
Taylor Dynamometer
Taylor Dynamometer 由 John Taylor 先生于 1929 年创立,总部位于美国威斯康星州密尔沃基。提供全套测功机系统(包括完整的测试单元),以及仪器、配件、工程和设计服务以及专家支持,服务市场包括建筑、教育、海洋、采矿、军事、石油和天然气、运输等,数以千计的测功机系统在世界各地运行。2016 年收购位于威斯康星州杰克逊的 Dyne Systems, Inc.,通过为客户提供更多功能和灵活性,在发动机、车辆和工业部件测试行业站稳脚跟。成功所需的一切服务客户。解决问题。推动生产力。这些是您需要坚固耐用的测力计系统的原因之一。然而,您不需要的是在安装、优化或排除系统故障时必须单独进行。这就是为什么您需要 Taylor Dynamometer——您获得卓越测力系统性能的合作伙伴。我们所做的一切都是为了让您轻松将测试挑战转化为成功。我们怎么能兑现这个承诺?完整的、经过验证的产品线根据您的需要选择合适的发动机、底盘或牵引测功机,以及先进的控制装置、仪表和所有辅助系统以获得完整的解决方案。出色的技术和应用知识我们的专家不仅会帮助您选择最佳系统,还会为与您的运营无缝集成的整体解决方案提供设计、配置、安装和培训。主动服务和持久支持相信我们是您的测功机系统的拥护者,对我们设备的性能、易用性和使用寿命承担全部责任——这样您就可以专注于自己最擅长的事情。自 1920 年代以来,通过运用这些优势,我们一直在帮助像您这样的公司在发动机和设备测试方面获得更高的性能、耐用性和投资回报。结果是今天对您来说最好的整体价值——在您的测试性能和您公司的底线方面。
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. TD-3102 功率计

    使用泰勒测功机的TD-3102便携式测功机快速测量引擎功率。你可以在室内或室外进行测试。只需直接安装在发动机上的测力计。你不需要一个特殊的发动机架或测试单元。你甚至可以测试引擎时,它坐在运输箱。你所需要的就是给测功机提供水。入门级的机械师可以很容易地执行初始的闯入运行,全功率运行和总督检查,,加上泰勒测力计的DynPro软件,TD-3102产生彩色图表,图表和表格测试数据报告。加上泰勒燃料消耗系统,精确测量燃料质量,体积和BSFC,"," 360磅TD-3102功率吸收器可以安装在发动机上,在几分钟内。首先,飞轮适配器直接安装到发动机飞轮上。接下来,驱动联轴器安装在飞轮适配器上,耳轴模块直接安装在飞轮壳体上(SAE 0-4)。由于飞行员被设计进了转接器板系统,所以不需要对减震器进行校准。该驱动器可容纳高达1\/2度的失调。简单快速的扭矩控制,操作人员会喜欢TD-3102控制扭矩的简单性。扭矩可以通过在水管中使用标准的闸阀来控制。你也可以选择全自动泰勒控制阀系统。
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-10K 功率计

    DynoMotive is proud to introduce the RS-10K Towing Dynamometer. The RS-10K towing dynamometer uses an eddy current absorber built with special high temperature coils to absorb energy. The towing dynamometer is powered by an industrial generator instead of batteries. Therefore, there are no leaky batteries to charge and testing time is unlimited at low speeds.","Designed for today’s full-sized cars and SUVs, the RS-10K towing dynamometer is built with an all aluminum frame, an aerodynamic body and it operates on an independent, air ride suspension. Contact Taylor Dynamometer\/DynoMotive today to receive more information on this or any of our other industry leading towing dynamometers.
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-110K 功率计

    DynoMotive is proud to introduce the RS-110K Towing Dynamometer. The RS-110K towing dynamometer uses eddy current absorbers built with special high temperature coils to absorb energy. The towing dynamometer is powered by an industrial generator instead of batteries. Therefore, there are no leaky batteries to charge and testing time is unlimited at low speeds.","Designed for today’s class A trucks\/tractors, the RS-110K towing dynamometer is built with a heavy-duty steel frame, heavy-duty industrial axles and it operates on an air ride suspension. Contact Taylor Dynamometer\/DynoMotive today to receive more information on this or any of our other industry leading towing dynamometers.
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-125K 功率计

