Vaisala 维萨拉
维萨拉是世界大的气象和环境设备生产厂商。凭借80多年的经验, 为全球160多个国家和地区的客户提供适应其应用的气象观测系统、环境观测系统和优质服务。维萨拉致力于提供优质产品以提高人们生活质量、保护环境、使生产过程高效安全和节能。维萨拉的客户遍及全球,包括气象和水文部门、民航组织、国防部门、道路和交通部门、系统集成商和不同工业领域的用户,维萨拉的许多技术以及相关产品均处于世界领先地位。1994年4月在中国成立了芬兰维萨拉公司北京代表处,从事中国的业务联络,销售及售后服务工作。自创办至今,维萨拉公司始终致力于气象设备、温湿度测量、环境检测产品的开发与生产,其技术始终处于世界领先地位。维萨拉公司的产品除了常规气象传感器之外,还生产控空系统、风廓线雷达、闪电定位系统以及气象雷达等多个系统。他们广泛的应用于高空及地面气象自动观测,机场气象自动观测,船载气象观测,高速公路气象观测以及工业测量等领域。公司工业测量部的产品涵盖了测量温湿度、露点、油中微量水份、二氧化碳、风速风向、大气压力以及其它气象参数,广泛应用于电力行业的燃汽轮机进气监测、氢冷发电、变压器油、高压电器设备的在线监测、暖通控制工程、高科技以及各种工业行业中。自2005年维萨拉成立了中国售后服务中心以及校准实验室。维萨拉(北京)测量技术有限公司有多名受过维萨拉专业培训的技术服务工程师,可以及时地为中国用户提供可靠的售后服务和技术支持。
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 AMR 天气雷达系统

    For upgrading weather radars to dual-polarization","All the benefits of dual polarization without the downtime and cost. Antenna-mounted receivers allow you to upgrade, rather than completely replace existing single-polarization systems. Apart from the obvious data quality and availability benefits this brings, it will also greatly reduce your maintenance costs – and at a lower initial investment than a full radar replacement.","Features  • Quantitative precipitation estimation  • Hydrometeor classification  • Elimination of non-meteorological targets  • Attenuation correction  • Better detectability of weak precipitation  • The latest software and algorithms  • Remote data monitoring and control  • Remote calibration and maintenance","Key Benefits"," • Dual polarization in less than two weeks   • An antenna-mounted receiver makes it possible to send and receive both signal channels through one channel rather than separately through the pedestal. The upgradeis a tried and tested one-size-fits-all product that only requires minimal site-specific adjustments.  • Easy maintenance   • Calibration and much of the maintenance can be carried out online, which reduces associated travel and labor costs. And when a technician is required on site, theeasily accessible and replaceable units mean that repairs are quick and easy.  • Better for your budget, better for the environment   • Extending the lifetime of existing mechanical hardware, rather than scrapping it prematurely, not only makes financial sense, it makes environmental sense too, as no newnatural resources need to be used.
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 WRK100 天气雷达系统

    配备速调管发射机的单偏振多普勒天气雷达,WRK100提供了卓越的光谱纯度和相位噪声性能。,关键优势, •双极化技术  •帮助用户获得更准确的降水量估计,尤其是在严重和强降水情况下,与波长较长的S波段雷达相比,成本低得多。 •短期降水预报  •天气雷达可以为水文–提供另一个关键工具,即提供准确的短期定量降水预报(QPFs),这对山洪预报特别重要。 •未来投资保护  •维萨拉’s模块化方法和公认的开放接口标准的使用旨在使WRK100在未来可升级。例如,该系统可以购买为双极化准备或在现场升级为双极化。
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 WRK200 天气雷达系统

    双极化多普勒天气雷达装备速调管发射技术,WRK200装备速调管发射技术。WRK200提供了卓越的光谱纯度和相位噪声性能。,主要优点, • S波段性能,C波段价格  •使用WRK200可获得与S波段系统相同的降水测量精度,其成本通常是S波段系统的两到三倍。 •双极化增加了新的维度 •雷达工作在同时发射和接收H和V(星)模式或线性去极化模式(LDR)模式下,在此期间仅发射H,同时接收两种模式。 •更精确的降水测量  •提供基于KDP的降水率测量。与反射率(Z)不同,KDP与降水率成正比,与雷达定标无关,不受干扰杂波或部分波束阻塞的影响。这使得KDP在测量中、大雨方面非常可靠。
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 WRM200 天气雷达系统

    Dual polarization Doppler weather radar","WRM200 is a dual polarization Doppler weather radar with real time operational hydrometeor classification software.","Key Benefits"," • S-Band Performance at a C-Band Price   • Attenuation by intervening heavy precipitation has been a long-standing problem with C-band weather radars, making S-band radars preferable, especially in tropical environments where heavy rain is common.  • Dual polarization adds new dimension   • Increasing detectability by up to 10 dB versus the competition. The polarization variables, depending on the mode, are ZDR, RHOHV, PHIDP, KDP and LDR. However, the goal of a polarization radar is not only to produce and display these outputs; rather it is to expand the capabilities of the radar for the operational forecaster.  • HydroClass™ - seeing much more   • HydroClass™ software uses polarization measurements in a proven fuzzy logic algorithm to classify targets into categories. i.e. hail, graupel, rain, snow, wet snow or non-meteorological targets (such as sea clutter, birds, insects, wind turbines, interference, or military chaff). While traditional Doppler clutter filtering can remove stationary targets, HydroClass™ can also remove moving non-meteorological targets like sea clutter. The benefit is improved data quality and more accurate warnings for hazardous weather such as hail.
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 IRIS Focus 天气雷达系统

