清晰直观的布局和最高可能的音频性能。Soundcraft GB2R继承了GB4和GB8的GB30 Mic前置放大器和GB30均衡器设计。为便于安装,连接器部分包含在一个可旋转的吊舱中,如果放在桌面上,则允许电缆从搅拌机顶部进入,如果安装在一个19\"机架上,则允许电缆从后部进入。每个输入都有前置/后可切换的直接输出用于记录或效果发送,而内部通用电压PSU避免外部电源连接。整个GB系列带有高品质的标志,与Soundcraft是同义词,与工程和设计,正如你所期望的,从这个高端制造商。仔细注意已给予机械结构,以确保可靠性和艰苦的条件下,与所有输入模块被建造与个别垂直安装的pcb,安装到钢底盘前面板与个别螺母电位。模拟\/数字:模拟帧大小:16 立体通道:2 数字I\/O:无 FX处理器:0 组:2 EQ波段:4 辅助发送:6 返回:2 直接输出:是矩阵输出:0 主总线输出:LR"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 39207 混音器和控制台

    "GL2800 is a compact, dual function, LR, M, 8 group, 10 aux, 12x4 matrix console. Frame sizes range from 24 to 48 channels including 2 stereo channels. • 2 extra dual stereos provide 4 summed or independent stereo returns • Fully featured 12x4 Matrix • Proper dual functionality for FoH\/Monitor mixing • Recording capable with channel direct outputs • M can be used for centre\/sub mix, LR mono sum, or engineers wedge • Matrix external inputs with level trims and common input capability • Stereo channel mic inputs can cross patch into matrix for ambience feed • Responsive 4 band, 2 sweep EQ • 100Hz channel high pass filters • Individual phantom power and polarity switching • Wide angle channel and master meters • Dedicated stereo monitor meters • Per channel pre\/post fader aux switching for full flexibility • Recessed pre\/post-EQ aux switching per channel • Internal jumper plugs for aux, direct out and other options • Mutes on all fader masters • 100mm dust protected faders • Assignable talkback to all outputs, includes a talk switch latch mode • 1kHz oscillator \/ pink noise generator with patchable external output • 2-track monitoring and replay to LR • 3 headphones\/earpiece sockets and local monitor outputs • Electronically balanced XLR outputs with +26dBu drive capability • Preamp 74dB range with +34dBu input capability for mic or line • Ultra low noise mix head amp design • Uses RPS11 high performance external linear power supply • Built-in combiner for redundant backup supply • Individual circuit card assembly with nutted pots • Sys-Link V2 console input\/output linking option • 4-pin XLR lamp sockets - Allen & Heath LEDlamp available"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 40034 混音器和控制台

    "GL2800 is a compact, dual function, LR, M, 8 group, 10 aux, 12x4 matrix console. Frame sizes range from 24 to 48 channels including 2 stereo channels. • 2 extra dual stereos provide 4 summed or independent stereo returns • Fully featured 12x4 Matrix • Proper dual functionality for FoH\/Monitor mixing • Recording capable with channel direct outputs • M can be used for centre\/sub mix, LR mono sum, or engineers wedge • Matrix external inputs with level trims and common input capability • Stereo channel mic inputs can cross patch into matrix for ambience feed • Responsive 4 band, 2 sweep EQ • 100Hz channel high pass filters • Individual phantom power and polarity switching • Wide angle channel and master meters • Dedicated stereo monitor meters • Per channel pre\/post fader aux switching for full flexibility • Recessed pre\/post-EQ aux switching per channel • Internal jumper plugs for aux, direct out and other options • Mutes on all fader masters • 100mm dust protected faders • Assignable talkback to all outputs, includes a talk switch latch mode • 1kHz oscillator \/ pink noise generator with patchable external output • 2-track monitoring and replay to LR • 3 headphones\/earpiece sockets and local monitor outputs • Electronically balanced XLR outputs with +26dBu drive capability • Preamp 74dB range with +34dBu input capability for mic or line • Ultra low noise mix head amp design • Uses RPS11 high performance external linear power supply • Built-in combiner for redundant backup supply • Individual circuit card assembly with nutted pots • Sys-Link V2 console input\/output linking option • 4-pin XLR lamp sockets - Allen & Heath LEDlamp available"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 37110 混音器和控制台

    金封系列安瓿瓶为承包商提供了灵活的解决方案,而不需要输入模块。他们有4 XLR mic in,电话in, aux in,听觉兴奋器,声学EQ\/反馈控制,幻影功率,aux fade back,输入静音,和更多。
  • TMP Pro Distribution 34045 混音器和控制台

    金封系列安瓿瓶为承包商提供了灵活的解决方案,而不需要输入模块。他们有4 XLR mic in,电话in, aux in,听觉兴奋器,声学EQ\/反馈控制,幻影功率,aux fade back,输入静音,和更多。
  • TMP Pro Distribution 50011 混音器和控制台

