Microsoft could integrate ChatGPT into Bing in a bid to take on Google


The technology OpenAI’s popular chatbot ChatGPT and the GPT-3 large language model could be integrated into Microsoft’s Bing search engine in the near future, according to reports. Microsoft has invested heavily in OpenAI and any integration would likely be an “additional service” rather than the default, one analyst told Tech Monitor.

Microsoft has invested heavily in OpenAI and has started to incorporate its technology in Azure and commercial products (Photo: Casimiro PT/Shutterstock)
Microsoft has invested heavily in OpenAI and has started to incorporate its technology in Azure and commercial products. (Photo by Casimiro PT/Shutterstock)

According to Microsoft insiders speaking to The Information, the company is looking to capitalise on its $1bn investment in OpenAI by bringing the technology to Bing. The change could come as soon as March.

How will ChatGPT be useful in search engines?

What separates ChatGPT from previous instances of large language models is the ease of use; it can respond in natural human language to a simple or complex query, and even simplify the response further if asked by the user. It also presents the information directly, without the need to click a link then search through a long page of text to find the specific snippet.

Google has made some moves to address this aspect of search, including using its own large language models to create snippets and summaries of popular articles, and highlight that text within the link when a user clicks through, but experts say AI is likely to play an ever larger part in search in future.

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Microsoft has previously confirmed plans to integrate DALL-E 2 image generation technology into Bing via the built-in image creator and Microsoft Designer. At the time Microsoft said it “reflects how the company’s investment in AI research is infusing AI into everything it builds, produces and delivers to help everyone boost productivity and innovation.”

The move to integrate ChatGPT-type technology into Bing is part of a wider push to try and finally outflank Google, which has proved resistant to wider AI integration in providing direct responses to queries. The exact form the integration will take isn’t clear and when asked about its plans by Tech Monitor, Microsoft said it had no comment on the story.

The Information reported that the plan would see it provide more detailed answers to questions from Bing users, which Shelly Kramer, principal analyst at Futurum Research would turn it into a full answer engine. “Through machine learning and AI, it is able to provide responses to user queries,” Kramer says.

Bing has struggled to make an impact on the search engine market since its launch in 2009 but Kramer said that, if done properly, this development could be a direct threat to Google’s dominance in search, telling Tech Monitor that “when a company makes a significant portion of its revenue from search, it’s not a giant leap to see the threat this poses.”

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ChatGPT: the search and answer engine

“Anecdotally, ChatGPT is already being used as a search and answer engine,” Kramer says. “A friend shared a week ago that his nine-year-old daughter was working on her science homework using her iPad and phone. When he leaned over to see what she was doing, he realized she was using ChatGPT for her research, not Google, not social media – just AI-powered ChatGPT. It’s already happening.”

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There are risks involved in this move towards AI-powered answers and away from lists of websites providing in-depth content. Andy Mollison, head of SEO at the search agency Reflect Digital told Tech Monitor: “Bing choosing to tie in with ChatGPT is a huge threat to Google in terms of technological advancement and user experience – it feels only natural that as this technology develops, that Google will need to develop its own conversational AI in order to maintain its dominance in the search market.”

But this will harm creators and content producers, Mollison argues, saying that the AI-generated response should “only be provided when there is no clear answer available from an original creator”. The problem with this approach is that it would be working out how to “differentiate between human-generated and AI-generated website content,” he says.

Differentiating between websites that employ writers, researchers, journalists and content producers, and those which generate content through AI tools is likely to be a growing problem as the use of tools such as ChatGPT becomes more widespread. This issue already exists and “poses a much wider risk to factual accuracy in mainstream content,” Mollison adds.

AI-powered search could drive traffic for businesses

But the benefits for businesses may outweigh those risks and could even drive traffic to websites if properly integrated within the answers provided by AI, although ChatGPT would need to improve its ability to reference content before that is a viable alternative.

“Bing could use this data to provide suggested related searches, or related information as a result of a user’s search query – therefore providing the user with a reason to make an additional search query,” says Mollison. “Bing could utilise the data to try and answer the query much like Google’s featured snippets, however this is dangerous in terms of ensuring factual accuracy.”

At least initially he thinks Bing will use ChatGPT as a “bolt-on” for search pages to showcase the technology as a Microsoft tool, rather than integrating it within results more closely. “This could therefore be used as a PR tool, persuading users to use Bing for their search queries because of perceived technological improvements that make their service higher quality than Google’s,” he adds.

Sam Thomas, analytics lead at Embryo said that whatever happens, if ChatGPT references an external source to provide its result then that content and references should be stated and put in front of the searcher to make it clear where the information originated.

