真空度范围:760 to -2 torr (0.0 to 30 in Hg vac) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Dual Scale |
精度:1.5 ±% FS |
工作温度:-14 to 150 F (-26 to 66 C) |
刻度单位:Kilopascals; Inches of Hg |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
真空度范围:760 to 732 torr (0.0 to 1.1 in Hg vac) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
显示类型:Analog |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:2.5 inch (63.5 mm) |
真空度范围:760 to 386 torr (0.0 to 14.71 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
类型:Single Scale |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:2.5 inch (63.5 mm) |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
真空度范围:760 to 700 torr (0.0 to 2.35 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
显示类型:Analog |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
真空度范围:760 to 657 torr (0.0 to 4.05 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
真空度范围:760 to 573 torr (0.0 to 7.36 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
真空度范围:760 to 732 torr (0.0 to 1.1 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
真空度范围:760 to 700 torr (0.0 to 2.35 in Hg vac) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
真空度范围:760 to 657 torr (0.0 to 4.05 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
类型:Single Scale |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
显示类型:Analog |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
真空度范围:760 to 573 torr (0.0 to 7.36 in Hg vac) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
显示类型:Analog |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 732 torr (0.0 to 1.1 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
真空度范围:760 to 700 torr (0.0 to 2.35 in Hg vac) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 657 torr (0.0 to 4.05 in Hg vac) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 573 torr (0.0 to 7.36 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
刻度盘直径:4 inch (102 mm) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 732 torr (0.0 to 1.1 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
真空度范围:760 to 700 torr (0.0 to 2.35 in Hg vac) |
显示类型:Analog |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 657 torr (0.0 to 4.05 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
显示类型:Analog |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 573 torr (0.0 to 7.36 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
类型:Single Scale |
真空度范围:760 to 732 torr (0.0 to 1.1 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
显示类型:Analog |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
类型:Single Scale |
真空度范围:760 to 700 torr (0.0 to 2.35 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
显示类型:Analog |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 657 torr (0.0 to 4.05 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
显示类型:Analog |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 573 torr (0.0 to 7.36 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
显示类型:Analog |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 732 torr (0.0 to 1.1 in Hg vac) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
真空度范围:760 to 700 torr (0.0 to 2.35 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
显示类型:Analog |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
工作温度:-40 to 150 F (-40 to 66 C) |
类型:Single Scale |
刻度单位:pounds per square inch; Inches of H2O; Inches Water Vac ;Other |
真空度范围:760 to 657 torr (0.0 to 4.05 in Hg vac) |
精度:1.6 ±% FS |
测量介质:Liquid; Gas |
刻度盘直径:4.5 inch (114 mm) |
传感技术:Mechanical Deflection |
显示类型:Analog |
产品类别:Vacuum Gauges and Instruments |