Improving The Hospital Admission and Discharge Process via RTLS Patient Tracking


Improving The Hospital Admission and Discharge Process
Illustration: © IoT For All

What is RTLS?

RTLS (Real-time location system) is a promising technology for patient tracking in hospitals and healthcare settings. When it comes to RTLS tracking technology in hospitals, the first applications that come to mind are triage planning and optimizations in emergency services, operating room usage and planning, and the bed management process. Aside from these well-known application areas, improving hospital admission and discharge processes can be difficult, but implementing real-time location system (RTLS) technology can help streamline the process and make it more efficient for both patients and staff.

Traditionally, patient admission and discharge procedures are handled through a Hospital Information System (HIS) Patient admission officers are in charge of registering patients when they first arrive at the hospital. Unfortunately, the workload and immediate distractions of admissions officers can cause delays in the patient admission process in HIS. The time it takes from the patient’s arrival at the hospital to his admission to HIS can be several hours, which can disrupt the patient’s medical care and treatment process.

Patient admission officers are also in charge of HIS discharge procedures. As with patient admission, the discharge process from HIS may be delayed due to the distractions and workload of admissions officers. Even though the patient’s medical care and treatment are complete, he or she has to wait until the discharge from HIS is completed. The time it takes from manual discharge entry to HIS is usually measured in hours, but it can be as much as a half or a full day in some cases. Any additional time spent in the hospital after medical care has been completed incurs significant costs for payers, both insurance and patients.

“Any additional time spent in the hospital after medical care has been completed incurs significant costs for payers, both insurance and patients.”

-Borda Technology

Admission and Discharge with RTLS Patient Tracking

Hospital patient tracking using RTLS technology can be a solution to the problem of delay in discharge and hospitalization, which is a major issue in hospital management. The admissions officer may wear the patient’s wristband with the RTLS Patient Tag when the patient is first admitted to the hospital. This allows staff to track patients throughout the facility quickly and easily, eliminating the need for long check-in lines and multiple paperwork submissions.

Wearable patient tags allow for real-time patient tracking in hospital settings, and this location data can be shared with HIS at the same time. Integration between the HIS and an RTLS-enabled patient flow/patient throughput solution ensures that patients are admitted at the correct time and that care and treatment can begin without delay. RTLS tags are worn by patients throughout their inpatient and hospital stay.

When the medical care and treatment process is completed, nurses can remove wearable patient tags shortly after the discharge decision is made. Removing the patient tag can automatically send discharge notifications to the HIS in real-time, allowing patients to leave the hospital without having to wait for manual HIS entry.

Patient tags can reduce the risk of errors during the admission process in addition to simplifying the check-in and discharge processes. Staff can quickly verify that patients are in the correct room and have received the correct treatments, reducing the possibility of medication or treatment errors. This can improve not only the patient’s experience but also their health outcome.

Patient tracking with RTLS in the hospital ensures precise timing during the patient’s initial admission and accurately determines the time to discharge when medical care and treatment are completed. For hospital management processes, RTLS technology provides high-time resolution. The integration of an RTLS patient location tracking system and the HIS is a critical step toward advanced, data-driven healthcare.

In Conclusion

Overall, RTLS patient tracking can greatly improve hospital admission and discharge processes by streamlining the check-in and checkout processes and assisting staff in keeping track of patients throughout the facility. Hospitals can provide better care to patients and improve their overall experience by implementing RTLS.





  • Healthcare
  • Hospitals
  • Asset Tracking
  • Location Technology
  • People Tracking

  • Healthcare
  • Hospitals
  • Asset Tracking
  • Location Technology
  • People Tracking

RTLS(实时定位系统)是一项很有前途的技术,用于医院和医疗保健机构的患者跟踪。当提到医院中的RTLS跟踪技术时,首先想到的应用是急救服务中的分诊规划和优化、手术室使用和规划以及病床管理流程。除了这些众所周知的应用领域外,改善住院和出院流程可能很困难,但实施实时定位系统(RTLS)技术可以帮助简化流程,使患者和工作人员都更有效率。传统上,病人的入院和出院程序是通过医院信息系统(HIS)处理的。病人入院官员负责在病人第一次到达医院时登记。不幸的是,工作量和招生人员的即时分心可能会导致病人入院过程的延误。从患者到达医院到进入his的时间可能需要几个小时,这可能会扰乱患者的医疗护理和治疗过程。病人入院主任亦负责高等专科医院的出院手续。与患者入院一样,由于招生人员的分心和工作量,从HIS出院的过程可能会延迟。即使病人的医疗护理和治疗已经完成,他或她也必须等待他完成出院。从人工卸货进入HIS所需的时间通常以小时为单位,但在某些情况下可能长达半天或一整天。在医疗护理完成后,在医院花费的任何额外时间都会给支付者(保险公司和患者)带来巨大的费用。“在医疗护理完成后,任何额外的住院时间都会给支付方带来巨大的成本,无论是保险公司还是患者。”利用RTLS技术进行医院病人跟踪,可以解决医院管理中延误出院和住院的问题。当患者第一次入院时,招生人员可以佩戴带有RTLS患者标签的患者腕带。这使得工作人员可以快速轻松地在整个设施中跟踪患者,无需排长队登记和提交多个文件。可穿戴式患者标签允许在医院环境中实时跟踪患者,并且这些位置数据可以同时与HIS共享。HIS与rtls支持的患者流量/患者吞吐量解决方案之间的集成确保了患者在正确的时间入院,并且可以毫不延误地开始护理和治疗。患者在住院和住院期间佩戴RTLS标签。当医疗护理和治疗过程完成后,护士可以在出院决定后不久取下可穿戴的患者标签。删除患者标签可以自动向HIS实时发送出院通知,使患者无需等待人工进入HIS即可出院。患者标签除了简化入住和出院流程外,还可以降低入院过程中的错误风险。工作人员可以快速验证患者是否在正确的病房,并接受了正确的治疗,减少了药物或治疗错误的可能性。这不仅可以改善患者的体验,还可以改善他们的健康结果。在医院中使用RTLS跟踪患者,可确保患者初次入院时的准确时间,并准确确定医疗护理和治疗完成后的出院时间。对于医院管理流程,RTLS技术提供了高时间分辨率。RTLS患者位置跟踪系统和HIS的集成是迈向高级数据驱动医疗保健的关键一步。 总体而言,RTLS患者跟踪可以简化入住和结帐流程,并协助工作人员在整个设施中跟踪患者,从而大大改善住院和出院流程。医院可以通过实施RTLS为患者提供更好的护理,并改善他们的整体体验。
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