Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor for Remote Sensors


Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor for Remote Sensors
Illustration: © IoT For All

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re building low-power electronics. There are so many different components and technologies that it can be hard to know where to begin. Recently, a MistyWest client wanted to redesign their field-deployed IoT environmental monitor to a smaller, lighter, and more power-efficient package with a longer battery life that could be placed more easily in remote locations. In order to achieve this, they faced a choice of going with a Linux-based single-board-computer with a microprocessor or a microcontroller-based compute platform. Let’s take a look at the differences between a microcontroller and a microprocessor when it comes to designing a successful remote sensor so that you have the information you need to choose the right solution for future applications.

'When it comes to microcontroller vs. microprocessor, you must consider computing power, how resource-intensive your problem is, and several other variables.' -MistyWestClick To Tweet

Microcontroller Kits vs. SBCs

A microcontroller is a small, all-in-one computing platform with features like onboard memory, built-in timers, IO handling, and others for interacting with electrical hardware. Microcontrollers’ common uses are devices like remote controls, toys, industrial equipment, cars, and implantable medical devices. You can find them in microcontroller kits like Arduino.

A microprocessor is similar to a conventional computer CPU, which is only the processor, and needs to be connected to external memory, timers, storage, and IO peripherals in order to function. Microprocessors are generally more powerful and allow for a more granular hardware design by selecting the exact memory, timers, and other features that one needs. You’ll find microprocessors in consumer computing equipment, and the increase of small and cheap single-board computers (SBCs) like Raspberry Pi has enabled them to be used in new applications like smart devices.

Strengths & Weaknesses: Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor

When it comes to microcontroller vs. microprocessor, you must consider computing power, how resource-intensive your problem is, and several other variables. Will your sensor require simple sensor reading (low intensity), image processing (high intensity), or machine vision/AI (very intense)? For development, can you use an off-the-shelf operating system or reuse other people’s code? And how much power consumption or battery life will you require?

Here is a detailed breakdown of each feature:

Strengths and weaknesses between the computing devices

#1: Computing Power

Some microcontrollers are designed with low power consumption in mind and are specified to be run at reduced clock frequencies, meaning the chip computes more slowly but with less power consumption. This makes microcontrollers good for less compute-intensive applications like sensor reading, serial communication, or mechanical control systems, but they don’t tend to have the processing power for computationally intensive tasks, like image processing.

In comparison, there is often much more computing power available on commercial microprocessor boards like Raspberry Pi, which can support more complicated tasks like streaming video or running a local website. There are also microprocessors with additional modules, such as the Nvidia Jetson Nano, which has a graphics processing unit for tasks like machine vision and AI.

#2: Packages, Development Resources, and Support

If you pick an established platform like Arduino or Raspberry Pi, there are many existing open-source libraries and a community that can help debug issues. However, If you pick a more specialized and less common platform, you may be on your own when sorting through documentation and trying to fix the issue. You need to decide if you need the specialized features of a particular platform and trade that against the support.

With embedded Linux solutions, most of the basic drivers for common connections like ethernet, audio, and video are already available, tested, and stable. In contrast, you may need to write the drivers for your particular microcontroller to connect with peripherals, which can be time-consuming and challenging.

Battery Charging

#3: Power Consumption

Microcontroller-based boards usually use less energy than microprocessor-based SBCs. One of the reasons is that microcontrollers generally run at lower clock frequencies than microprocessors, which in turn also means reduced computing power.

#4: Coding Language Support

If you’re running your code on a microcontroller, you’re likely going to need to build your software with a lower-level language like C or C++. On a microprocessor with a Linux distribution, you will have the choice between many more languages. This can help to create POCs (Proof Of Concepts) at a much faster pace. There are many libraries for peripherals like cameras, sensors, etc. written in higher-level languages like Python, for instance. By picking a platform that can run those languages you will be able to leverage those open-source libraries. However, If your solution requires a lot of low-level hardware manipulation, this may not be helpful.

#5: Code Portability

How tightly integrated is the code with the hardware? If you write a bare-metal application for a microcontroller, it will be challenging to switch over to another platform – but projects that are running FreeRTOS, for example, make switching easier. If you’re using a Linux-based SBC and peripherals over a protocol like USB, it will be even easier to change the compute platform because there are often libraries and drivers available. Depending on the tools you are planning to use some platforms might be more flexible to be interchangeable than others.

Boot Time

#6: Boot time

The boot time of an SBC with embedded Linux on it is significantly greater than that of a microcontroller, be it bare-metal or running an RTOS. When utilizing an SBC, an application must not depend on fixed time slots during start-up, and a few seconds for it to come up must be acceptable.

