For upgrading weather radars to dual-polarization","All the benefits of dual polarization without the downtime and cost. Antenna-mounted receivers allow you to upgrade, rather than completely replace existing single-polarization systems. Apart from the obvious data quality and availability benefits this brings, it will also greatly reduce your maintenance costs – and at a lower initial investment than a full radar replacement.","Features • Quantitative precipitation estimation • Hydrometeor classification • Elimination of non-meteorological targets • Attenuation correction • Better detectability of weak precipitation • The latest software and algorithms • Remote data monitoring and control • Remote calibration and maintenance","Key Benefits"," • Dual polarization in less than two weeks • An antenna-mounted receiver makes it possible to send and receive both signal channels through one channel rather than separately through the pedestal. The upgradeis a tried and tested one-size-fits-all product that only requires minimal site-specific adjustments. • Easy maintenance • Calibration and much of the maintenance can be carried out online, which reduces associated travel and labor costs. And when a technician is required on site, theeasily accessible and replaceable units mean that repairs are quick and easy. • Better for your budget, better for the environment • Extending the lifetime of existing mechanical hardware, rather than scrapping it prematurely, not only makes financial sense, it makes environmental sense too, as no newnatural resources need to be used.
Dual polarization Doppler weather radar","WRM200 is a dual polarization Doppler weather radar with real time operational hydrometeor classification software.","Key Benefits"," • S-Band Performance at a C-Band Price • Attenuation by intervening heavy precipitation has been a long-standing problem with C-band weather radars, making S-band radars preferable, especially in tropical environments where heavy rain is common. • Dual polarization adds new dimension • Increasing detectability by up to 10 dB versus the competition. The polarization variables, depending on the mode, are ZDR, RHOHV, PHIDP, KDP and LDR. However, the goal of a polarization radar is not only to produce and display these outputs; rather it is to expand the capabilities of the radar for the operational forecaster. • HydroClass™ - seeing much more • HydroClass™ software uses polarization measurements in a proven fuzzy logic algorithm to classify targets into categories. i.e. hail, graupel, rain, snow, wet snow or non-meteorological targets (such as sea clutter, birds, insects, wind turbines, interference, or military chaff). While traditional Doppler clutter filtering can remove stationary targets, HydroClass™ can also remove moving non-meteorological targets like sea clutter. The benefit is improved data quality and more accurate warnings for hazardous weather such as hail.
Computers and data processing technology rapidly evolve in respect to radar hardware. Breathe life into older radar by updating the data processing capabilities. This will modernize the benefits from existing radar networks.","Computers and data processing technology rapidly evolve in respect to radar hardware. Breathe life into older radar by updating the data processing capabilities. This will modernize the benefits from existing radar networks. Vaisala upgrades your radars with signal processors, radar control processors, receivers, and magnetron transmitters.When upgrading your radar with Vaisala Sigmet Digital Receiver and Signal Processor RVP900 and RCP8, consider adding also the proven, industry-leading IRIS™ software to your system for enabling automatic radar data acquisition, display, network communication and remote control\/monitoring.Besides composite radar images, we enable integration of other data types into radar as well. An integrated radar vs. lightning display is already available to customers who have Vaisala Sigmet IRIS software at use and Vaisala lightning network systems. Integration of satellite and radar data is also currently available as is the integration of Vaisala AWS surface rain gauge data for radar or gage adjustment.
Single polarization Doppler weather radar with an upgrade possibility to dual polarization","A single polarization C-band magnetron Doppler weather radar for weather surveillance, severe weather monitoring, hydrometeorological applications, e.g. flood forecasting, airport wind shear detection and hurricane\/typhoon\/cyclone tracking. The most widely used type of weather radar because of it's low initial and lifecycle costs. With modern digital receiver and processing techniques, the performance of magnetron systems rivals costlier Klystron systems.","Key Benefits"," • Easy to upgrade • The system can be purchased as dual polarization ready, or upgraded in the field to dual polarization. • Easy to integrate • Integration into other Vaisala systems such as lightning detection networks, rain gauges, LLWAS and surface weather is also available. • Reduced MTTR and higher data availability • The WRM100’s comprehensive remote control, BITE and active monitoring features allow radar maintenance to be coordinated from a central facility. The detailed level of fault reporting allows maintenance personnel to accurately assess any problem before traveling to radar sites.