    下一代天气雷达软件,虹膜聚焦天气雷达软件提供了一套独特的丰富的工具,用于查看和分析您的天气雷达数据。与客户共同开发,易于使用的界面减少了复杂性和培训时间。IRIS Focus帮助您更好地了解风暴,以便更快地做出决策并更准确地进行降水分类。IRIS是一套用于配置、校准和操作完整天气雷达系统的软件工具。IRIS Focus-Experience More,借助IRIS Focus,维萨拉提高了天气雷达软件的门槛。IRIS Focus使您可以看到更多的天气雷达数据,以便使用更好的图形显示和数据处理功能进行更快的分析。分析工具,如风暴跟踪和横截面工具,可以更好地了解风暴的移动和结构,以便更准确地预报和更早地观察和警告。IRIS Focus以用户为中心设计,为您提供了一个易于使用的工具,因此您可以从您的天气雷达数据中获得更多体验。,更快地分析您的数据,IRIS Focus允许您看到更多。从一个屏幕上选择一个多面板显示器或多个来自不同雷达产品的数据点分层。因为我们按需生成雷达产品,您可以以最高分辨率放大数据。,了解风暴以做出更好的决策,虹膜聚焦工具支持更快的决策和准确的降水估计和分类。先进的图形显示和数据处理功能提供了观察天气雷达数据的新方法。,增加可访问性,以最终用户为中心设计,IRIS Focus让最终用户轻松访问数据,查看或共享有趣的天气事件。,免费试用IRIS Focus,功能 •多个显示选项 •丰富的分析工具集 •高分辨率按需重新生成数据 •自动天气警告和警报 •自动短期预报预测 •连续更新的地理信息系统(GIS)数据集 •交互式分步教程 •内置工具提示和本地化上下文相关帮助 •可用语言:英语、法语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语和俄语 •使用最新的信息安全标准测试和审核,主要优点, •更快地分析数据  •虹膜聚焦允许您查看更多信息。从一个屏幕上选择一个多面板显示器或多个来自不同雷达产品的数据点分层。因为我们按需生成雷达产品,所以您可以以最高分辨率放大数据。 •了解风暴以做出更好的决策  • IRIS Focus工具支持更快的决策和准确的降水估计和分类。先进的图形显示和数据处理功能提供了观察天气雷达数据的新方法。 •从任何位置访问您的数据  •因为虹膜焦点是基于web的,所以您可以从任何地方访问数据。您不必在计算机上存储数据。您可以轻松地与其他部门和机构外的同事共享您的数据。
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 Weather Radar Upgrades 天气雷达系统

    ​Computers and data processing technology rapidly evolve in respect to radar hardware. Breathe life into older radar by updating the data processing capabilities. This will modernize the benefits from existing radar networks.","Computers and data processing technology rapidly evolve in respect to radar hardware. Breathe life into older radar by updating the data processing capabilities. This will modernize the benefits from existing radar networks. Vaisala upgrades your radars with signal processors, radar control processors, receivers, and magnetron transmitters.When upgrading your radar with Vaisala Sigmet Digital Receiver and Signal Processor RVP900 and RCP8, consider adding also the proven, industry-leading IRIS™ software to your system for enabling automatic radar data acquisition, display, network communication and remote control\/monitoring.Besides composite radar images, we enable integration of other data types into radar as well. An integrated radar vs. lightning display is already available to customers who have Vaisala Sigmet IRIS software at use and Vaisala lightning network systems. Integration of satellite and radar data is also currently available as is the integration of Vaisala AWS surface rain gauge data for radar or gage adjustment.
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 X-band Weather Radar 天气雷达系统

    抓住卓越的性能、数据质量和可靠性,新的X波段天气雷达为有限区域提供了高度精确的测量,填补了国家雷达网的空白,或为机场提供了精确的信息。当X波段雷达加入气象雷达网后,山区的恶劣天气和稀疏天气雷达网下的缺口将可见。通过对危险情况的准确检测和实时预报,机场的安全和效率将得到提高。,关键好处, •卓越性能  • X波段频率为短距离气象监测提供更准确、更全面的测量数据,具有更高的分辨率和更高的精度。 •高数据质量和可用性  •通过填补雷达网络的空白,X波段天气雷达提供了更好的雷达网络覆盖范围和更高的雷达数据分辨率(例如在低海拔、山区和风电场周围)。 •经济高效  •从交付到管理直至寿命结束,X波段天气雷达’易于安装和校准,确保无意外和低寿命成本。 •易于安装  •轻松即插即用安装和雷达网络集成可在一周内完成。
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 WRM100 天气雷达系统

    Single polarization Doppler weather radar with an upgrade possibility to dual polarization","A single polarization C-band magnetron Doppler weather radar for weather surveillance, severe weather monitoring, hydrometeorological applications, e.g. flood forecasting, airport wind shear detection and hurricane\/typhoon\/cyclone tracking. The most widely used type of weather radar because of it's low initial and lifecycle costs. With modern digital receiver and processing techniques, the performance of magnetron systems rivals costlier Klystron systems.","Key Benefits"," • Easy to upgrade   • The system can be purchased as dual polarization ready, or upgraded in the field to dual polarization.  • Easy to integrate   • Integration into other Vaisala systems such as lightning detection networks, rain gauges, LLWAS and surface weather is also available.  • Reduced MTTR and higher data availability   • The WRM100’s comprehensive remote control, BITE and active monitoring features allow radar maintenance to be coordinated from a central facility. The detailed level of fault reporting allows maintenance personnel to accurately assess any problem before traveling to radar sites.
  • Vaisala 维萨拉 RVP900 天气雷达系统

    RVP900在开放式Linux PC平台上提供全面的数字中频和信号处理功能。