#7: Cost

In general, microcontrollers cost less than microprocessors. As an example, top-of-the-line Teensy costs $26 and the flagship Arduino board (Uno) costs $25, whereas the flagship Raspberry Pi board (Pi 4) starts at $35, and more expensive boards like the Jetson Nano may range up to $130. There is a wide range of costs in both domains and plenty of choices available on the market.

Making the Best Choice

Ultimately, SBCs and microcontroller kits are both solutions for embedded applications that require computing. It is the use case that will inform which selection is the right one to make. SBCs with an embedded Linux OS, even though more costly, offer greater computing power, and allow a quick start to your project, with a wide range of options for your application’s programming language, very active online communities, and advantageous portability. Microcontrollers, on the other hand, are much more energy efficient and allow full control and fine-tuning of their internal configuration – but additional time for the development of features might need to be considered.

When it comes to making the right selection between a microcontroller vs. microprocessor, if a quick prototype for a proof of concept is needed or if the device is going to be used for inference, object localization, or other demanding computing tasks, an SBC is likely the better solution. The portability of the code and the flexibility of the system will simplify development and maintenance significantly.





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当你在制造低功耗的电子产品时,你很容易感到不知所措。有如此多不同的组件和技术,以至于很难知道从哪里开始。最近,MistyWest的一个客户想要重新设计他们的现场部署物联网环境监测仪,使其更小、更轻、更节能,电池寿命更长,可以更容易地放置在偏远地区。为了实现这一目标,他们面临的选择是使用基于linux的带有微处理器的单板计算机,还是使用基于微控制器的计算平台。让我们来看看微控制器和微处理器之间的区别,当涉及到设计一个成功的远程传感器,以便您有您所需要的信息,为未来的应用选择正确的解决方案。微控制器是一种小型的一体化计算平台,具有板载内存、内置计时器、IO处理和其他与电气硬件交互的功能。微控制器的常用用途包括遥控器、玩具、工业设备、汽车和植入式医疗设备。你可以在Arduino等微控制器套件中找到它们。微处理器类似于传统计算机的CPU,它只是一个处理器,需要连接到外部存储器、计时器、存储器和IO外设才能正常工作。微处理器通常更强大,通过选择精确的内存、计时器和其他需要的功能,可以实现更细粒度的硬件设计。你会在消费计算设备中发现微处理器,而像树莓派(Raspberry Pi)这样的小而便宜的单板计算机(sbc)的增加使它们能够用于智能设备等新的应用程序中。当谈到微控制器和微处理器时,你必须考虑计算能力,你的问题有多资源密集,以及其他几个变量。你的传感器需要简单的传感器读取(低强度),图像处理(高强度),还是机器视觉/AI(非常高强度)?对于开发,您是否可以使用现成的操作系统或重用其他人的代码?您需要多少功耗或电池寿命?一些微控制器在设计时考虑到低功耗,并指定以较低的时钟频率运行,这意味着芯片计算更慢,但功耗更低。这使得微控制器很好地应用于较少计算密集型的应用,如传感器读取、串行通信或机械控制系统,但它们往往没有处理计算密集型任务的能力,如图像处理。相比之下,像树莓派(Raspberry Pi)这样的商用微处理器板通常具有更强大的计算能力,可以支持流媒体视频或运行本地网站等更复杂的任务。也有带有额外模块的微处理器,比如英伟达Jetson Nano,它有一个用于机器视觉和人工智能等任务的图形处理单元。如果你选择Arduino或树莓派这样的成熟平台,有许多现有的开源库和社区可以帮助你调试问题。但是,如果您选择的是一个更专业、更不常见的平台,那么在整理文档并试图修复问题时,您可能要靠自己了。您需要决定是否需要特定平台的专门功能,并将其与支持进行交换。对于嵌入式Linux解决方案,用于以太网、音频和视频等常见连接的大多数基本驱动程序都已经可用、经过测试且稳定。相反,您可能需要为特定的微控制器编写驱动程序以连接外设,这可能是耗时和具有挑战性的。 基于微控制器的电路板通常比基于微处理器的sbc使用更少的能量。其中一个原因是微控制器的时钟频率通常比微处理器低,这反过来也意味着计算能力的降低。如果您在微控制器上运行代码,那么您可能需要使用C或c++等较低级别的语言来构建您的软件。在带有Linux发行版的微处理器上,您可以在更多的语言之间进行选择。这有助于以更快的速度创建POCs(概念证明)。有许多外设库,如相机、传感器等,是用Python等高级语言编写的。通过选择一个可以运行这些语言的平台,你将能够利用这些开源库。但是,如果您的解决方案需要大量低级硬件操作,那么这可能没有帮助。代码与硬件的集成程度如何?如果你为微控制器编写一个裸金属应用程序,那么切换到另一个平台将是一个挑战——但是运行FreeRTOS的项目,例如,使切换更容易。如果您正在使用基于linux的SBC和通过USB等协议的外设,则更改计算平台将更加容易,因为通常有可用的库和驱动程序。根据您计划使用的工具,有些平台可能比其他平台更灵活,更易于互换。在SBC上嵌入Linux的引导时间明显大于微控制器,无论是裸金属还是运行RTOS。在使用SBC时,应用程序在启动过程中不能依赖于固定的时隙,它出现几秒钟是可以接受的。一般来说,微控制器的成本低于微处理器。举个例子,最顶级的tenensy售价26美元,旗舰Arduino板(Uno)售价25美元,而旗舰树莓派板(Pi 4)起价35美元,更昂贵的板如Jetson Nano可能高达130美元。这两个领域的成本差别很大,市场上有很多选择。最终,sbc和微控制器套件都是需要计算的嵌入式应用的解决方案。用例将会告知哪一个选择是正确的。带有嵌入式Linux操作系统的sbc,尽管成本更高,但提供了更强大的计算能力,并允许快速启动项目,为应用程序的编程语言提供了广泛的选项,非常活跃的在线社区,以及有利的可移植性。另一方面,微控制器的能源效率更高,并允许完全控制和微调其内部配置-但可能需要考虑额外的时间来开发功能。当涉及到在微控制器和微处理器之间做出正确的选择时,如果需要一个快速的概念证明原型,或者如果该设备将用于推理、对象定位或其他要求较高的计算任务,SBC可能是更好的解决方案。代码的可移植性和系统的灵活性将大大简化开发和维护。
  • 传感器技术
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TE Connectivity Sensor Solutions 泰科电子 PTFM101A1A0 工业温度传感器

