
    • Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. F71 高斯计

      新的湖岸低温电子学F71和F41 teslameters与FP系列探头完美地测量了各种应用中的磁场,使其精度、方便性和可靠性达到了新的水平
    • PCE Instruments PCE-MFM 3000 高斯计

      PCE-MFM 3000是一款手持电磁辐射计或高斯计,可检测静态(直流)永久(稀土)磁场和动态(交流)电磁场(EMFs),并显示高斯(G)或毫特斯拉(mT)测量结果。这种便携式磁场测量设备带有一个外部传感器,并有一个RS-232端口,可以将数据下载到个人电脑上。
    • OMEGA Engineering, Inc. 欧米茄 HHG191 高斯计

      HHG191高斯计代表了磁性测量设备的最新设计,允许测量高达2000毫克至200微特斯拉,基本精度为2.5%加上6位数字。 HHG191能够测量由电力传输设备、电力线产生的电磁场辐射强度,微波炉、空调、冰箱、计算机显示器和视频/音频设备。该仪表用于测量30至300 Hz极低频(ELF)的电磁场。
    • MultiDimension Technology 多维 USB2510-CAL01-800 高斯计

      The CAL01 reference magnet provides a stable and convenient method to verify the accuracy and calibration of the USB 2510x series magnetometers. The CAL01 reference magnet is composed of two axially magnetized permanent magnet rings that allow a probe to access the working region of the fixture from both axial and transverse orientations, making the calibration fixture useful for both axial and transverse probe calibration. Unlike conventional reference magnets that rely on placing a probe in a fixed position, which produce an error if the magnet hole is improperly sized orthe probe is not shimmed correctly, the CAL01 is designed so that magnet can be moved with respect to the probe in order to allow the user to find the positive and negative peak magnetic field values, which are used to compute the calibration factors. When used in combination with MultiDimension’s graphical data logging user interface, this technique minimizes errors from probe misalignment and permits rapid accurate calibration of the USB2510x magnetometer probes. The plots below show the peak field values when moving an axial probe through the axial hole and when rotating the magnet around a transverse probe in the transverse hole.
  • 广告
    • Magnetic Shield Corporation EF-401 高斯计

    • RS Components 欧时 1065309 高斯计

      RS Pro磁场计IM-191是测量30至300 Hz极低频(ELF)电磁场的大值仪器。磁范围=20-200μT,200-2000 mG最大磁测量=200μT,2000 mG最小磁测量=20μT,200 mG最佳精度=±2.5%解决方法=0.01μT,0.1 mG频率范围=30-300Hz操作单位=高斯,特斯拉最大工作温度=+40°C最低工作温度=+5°C电池寿命=100小时
  • AlphaLab 高斯计 总共8条产品数据 点击查看 >

    • AlphaLab DC Milligauss Meter 高斯计

    • Master Magnetics, Inc. GM-2 高斯计

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