
    • Vaisala 维萨拉 AMR 天气雷达系统

      For upgrading weather radars to dual-polarization","All the benefits of dual polarization without the downtime and cost. Antenna-mounted receivers allow you to upgrade, rather than completely replace existing single-polarization systems. Apart from the obvious data quality and availability benefits this brings, it will also greatly reduce your maintenance costs – and at a lower initial investment than a full radar replacement.","Features  • Quantitative precipitation estimation  • Hydrometeor classification  • Elimination of non-meteorological targets  • Attenuation correction  • Better detectability of weak precipitation  • The latest software and algorithms  • Remote data monitoring and control  • Remote calibration and maintenance","Key Benefits"," • Dual polarization in less than two weeks   • An antenna-mounted receiver makes it possible to send and receive both signal channels through one channel rather than separately through the pedestal. The upgradeis a tried and tested one-size-fits-all product that only requires minimal site-specific adjustments.  • Easy maintenance   • Calibration and much of the maintenance can be carried out online, which reduces associated travel and labor costs. And when a technician is required on site, theeasily accessible and replaceable units mean that repairs are quick and easy.  • Better for your budget, better for the environment   • Extending the lifetime of existing mechanical hardware, rather than scrapping it prematurely, not only makes financial sense, it makes environmental sense too, as no newnatural resources need to be used.
    • 河北欧速电子 OSA-18S 天气雷达系统

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