Skydio Introduces Skydio Dock and Dock Lite: Small, Lightweight Solutions for Remote Drone Ops


  US-based drone manufacturer Skydio introduces Skydio Dock and Dock Lite, powered by Skydio’s new Remote Ops software.

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DroneLife · Project Skydio – Introduces – Dock – And – Dock – Lite – For – Remote – Drone – Operations

Skydio dock and dock liteDocking systems, or “drone-in-a-box” solutions, are the way of the future for remote drone operations.  A docking station that can monitor internal and external conditions and recharge drone batteries combined with software for remote operations enables operators to execute drone missions from miles away – or from a central operations hub.  That’s a holy grail for many industries, the point at which already valuable drone technology and drone data increases its ROI exponentially.  As the FAA allows more missions beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) – and the drone industry awaits a final rule on BVLOS operations – remote drone ops have become a near term option for many industries.

Skydio’s drone products are already powered by a ground-breaking autonomy platform, one which helps the operators execute complex missions safely without having to be expert pilots.   With the introduction of the Skydio Dock and Dock Lite, Skydio is moving the ball forward on remote drone operations.

Dock and Dock Lite are the smallest, lightest, and smartest cloud-connected base stations for drones available on the market today. Built on powerful AI models, Skydio’s Dock solutions give customers complete remote and autonomous visibility into tasks like site inspection and monitoring, mapping, and situational awareness – indoors and outdoors – from anywhere in the world.

Until today, enterprise and commercial users have had to rely on big, expensive, manual drone-in-a-box solutions that depend on manual flight by on-site pilots. Skydio drones housed in Dock and Dock Lite can fly safely with a single off-site operator, or autonomously, at a fraction of the cost, size, and complexity of existing solutions. Further, Skydio Remote Ops software enhances the drone’s AI-powered autonomy so operators can effortlessly perform streamlined missions.

“The concept of remotely operated drones is incredibly compelling,” said Adam Bry, CEO of Skydio. “It has attracted a gaggle of activity from startups and established manual drone companies, but it’s never going to work the way customers want – let alone scale to address real world applications solving the needs of today – unless you can trust the drone to fly itself. And making drones smart enough to fly themselves is our core focus. Skydio Dock and Skydio Dock Lite, combined with our Remote Ops software, deliver autonomous capabilities for our customers, whether they are monitoring their warehouses, inspecting a security perimeter, or assessing infrastructure following a natural disaster–finally realizing the promise of efficient, scaleable remote operations”

Skydio Dock, Skydio Dock Lite and Skydio Remote Ops are announced with the participation of Skydio’s Early Access customers and partners, including the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Southern Company, Caltrans, the Oracle Innovation Lab, and Obayashi Construction (Japan).

“(With this technology) we’re able to monitor construction progress in more efficient ways than we previously could. We’re capturing imagery, videos, and live streaming a feed back to our resident engineers for real-time data. It’s a big cost saver for us, and we look forward to implementing it around the state for multiple applications and use cases,” said Thomas Walls, North Carolina Department of Transportation UAS Operations Manager.

BVLOS flight and remote operations aren’t legal everywhere, and operators need to be sure to follow local regulations.  However, with the introduction of the remote operations solution, Skydio is also offering services to help customers navigate the regulations and waiver process.

“Skydio’s regulatory team has already obtained multiple, pathbreaking remote operations waivers for US and global customers–with many more in progress. Skydio’s regulatory team partners with our customers to unlock scaleable, efficient remote operations–aided by unmatched knowledge of our products and a strong track record of success with global aviation regulators,” says the Skydio press release.

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb

Miriam McNabb is the Editor-in-Chief of DRONELIFE and CEO of JobForDrones, a professional drone services marketplace, and a fascinated observer of the emerging drone industry and the regulatory environment for drones. Miriam has penned over 3,000 articles focused on the commercial drone space and is an international speaker and recognized figure in the industry.  Miriam has a degree from the University of Chicago and over 20 years of experience in high tech sales and marketing for new technologies.
For drone industry consulting or writing, Email Miriam.


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Skydio介绍Skydio Dock和Dock Lite:用于远程无人机操作的小型、轻量级解决方案

美国无人机制造商Skydio推出了Skydio Dock和Dock Lite,由Skydio的新远程操作软件提供支持。继续阅读下文,或倾听:对接系统,或“盒子里的无人机”解决方案,是未来远程无人机操作的方式。一个可以监控内部和外部条件并为无人机电池充电的对接站,结合远程操作软件,使操作员能够在数英里外或从中央操作中心执行无人机任务。这是许多行业的圣杯,在这一点上,已经有价值的无人机技术和无人机数据将成倍提高其投资回报率。随着美国联邦航空局允许更多的超视距(BVLOS)任务,无人机行业正在等待关于BVLOS操作的最终规则,远程无人机操作已成为许多行业的短期选择。Skydio的无人机产品已经由一个突破性的自主平台提供动力,该平台可以帮助操作员安全地执行复杂的任务,而无需成为专业飞行员。随着Skydio Dock和Dock Lite的推出,Skydio正在推进远程无人机操作。Dock和Dock Lite是目前市场上最小、最轻、最智能的无人机云连接基站。Skydio的Dock解决方案基于强大的人工智能模型,为客户在世界任何地方的现场检查和监控、测绘和室内室外态势感知等任务提供完整的远程和自主可视性。直到今天,企业和商业用户不得不依赖于大型、昂贵的手动“盒子里的无人机”解决方案,这些解决方案依赖于现场飞行员的手动飞行。Skydio无人机安装在Dock和Dock Lite中,只需一个场外操作员就可以安全飞行,也可以自主飞行,成本、尺寸和复杂性都是现有解决方案的一小部分。此外,Skydio远程操作软件增强了无人机的人工智能自主性,因此操作员可以轻松执行简化的任务。Skydio首席执行官亚当·布里(Adam Bry)表示:“遥控无人机的概念非常引人注目。“它已经吸引了创业公司和成熟的人工无人机公司的大量活动,但它永远不会以客户想要的方式工作——更不用说解决当今需求的现实世界应用程序了——除非你能相信无人机能自己飞行。让无人机足够智能,能够自动飞行是我们的核心关注点。Skydio Dock和Skydio Dock Lite,结合我们的远程操作软件,为我们的客户提供自主功能,无论他们是监控他们的仓库,检查安全边界,还是在自然灾害后评估基础设施,最终实现了高效,可扩展的远程操作的承诺。Skydio Dock, Skydio Dock Lite和Skydio远程操作在Skydio的早期访问客户和合作伙伴的参与下宣布。包括北卡罗莱纳州交通部、南方公司、加州交通局、甲骨文创新实验室和大林建设(日本)。”(有了这项技术)我们能够以比以前更有效的方式监控施工进度。我们正在捕捉图像,视频,并将实时数据反馈给驻地工程师。这对我们来说是一个很大的成本节省,我们期待着在全州范围内实施多种应用和用例,”北卡罗莱纳州交通部无人机运营经理Thomas Walls说。BVLOS飞行和远程操作并非在所有地方都是合法的,运营商需要确保遵守当地法规。然而,随着远程操作解决方案的引入,Skydio也提供了帮助客户浏览法规和豁免流程的服务。
Skydio的监管团队已经为美国和全球客户获得了多个具有开创性的远程操作豁免,还有更多的正在进行中。Skydio的监管团队与我们的客户合作,以解锁可扩展的、高效的远程操作,这得益于我们无与伦比的产品知识以及与全球航空监管机构成功合作的良好记录,”Skydio新闻稿说。TWITTER:@ spaldingbarker订阅DroneLife。

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