    DynoMotive很荣幸推出RS-125K牵引测功机。RS-125K牵引测功机使用涡流吸收器,其内部装有特殊的高温线圈来吸收能量。牵引测功机由工业发电机代替电池供电。因此,在低速情况下,没有泄漏电池可供充电,且测试时间不受限制。 RS-125K牵引测功机专为今天的A级卡车/拖拉机设计,采用重型钢架、重型工业轴,并采用空气悬架运行。请立即联系Taylor测功机\/DynoMotive,以获取有关该测功机或我们其他行业领先的牵引测功机的更多信息。
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-200K 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-25K 功率计

    DynoMotive is proud to introduce the RS-25K Towing Dynamometer. The RS-25K towing dynamometer uses an eddy current absorber built with special high temperature coils to absorb energy. The towing dynamometer is powered by an industrial generator instead of batteries. Therefore, there are no leaky batteries to charge and testing time is unlimited at low speeds.","Designed for today’s full-sized cars and SUVs, the RS-25K towing dynamometer is built with an all aluminum frame, an aerodynamic body and it operates on an independent, air ride suspension. Contact Taylor Dynamometer\/DynoMotive today to receive more information on this or any of our other industry leading towing dynamometers.
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-40K 功率计

    DynoMotive非常荣幸地推出RS-40K牵引测功机。RS-40K牵引测功机使用涡流吸收器,由特殊的高温线圈来吸收能量。牵引测功机由工业发电机代替电池供电。因此,没有漏电池充电,并且在低速下测试时间不受限制。,RS-40K设计用于保持40000牛顿(8992磅)的恒定牵引杆拉力,并且能够模拟25%的上坡坡度。RS-40K牵引测功机是为今天的’ s B级卡车/公共汽车设计的,RS-40K牵引测功机采用重型钢制造车架,重型工业车轴,采用空气悬架。请立即联系Taylor测功机\/DynoMotive,以获取有关该测功机或我们其他行业领先的牵引测功机的更多信息。
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-5.4Kh 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-60K 功率计

    DynoMotive is proud to introduce the RS-60K Towing Dynamometer. The RS-60K towing dynamometer uses eddy current absorbers built with special high temperature coils to absorb energy. The towing dynamometer is powered by an industrial generator instead of batteries. Therefore, there are no leaky batteries to charge and testing time is unlimited at low speeds. Designed for today’s class B trucks\/buses, the RS-60K towing dynamometer is built with a heavy-duty steel frame, heavy-duty industrial axles and it operates on an air ride suspension. Contact Taylor Dynamometer\/DynoMotive today to receive more information on this or any of our other industry leading towing dynamometers.
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-80K 功率计

    DynoMotive is proud to introduce the RS-80K Towing Dynamometer. The RS-80K towing dynamometer uses eddy current absorbers built with special high temperature coils to absorb energy. The towing dynamometer is powered by an industrial generator instead of batteries. Therefore, there are no leaky batteries to charge and testing time is unlimited at low speeds.","Designed for today’s class B trucks\/buses, the RS-80K towing dynamometer is built with a heavy-duty steel frame, heavy-duty industrial axles and it operates on an air ride suspension. Contact Taylor Dynamometer\/DynoMotive today to receive more information on this or any of our other industry leading towing dynamometers.
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-8K 功率计

    DynoMotive is proud to introduce the RS-8K Towing Dynamometer. The RS-8K towing dynamometer uses an eddy current absorber built with special high temperature coils to absorb energy. The towing dynamometer is powered by an industrial generator instead of batteries. Therefore, there are no leaky batteries to charge and testing time is unlimited at low speeds.","Designed for today’s mid-sized cars and SUVs, the RS-8K towing dynamometer is built with an all aluminum frame, an aerodynamic body and it operates on an independent, air ride suspension. Contact Taylor Dynamometer\/DynoMotive today to receive more information on this or any of our other industry leading towing dynamometers.
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-8Ke 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. RS-90K 功率计

    DynoMotive is proud to introduce the RS-90K Towing Dynamometer. The RS-90K towing dynamometer uses eddy current absorbers built with special high temperature coils to absorb energy. The towing dynamometer is powered by an industrial generator instead of batteries. Therefore, there are no leaky batteries to charge and testing time is unlimited at low speeds.","Designed for today’s class A trucks\/tractors, the RS-90K towing dynamometer is built with a heavy-duty steel frame, heavy-duty industrial axles and it operates on an air ride suspension. Contact Taylor Dynamometer\/DynoMotive today to receive more information on this or any of our other industry leading towing dynamometers.
  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. CM-51 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. CM-51S 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. TD-24 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. TD-24S 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. TD-24X3 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. TD-36 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. TD-36S 功率计

  • Taylor Dynamometer, Inc. TD-36X3 功率计

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