
美国 ValueTronics International  成立于1992年,是二手测试设备的卖家和买家。后来我们增加了几条新设备的配送线。我们为大中小型企业提供电子测试设备。我们在位于伊利诺伊州埃尔金的工厂储存了数千台仪器,并在全球拥有超过 100,000 名联系人并且还在不断增长的客户群!我们非常自豪能够提供最好的客户服务,以确保您选择我们做出正确的决定!ValueTronics 的使命是为我们的全球客户和合作伙伴提供优质的二手和新电子测试仪器解决方案。我们将以业内最专业的客户服务、最具成本效益的流程和程序来实现这一使命!我们是以下制造商的授权经销商:我们携带来自以下制造商的二手测试设备:Keysight/Agilent/HP、Tektronix、Fluke、Rohde & Schwarz、Anritsu、Sorensen、Aeroflex/IFR/Marconi、LeCroy 以及更多顶级制造商!
  • ValueTronics 11022 LCR表

    "The 11022 is a 100 kHz LCR Meter from Chroma. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Chroma 11022 LCR Meter is the measurement instrument for passive components. It is applicable to the automatic manufacturers for passive components in material inspection. With the features of 21ms high-speed measurement and 0.1% accuracy, 11022 LCR Meter fulfills the requirements for fast production. Its functions of 8-level counting, 8\/99 Bin-sorting, pass\/fail judgment, and 50 sets of internal save and recall settings totally meet the production line requirements for easy operation."
  • ValueTronics 11025 LCR表

    "The 11025 is a 100 MHz LCR Meter from Chroma. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Chroma 11025 LCR Meter is the measurement instrument for passive components. It is applicable to the automatic manufacturers for passive components in material inspection. With the features of 21ms high-speed measurement and 0.1% accuracy, the 11025 LCR Meter fulfills the requirements for fast production. Its functions of 8-level counting, 8\/99 Bin-sorting, pass\/fail judgment, and 50 sets of internal save and recall settings totally meet the production line requirements for easy operation."
  • ValueTronics 11050 LCR表

    "The 11050 is a 10 MHz LCR Meter from Chroma. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Chroma 11050 HF LCR Meter is a precision test instrument for measuring and evaluating passive components with high accuracy and speed. Measurements include the primary and secondary parameters required for testing inductance, capacitance, resistance, quality factor, and loss factor of passive components. The HF LCR Meter has broad testing frequency ranges from 1 kHz to 10 MHz that are suitable for analyzing passive component characteristics under different frequencies. With 0.1% basic measurement accuracy the 11050 HF LCR Meter makes for measured results that show high stability and also high reliability. The fast 15ms measurement speed effectively increases productivity when working with automated machines."
  • ValueTronics 1920 LCR表

    "The 1920 is a 1 MHz LCR Meter from Quadtech. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","Specifications","Test Frequency: ","Measurement Speed:","Ranging: ","Trigger:","Source Impedance: ","AC Test Signal: ","DC Bias Voltage: ","Display: ","Results Formats: ","Sequencing: ","Standard Interfaces:","Measurement Delay:","Averaging: ","Median Value: ","Setup Storage: ","Other: ","Calibration: ","Usage & Cal Data: ","Self Test: ","Test Terminals: ","Mechanical: ","Dimensions:","Environmental: ","Power: ","Applications","The 1920 is a high performance LCR Meter designed to perform fast, automated impedance measurements on a variety of electronic components and materials. The instrument has a basic accuracy specification of 0.1% for accurate test results over a wide frequency range, from 20 Hz to 1 MHz. Besides 15 impedance parameters the 1920 is also capable of measuring DC resistance as well as monitoring the voltage across or current through the device under test. The unit incorporates a distinctive sequence test mode, allowing up to 6 uniquely different tests to be performed quickly on a single start command. Additionally, the 1920 includes IEEE-488, RS-232, and handler interfaces, all standard.","20 Measurement ParametersMeasure and display any two of 15 impedance parameters simultaneously, with a basic accuracy of 0.1%. Additionally, the 1920 can measure the DC resistance, or display the current through or voltage across a test device ensuring the operator of the real test conditions.","Wide FrequencyOver 27,000 user programmable test frequencies to fully characterize devices over the range of 20 Hz to 1 MHz.","Automatic Test SequencingFor increased productivity and throughput the 1920 can perform up to six different tests in sequence with a single push of the start button. Each test can have different measurement parameters, test conditions and limits.","DC Bias VoltageThe instruments internal DC bias voltage source, programmable from 0 to 2 V in 1 mV steps, allows capacitors to be tested under real DC bias conditions.","Setup Storage\/RecallThe test operator has the ability to store and recall, from internal memory, up to 30 single test setups and 10 sequential setups (six tests in sequence). The front panel can be locked out, with password protection, to ensure that procedures are run the same way every time.","Load CorrectionSubstantially improves instrument accuracy by allowing the operator to specify the value of a known standard, measure it, and apply a correction to ongoing measurements.","Programmable Source ImpedanceThe operator is able to set instrument source impedance at 5, 25, 50 or 100 ohms, an important feature when comparing measurements to those made on other testers. Measurement results can vary substantially based solely on the source impedance of the tester being used."
  • ValueTronics 4236 LCR表

