

  【仪表网 仪表会议】 导读:3位专家、学者在6月23日的固废危废元素分析网络研讨会带来了固废、危废中有害元素的控制与测定分享,他们都聊了什么?进来看~





  本次直播由理学博士/研究员,原国家环境分析测试中心分析测试技术研究室主任李玉武、马尔文帕纳科中国区XRF产品经理熊佳星及清华大学环境学院 研究员  巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心区域化学品管理室副主任、苏州分中心(筹)副主任吕溥携手,直击固危废有害元素控制与测定主题!研讨会上,他们这样剖解↓

  李玉武开场便带来了题为《固废样品WD-XRF方法标准【HJ 1211-2021】解读和土壤重金属ED-XRF方法标准项目进展》的报告。

  李玉武介绍到,X射线荧光光谱无标样分析法自九十年代推出,可在较少标准样品的情况下分析各样品中七十余个元素,应用范围广、适应性强,是目前应对固废中有害元素污染较好的技术手段之一。该分析方法下,样品中目标元素的含量是影响强度理论计算值的最大变量。其还透露,《土壤和沉积物 As、Pb、Ni、Cu、Zn、V、Cr、Mn等重金属元素的测定 能量色散X射线荧光光谱法》标准项目已完成方法验证试验,计划于今年年底公开征求意见。









  • 元素分析



"When handhelds aren’t enough, the amazing new SPECTROPORT portable metal analyzer applies more advanced OES technology — in a unit as easy to use as a handheld analyzer. SPECTROPORT delivers many advantages of SPECTRO’s portable OES flagship, SPECTROTEST, in a smaller, lighter package. It accurately analyzes elements such as carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, and boron. It’s as fast as an XRF, with many analyses taking only a few seconds. And it enables effortless point-and-shoot performance, to minimize operator intervention and decision-making. It adds the convenience and simplicity of the best handheld analyzers to the accuracy and wide analytical range of SPECTRO’s renowned OES technology. You get fast, ready response; flexible portability; intuitive ease of use; and minimal standardization efforts. Predefined calibration packages and the new SPECTRO exclusive iCAL 2.0 calibration logic system eliminate repeated calibrations and delays. Perform a single-sample standardization (less than 5 minutes) at the start of the day’s testing and you’re all set. Your iCAL diagnostics ensure stable performance throughout a typical day. And now iCAL 2.0 helps maintain the same standardization — regardless of most temperature shifts."

道一传感 NHN-220 元素分析仪

NHN-220是一款基础型常规水质监测数字氨氮传感器;采用工业在线电极, PVC膜的铵离子选择电极制作而成,选择性的测试水中的铵离子含量,响应速度快, 测量准确。内置温度传感器,可以自动温度补偿,适合在线长期监测环境使用。

Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science FM EXPERT 元素分析仪

"The FM EXPERT is the next level optical emission spectrometer, combining superior analytical performance with a compact size. Its large wavelength range is ideal for the analysis of all relevant elements in metals quality assurance and production process control. The FM EXPERT also allows for the analysis of nitrogen at low levels thanks to its compact CCD optics system.","The FM EXPERT combines our patented smart optics with an improved plasma view, guaranteeing excellent analytical performance with low detection limits over the entire wavelength range. The argon purged optics reduce maintenance intervals and the costs of ownership.","Unique in its class, the FM EXPERT’s sealed argon system for optimized optical plasma view and the concentric electrode shielding argon flow ensure reliable nitrogen analysis down to a detection limit of just 30 ppm."

LECO Corporation 844 Series 元素分析仪

"LECO combined our customers' feedback with innovative engineering to develop the CS844, an elemental analyzer designed for wide-range measurement of carbon and sulfur content of primary steels, ores, finished metals, ceramics, and other inorganic materials using the combustion technique. Our exclusive MS Windows®-based software, coupled with a boom-mounted touch interface, gives you complete access to instrument control, analysis settings, diagnostics, reporting, and more—without sacrificing valuable bench space.","Cornerstone Mobile option provides access to data, plots, and instrument status from your smart phone, tablet, or desktop computer.","The instrument complies with many approved standard test methods, including ISO 9556, ISO 10719, ASTM E1941, and ASTM E1019.","Improved IR Cell Design","Reliable Automation Available","Additional Features and Benefits"

Analytics, Inc. 7505 元素分析仪

"This unit has been referred to as the little giant. It comes loaded with outstanding features all the while requiring very little space as the unit is small considered to our units in the process line-up. This is popular with system integrators due to the little space it occupies and it’s powerful analytical presence."

HORIBA Scientific EMGA-921 - Hydrogen Analyzer 烟气分析仪 / 燃烧分析仪


Spectro Scientific / AMETEK 斯派超 SpectrOil 100 Series 油传感器和分析仪

SpectrOil 100旋转圆盘电极光发射光谱仪(RDE-OES)是市场领先的第八代RDE元素光谱仪。它广泛应用于商业石油实验室、现场或拖车实验室,作为精确测定润滑油、冷却剂、轻燃料或重燃料、润滑脂和工艺用水中元素成分的有效手段。它还支持联合油分析程序(JOAP)的校准,结果与SpectrOil MNW的结果相关,SpectrOil MNW是美国和北约军用润滑油元素分析的唯一认可光谱仪(SpectrOil 120M型)。它也是Spectro’s TriVector™ MiniLab 153现场油液分析仪的关键部件

Oxford Instruments Xplore TEM 辐射探测器

Xplore TEM,我们的SDD探测器专为120kV和200kV的日常应用设计一个新的80 mm2传感器和聚合物薄窗口和极端电子设备该探测器提供快速和准确的元素特征。0.1-0.4 s的立体角rad检测从Be到Cf元素的定量分析>200000 cps SATW窗口提供了无与伦比的易用性

Hitachi High Technologies 日立高新技术 Vortex®-ME4 辐射探测器

Vortex®-ME4是一种四元素硅漂移检测器(SDD)X射线检测系统,总有效面积为120 mm2-200 mm2。,Vortex®-ME4提供了优越的能量分辨率和高通量性能,以增强X射线光谱分析系统的总体分析性能。