Read more: A metadata ‘watermark’ could be the solution to ChatGPT plagiarism fears

Topics in this article : AI , ChatGPT , Microsoft , OpenAI

据报道,OpenAI的热门聊天机器人ChatGPT和GPT-3大型语言模型可能在不久的将来被集成到微软的必应搜索引擎中。一位分析师告诉Tech Monitor,微软在OpenAI上投入了大量资金,任何集成都可能是一项“附加服务”,而不是默认的服务。据微软内部人士向The Information透露,该公司正寻求利用其在OpenAI上的10亿美元投资,将该技术引入必应。这一变化最快将在3月份到来。ChatGPT与以前的大型语言模型实例的区别在于易于使用;它可以用自然的人类语言对简单或复杂的查询作出响应,甚至可以在用户提出要求时进一步简化响应。它还直接显示信息,不需要单击链接,然后在一长页文本中搜索以找到特定的片段。谷歌已经采取了一些措施来解决搜索的这方面问题,包括使用自己的大型语言模型来创建热门文章的摘要和摘要,并在用户点击时突出显示链接中的文本,但专家表示,人工智能在未来的搜索中可能会发挥更大的作用。微软之前已经确认计划通过内置的图像生成器和微软设计器将dall - e2图像生成技术集成到必应中。当时微软表示,这“反映了该公司在人工智能研究方面的投资是如何将人工智能注入其构建、生产和交付的一切,以帮助每个人提高生产力和创新。”将chatgpt类型的技术集成到必应的举措,是尝试并最终击败谷歌的更广泛努力的一部分。事实证明,谷歌在提供对查询的直接回应方面抵制更广泛的人工智能集成。整合的具体形式尚不清楚,当被Tech Monitor问及其计划时,微软表示对此事不予置评。据The Information报道,该计划将为必应用户提出的问题提供更详细的答案,未来研究公司(Futurum Research)的首席分析师谢利·克雷默(Shelly Kramer)将把它变成一个完整的答案引擎。克雷默说:“通过机器学习和人工智能,它能够对用户的查询做出回应。”自2009年推出以来,必应一直在努力对搜索引擎市场产生影响,但克雷默表示,如果操作得当,这一发展可能会直接威胁到谷歌在搜索领域的主导地位。他告诉Tech Monitor,“当一家公司的很大一部分收入来自搜索时,看到这一威胁并不是一个巨大的飞跃。”“据说,ChatGPT已经被用作搜索和回答引擎,”克雷默说。一位朋友一周前分享说,他9岁的女儿正在用iPad和手机做科学作业。当他俯下身去看她在做什么时,他意识到她正在使用ChatGPT进行研究,而不是谷歌,也不是社交媒体——只是人工智能驱动的ChatGPT。这已经发生了。“朝着人工智能答案、远离提供深度内容的网站列表的方向发展,是有风险的。搜索公司Reflect Digital的搜索引擎优化主管安迪·莫利森(Andy Mollison)告诉《科技观察报》(Tech Monitor):“必应选择与ChatGPT合作,就技术进步和用户体验而言,对谷歌来说是一个巨大的威胁。随着技术的发展,谷歌为了保持在搜索市场的主导地位,自然需要开发自己的对话式人工智能。”但莫里森认为,这将损害创作者和内容生产者的利益,他表示,人工智能生成的回应“只应该在原创创作者无法提供明确答案的情况下才提供”。他说,这种方法的问题在于,它将研究如何“区分人类生成的网站内容和人工智能生成的网站内容”。 随着ChatGPT等工具的使用越来越普遍,区分雇佣作家、研究人员、记者和内容生产者的网站,以及那些通过人工智能工具生成内容的网站,可能会成为一个越来越大的问题。Mollison补充道,这个问题已经存在,并且“对主流内容的事实准确性构成了更大的风险。”但是,如果将ChatGPT与人工智能提供的答案适当地整合在一起,它给企业带来的好处可能超过这些风险,甚至可能为网站带来流量,尽管在成为可行的替代方案之前,ChatGPT还需要提高其引用内容的能力。Mollison说:“必应可以利用这些数据提供相关搜索建议,或者用户搜索结果中的相关信息,从而为用户提供进行额外搜索查询的理由。”“必应可以利用这些数据来尝试回答问题,就像谷歌的精选片段一样,但这在确保事实准确性方面是危险的。”他认为,至少在最初阶段,必应将把ChatGPT作为搜索页面的“附加”,以展示作为微软工具的技术,而不是更紧密地将其整合到搜索结果中。他补充说:“因此,这可以作为一种公关工具,说服用户使用必应进行搜索,因为他们认为,技术进步使必应的服务质量高于谷歌。”Sam Thomas,胚胎分析主管说,无论发生什么,如果ChatGPT引用外部来源来提供它的结果,那么内容和引用应该被声明,并放在搜索者面前,让他们清楚信息的来源。
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