MultiDimension Technology 多维
多维技术(MultiDimension Technology)于2010年在中国江苏省张家港成立,在上海和美国加州圣何塞设有分公司。MDT开发了独特的知识产权组合和最先进的制造能力,能够支持高性能、低成本TMR磁传感器的批量生产以满足最苛刻的应用需求。MDT的核心管理团队由磁传感器技术和工程服务方面的专家组成,致力于为客户创造附加值并确保他们的成功。MDT的服务选项包括:平面和Z轴TMR传感器,可作为晶圆、裸芯片 或封装设备提供TMR/GMR/AMR传感器的定制设计集成TMR/GMR/AMR传感器的ASIC设计TMR/GMR/AMR传感器铸造服务,包括薄膜沉积、设备加工、包装和测试定制传感器模块设计及应用解决方案知识产权许可,授予客户在其产品中使用MDT技术的权限。
  • MultiDimension Technology 多维 USB2510-CAL01-800 高斯计

    The CAL01 reference magnet provides a stable and convenient method to verify the accuracy and calibration of the USB 2510x series magnetometers. The CAL01 reference magnet is composed of two axially magnetized permanent magnet rings that allow a probe to access the working region of the fixture from both axial and transverse orientations, making the calibration fixture useful for both axial and transverse probe calibration. Unlike conventional reference magnets that rely on placing a probe in a fixed position, which produce an error if the magnet hole is improperly sized orthe probe is not shimmed correctly, the CAL01 is designed so that magnet can be moved with respect to the probe in order to allow the user to find the positive and negative peak magnetic field values, which are used to compute the calibration factors. When used in combination with MultiDimension’s graphical data logging user interface, this technique minimizes errors from probe misalignment and permits rapid accurate calibration of the USB2510x magnetometer probes. The plots below show the peak field values when moving an axial probe through the axial hole and when rotating the magnet around a transverse probe in the transverse hole.

