美国 ValueTronics International  成立于1992年,是二手测试设备的卖家和买家。后来我们增加了几条新设备的配送线。我们为大中小型企业提供电子测试设备。我们在位于伊利诺伊州埃尔金的工厂储存了数千台仪器,并在全球拥有超过 100,000 名联系人并且还在不断增长的客户群!我们非常自豪能够提供最好的客户服务,以确保您选择我们做出正确的决定!ValueTronics 的使命是为我们的全球客户和合作伙伴提供优质的二手和新电子测试仪器解决方案。我们将以业内最专业的客户服务、最具成本效益的流程和程序来实现这一使命!我们是以下制造商的授权经销商:我们携带来自以下制造商的二手测试设备:Keysight/Agilent/HP、Tektronix、Fluke、Rohde & Schwarz、Anritsu、Sorensen、Aeroflex/IFR/Marconi、LeCroy 以及更多顶级制造商!
  • ValueTronics 2305 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The 2305 is a modulation meter from Marconi. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:","The Marconi Instruments 2305, Modulation Meter, that is a high performance, microprocessor controlled modulation meter with a comprehensive specification covering the carrier frequency range of 500 kHz to 2 GHz."
  • ValueTronics 257&01 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The 257\/01 is a modulation meter from Wayne Kerr. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:","Simplify the measurement of amplitude and frequency modulation on signals in the range 1.5 MHz to 2 GHz. By eliminating the need to tune a local oscillator and make level adjustments, the 257 speeds up measurements and reduces errors. Patented circuitry ensures that the meter always locks to the strongest signal available ignoring spurious signals and harmonics. The mains only model 257\/01 is small and lightweight and is ideal for bench use."
  • ValueTronics 4101 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The 4101 is a modulation meter from WaveTek. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:","The Wavetek 4101 has a smart design to it. The meter is the popular \"red-needle\" type that’s always easy-to-read. It displays FM deviation (25 Hz to 50 kHz) and AM depth (up to 100%) quickly, clearly, and concisely. It automatically measures to 2 GHz (3 mV to 1 V). The input impedance is 50 ½. The accuracy is as sharp as you’ll need. It’s ±2% of full scale (±2% + residual FM) while measuring FM deviation (1 kHz). The accuracy is ±2% of full scale (±2% of reading + residual AM) while measuring AM depth (1 kHz). Two BNC connectors provide convenient outputs. You have an IF output from the rear panel that’s Å420 kHz at 100 mV into 50 ½. Also, an AF output (0.5 V RMS at 1 kHz) is available on the front panel and controlled by your selection of filters."
  • ValueTronics 8210 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The 8210 is a modulation meter from Boonton. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:","The Boonton 8210 is a used FM\/AM Modulation Meter. The Boonton 8210 is a microprocessor based high performance AM and FM modulation measuring instrument.The instrument provides automatic tuning and leveling, low residual modulation, true peak detection, a digital display, and self-calibration.To create modulation standards, the 8210 automatically generates two crystal-controlled frequencies to internally calibrate the FM channel, and two levels, differing by a precise amount, to calibrate the AM channel.The results are verified mid-range accuracies of 1% of reading for both AM and FM measurements, without the need for expensive external calibration setups."
  • ValueTronics 82AD 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The 82AD is a modulation meter from Boonton. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:","Frequency modulation ranges of 10, 100, and 300 kHz full scale, with accuracy of ±2% of reading for deviations up to 300 kHz and modulation frequencies between 30 Hz and 100 kHz. RF input sensitivity of 10 mV RMS (10 to 520 MHz) and 30 mV RMS (520 MHz to 1.2 GHz). 4 digit LED display."
  • ValueTronics 9009A 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The 9009A is a modulation meter from Racal Dana. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:"
  • ValueTronics TF2300A 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The TF2300A is a modulation meter from Marconi. Modulation meters measure degrees of modulation in a modulated signal.","Additional Features:","The Marconi Instruments TF2300A FM\/AM Modulation Meter measures FM deviation up to 500 kHz, Carrier frequency range: 4 to 1 GHz, usable up to 1.6 GHz with internal oscillator; Measures AM depth up to 95% at carrier frequencies up to 350 MHz; Modular construction with all solid-state active elements giving maximum reliability. The Marconi TF2300A basically comprises a low-sensitivity superheterodyne receiver having very linear (switched selected ) f.m. and a.m. demodulators. The demodulated signal is amplified, rectified, and applied to a panel meter which is calibrated directly in kHz peak deviation and per cent modulation depth as appropriate."
  • ValueTronics VM2860 调制度测量仪(S表)

    "The VM2860 is a Modulation Meter from Drake.","The VM2860 is a Modulation Meter from Drake."