TE Connectivity PTF系列铂金温度传感器非常适合用于-200°C至+600°C的极端温度环境。这些传感器将薄膜技术铂质电阻器用作传感元件,并结合了一组电阻温度检测器(RTD)。这些RTD具有小外形和低质量,时间常数低,适用于快速而精确的反馈控制系统。应用包括电器、工业和医疗市场。PTF系列铂金温度传感器符合DIN EN 60751标准。

Samsung Electronics 三星电子 SNV-6012MP/EX 摄像机

三星WiseNet III SNV-6012M网络移动摄像头采用我们最先进的技术,拥有2MP 1080p高清图像。高端功能包括120分贝WDR,微光性能下降到0.3勒克斯,在微光条件下创建清晰图像。H、 264,MJPEG双编解码器,多流。WDR(120dB),增强型DIS,除雾。SD\/SDHC\/SDXC内存插槽。PoE,IP66,IK10,M12连接器,EN50155,EN50121型号=SN-6012M类型=圆顶标准电阻=是传感器类型=200万像素最小照明=0.3 lx

Huba Control 富巴 506.931A03101,506.932A11101 压力传感器

506系列压力传感器采用瑞士富巴自己开发的陶瓷芯片,输出信号经过校准和放大,适用于标准化电流输出。专为工业制冷系统而开发。-1 ... 7 - 60bar 输出信号: 比例式 10 - 90%, 0 - 5 V, 1 - 6 V, 0 - 10 V, 4 - 20 mA 精度:

Bacharach 巴哈拉赫 PCA®3 烟气分析仪 / 燃烧分析仪

PCA®3是忙碌的技术人员和锅炉承包商的完美工具,他们需要确保安全的运行条件,确定燃烧效率和执行排放测试。最多可安装4个传感器,同时测量所有气体,包括氮氧化物(从NO计算或从NO+NO2测量)。传感器可在现场添加,无需停机,或使用B-Smart®预校准传感器更换。PCA®3计算效率、二氧化碳和无CO空气等数值,以帮助有效和准确地监测燃烧过程。它符合美国环保局试验方法、EN 50379、CTM-030和州/地方协议(包括SCAQMD)等法规。PCA®3具有坚固的金属气体和通风接头、坚固的结构、简单的操作和快速、经济的维护,是业界的主力。

DFE (Dover Flexo Electronics) 多佛 Ti25 织物张力指示器

EasyViewTM张力指示器是一种小型通用装置,用于测量和显示工艺网张力。使用Quik CalTM数字技术,只需使用按钮即可调零和校准装置。,此外,还可以放大安装在网络路径中的张力传感器输出的信号,并在2.5英寸模拟仪表上显示实际张力,EasyView张力指示器为张力传感器(或传感器对)供电,并为驱动器、控制器或PLC提供与张力成比例的额外隔离,EasyView指示器的设计符合CE和UL法规:EN61010安全要求,EN61326电磁干扰要求和UL61010安全要求。• EasyView是基于传感器的张力测量或控制系统的低成本张力指示器。无与伦比的输出稳定性。无漂移性能,即使在大范围的温度波动下也能保持张力监测信号的稳定性。,•性能安全可靠。集成隔离和电路稳定功能2013,包括内置噪音和浪涌保护、短路保护和传感器激励信号的有源限流。选项:\ n•数字仪表(DM)。4位红色LED显示屏取代标准模拟前面板仪表。•非标准仪表刻度(NMS)。

