• TUNKIA TD5400 电测产品

      ·TD5400 ⾼压电能计量测试设备,是⼀款可实现仿现场⼯况对计量设备等的影响测试及研究的⾼压电能计量综合台体装置。 · 装置的功率/电能年测量不确定度达0.05级,适⽤于电⼒、计量、军⼯、制造、科研等领域组建⾼压宽频电能计量测试平台。
    • ValueTronics TF2300A 调制度测量仪(S表)

      "The TF2300A is a modulation meter from Marconi. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:","The Marconi Instruments TF2300A FM\/AM Modulation Meter measures FM deviation up to 500 kHz, Carrier frequency range: 4 to 1 GHz, usable up to 1.6 GHz with internal oscillator; Measures AM depth up to 95% at carrier frequencies up to 350 MHz; Modular construction with all solid-state active elements giving maximum reliability. The Marconi TF2300A basically comprises a low-sensitivity superheterodyne receiver having very linear (switched selected ) f.m. and a.m. demodulators. The demodulated signal is amplified, rectified, and applied to a panel meter which is calibrated directly in kHz peak deviation and per cent modulation depth as appropriate."