    金封系列安瓿瓶为承包商提供了灵活的解决方案,而不需要输入模块。他们有4 XLR mic in,电话in, aux in,听觉兴奋器,声学EQ\/反馈控制,幻影功率,aux fade back,输入静音,和更多。
  • TMP Pro Distribution 58394 混音器和控制台

  • TMP Pro Distribution 58213 混音器和控制台

    在Ashly ne24.24m DSP主机上增加逻辑输出触发远程设备
  • TMP Pro Distribution 39203 混音器和控制台

    "A basic Hear Back system consists of a Hub and personal Mixers connected using standard CAT5E cables. A single Hub supplies signal and power to a maximum of eight Mixers. That's one for you and everybody in the band. If that's not enough, the Hubs can be daisy-chained using the HearBus In and Out for virtually unlimited system size. The Hear Back Hub can accept analog input signals from audio mixers, auxiliary, matrix, monitor, and\/or direct outputs. The ADAT input can come from digital audio workstations, digital recorders, or digital mixers. For front of house or remotely located digital mixers, we also have the Extreme Extender ADAT In\/Out that converts ADAT optical, which has very limited distance, to the HearBus for transmission of up to 500 feet. Our solution, Hear Back, has several key advantages: Virtually unlimited system size Very attractive pricing Excellent audio fidelity Built-in DSP Limiter Very long digital lines possible without loss of audio quality Audio inputs ADAT, analog, and the HearBus are switch selectable from the front panel. Local control of up to ten channels of audio (8 inputs plus a stereo Aux input) Master Volume (controls the level to the headphones, line outs and the Aux input to the line outputs) Built-in DSP Limiter (designed as a \"brick wall\" limiter for hearing protection and to protect monitor wedges from overload) Headphone amplifier fault indicator in case of over temperature, or a short, the red LED comes on to alert the user something is a problem. A second visual trouble shooting aid for the user is the Bus status indicator Link Indicators - Whenever two pairs of mono inputs are linked for stereo operation the link LED is illuminated Standard CAT5E power and signal Connection, cost effective, simple, non-obtrusive way to connect eight channels of audio. The Cable is held in place with a \"built-in cable strain relief\" Balanced Line-Outs, Mono\/Stereo Stereo AUX In Built-in Mic Stand Mount may be mounted to a standard mic stand or clipped onto a stand extension bar or clip High Power - Low Distortion Headphone Amplifiers One of the industry's most powerful headphone amplifiers"
  • TMP Pro Distribution 49197 混音器和控制台

    "DN-X500 rackmount mobile\/club DJ mixer. Rock solid construction, superb audio fidelity, high quality parts, and of course reliability are the core ingredients of its design. The DN-X500's unique features provide Mobile and Club DJs tremendous flexibility and intuitive control. Eight-channel input matrix routing gives you the freedom to move any source to any channel or even the same source to multiple channels for remixing. Pre-fader level metering and gain control as well as Long 60 mm smooth channel faders are individually replaceable with our rotary knob option (ACD-46). Three-Band EQ with full output kill, booth output with channel select, two mic inputs with talkover sensitivity and effects send\/return with cue, dry\/wet knob and channel select should make this mixer the one you've been waiting for. Matrix Input Assignment No longer does your device need to be married to a particular Channel. Eight input sources are freely assignable to any channel or even multiple channels. 8 Line \/ 2 Phono Switchable 4 Smooth 60mm VCA Channel Faders Responsive 45mm VCA Cross Fader with Contour Adjust Independent Channel PFL Meters All input levels can be pre-adjusted in advance to match the gain levels, insuring a smooth transition between fades. Independent EQ On\/Off Switch Booth Output Assign Selector Pre-monitor any channel including Master through the booth output in the same manner as you would with your headphones, with volume control! External Send\/Return Control - Multi Channel Assignable - Effect On\/Off - Effect Cueing (Pre & Post) - Effect Dry\/Wet Knob Independent Channel A-B Post Switch (crossfader) Powerful Clean Headphone Output Fader Start (5V pulse) Cross Fader and Channel Fader-Start Trigger is compatible with all Denon DJ CD\/MP3 players. Other Features Compact 4U Rack Space with Recessed Rear Terminals Independent 3-band Main and Aux Mic EQ Independent CUE System (all channels) Mic Talkover Function with Sensitivity Adjustment Split \/Cue Headphone Monitor with PFL Metering Master Output -10dB Attenuation Switch Master Output Stereo\/Mono Switch Record Out - RCA\/Unbalanced Subwoofer\/Lighting Output with Frequency Adjust Ideal for powered speakers, powered amp or even a signal feed for lighting systems. Optional Rotary Knob Kit, Model: ACD-46 A DJ or club owner can easily swap out any Channel Fader (1 to 4) and replace them with our Optional ACD-46 Rotary Knob Kits, making the DN-X500 appealing to both Fader and Knob style DJs. With its powerful matrix routing option, it doesn't matter where they get installed."
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