Sensirion 盛思锐 SGM70 气体传感器

Sensirion SGM70xx天然气仪表模块已根据协调标准EN 14236和规范性文件OIML R 137获得H和L型天然气评估认证。SGM70xx燃气表模块的性能基于创新的CMOSens®技术,其中传感器元件和信号调节电子元件集成在单个CMOS微芯片上。根据要求,我们的认证标准产品SGM70xx提供评估工具包,能够快速、经济地评估传感器模块。

AMETEK Land 阿美特克 4750-PM 不透明度传感器和仪器

4750点是一个激光分析仪使用反向散射技术提供准确、可靠的测量颗粒物在堆栈和导管,流程,冷凝水不存在。,操作在宽的温度范围内,4750 -点使用一个stack-mounted传感器,结合内部的用户界面,没有移动部件,由于光学路径是预设最大化测量整个堆栈。、宽温度范围\ n雇佣一个非侵入式的反向散射激光传感器,4750点不需要任何微妙的组件放置在堆栈,所以它可以用在温度高达250 \ u00b0C (400 \ u00b0F)。,"后散射技术当粒子通过激光束时,他们散射光在所有方向。4750-PM是AMETEK Land’s PM-CEMS粉尘监测器,用于连续的颗粒物测量,TUVdotCOM批准en15267。

TelephoneStuff.com 9470-66-904-105 耳机

PRO 9470适用于移动电话、软电话和办公桌的远程无线耳机采用了多用途技术,允许您的所有电话都使用同一个耳机。并接听来自办公室任何位置的电话智能设置向导-宽带声音(150 Hz– 6,800 Hz)双麦克风噪音遮光系统,采用先进的数字信号处理,几乎消除了所有背景噪音-宽频带质量确保声音清澈透明,而SafeTone技术可保护您的听力-在宽频带声音模式下通话时间长达8小时,在窄频带声音模式下通话时间长达10小时-通话时间取决于在连接耳机的范围和设备上-多功能按钮和触控式传感器耳机控件,包括:n-远程接听/通话结束-声控拨号-拒绝通话IntelliPower时能耗最小-耳机和底座在不活动时进入睡眠模式,屏幕显示自动变暗,开关模式电源可确保降低功耗-最多490英尺(取决于环境)无线免提电话,采用DECT和DECT 6.0,采用CACAT iq技术,除满足EN 60950、AS/NZS 60950和UL 60950 IT设备安全标准外,还满足国际标准nIEC 60950-1的要求。

RS Components 欧时 1354096 摄像机

Panasonic 360°防破坏室外固定半球网络摄像头,配有12.4MP高灵敏度MOS传感器和4K高清超引擎,可提供多个H.264高清流或JPEG流。•近似½英寸,高灵敏度MOS图像传感器。•宽动态范围和ABS(自适应黑色拉伸)技术。•数字降噪。•高灵敏度,具有日夜(IR)功能。•高可靠性防破坏机构。•与适用于铁路应用的EN50155兼容室内\/Outdoor=Outdoor型号=WV-SFV481网络使用=是解决方法=2560 x 1920(16:9)像素,2560 x 1920(4:3)像素

倍加福 RLK31-8-2500-IR/31/115 电感式接近传感器

产品阐述 漫反射型光电传感器,塑料外壳,2500 mm 可调节检测范围,交流/直流型,红外光,亮通,继电器触点输出,固定缆线 通用规格 检测距离 0 ... 2500 mm 可调 参考目标 标准白 200x 200 mm 光源 红外发光二极管 光源类型 调制红外光 , 850 nm 偏振滤波片 无 光点直径 大约 50 mm 相距 2,5 m 发散角 2 ° 环境光限制 50000 Lux ; 根据 EN60947-5-2 功能性安全相关参数 MTTFd 790 a 任务时间 (TM) 20 a 诊断覆盖率 (DC) 0 % 指示灯/操作方法 工作指示灯 绿色 LED:通电 功能指示灯 黄色 LED,当接收器接收到光时亮起控制元件 感应范围调节器 电气技术规格 工作电压 24 ... 240 V AC 12 ... 240 V DC 空载电流 ≤ 40 mA 功耗 ≤ 2 VA 输出 开关类型 亮时接通 信号输出 继电器