    "The 4236 is a 500 kHz lcr meter from Wayne Kerr. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Wayne Kerr 4236 provides economical, thorough and accurate testing of passive components at frequencies up to 10 MHz. The instruments in the range are designed for comprehensive testing of components, with a basic accuracy of 0.2% with a wide range of measurement parameters."
  • ValueTronics 4271B LCR表

    "The 4271B is a 1 MHz LCR Meter from Agilent. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Agilent 4271B Digital LCR Meter meets the requirements of the lab, manufacturing, and where automatic high speed and accuracy measurements are essential. The four-pair measurement technique has the advantage of reducing error due to residual inductance, stray capacitance, and electromagnetic coupling of leads. Offset adjustments are provided to cancel the residuals of the test fixtures. Typical applications include microcircuit measurements, C-V characteristics of semiconductor devices and passive component tests."
  • ValueTronics 4274A LCR表

    "The 4274A is a 100 kHz LCR Meter from Agilent. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Addition al Features:","The Agilent 4274A is a microprocessor based impedance measuring instrument making the evaluation of LCR components, complex components, and semiconductor materials quick-and-easy. The Agilent 4274A measures only the value of the component and\/or device under test, with 5 1\/2-digit resolution and 0.1% basic accuracy by reducing the possibility of errors due to self or mutual inductance, stray capacitance and\/or residual inductance in the test leads or test fixture used. This measurement is obtained by a four terminal pair configuration and a built in automatic zero offset to compensate for these errors. A self test provides an automatic operational verification check indicating a pass or fail condition.","A wide range of components can be tested with the Agilent 4274A due to its wide frequency range of 100 Hz to 100 kHz and test signal levels of 1 mV to 5 VRMS. The meter measures equivalent series resistance (ESR), impedance (|Z|), phase angle (Theta), reactance (X), susceptance (B), and conductance (G), in addition to the conventional L, C, R, D and Q parameters."
  • ValueTronics 4282A LCR表

    "The 4282A is a 1 MHz LCR Meter from Agilent. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Agilent 4282A High Capacitance Meter measures capacitance, dissipation factor, ohm-farad & DC voltage. Measuring frequencies are 50, 60, 100 & 120 Hz; 50 & 60 Hz synchronized by line frequency."
  • ValueTronics 4284A LCR表

    "The 4284A is a 1 MHz LCR Meter from Agilent. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Agilent 4284A precision LCR meter is a cost-effective solution for component and material measurement. The wide 20 Hz to 1 MHz test frequency range and superior test-signal performance allow the Agilent 4284A to test components to the most commonly-used test standards, such as IEC\/MIL standards, and under conditions that simulate the intended application. Whether in research and development, production, quality assurance, or incoming inspection, the Agilent 4284A will meet all of your LCR meter test and measurement requirements."
  • ValueTronics 4320 LCR表

    "The 4320 is a 200 kHz LCR Meter from Wayne Kerr. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","Accurate and fast measurements may be made from 20 Hz to 100 kHz making the 4320 the ideal choice for many applications in the test or production environments. The 4320 may be externally controlled using the standard RS232, GPIB, USB, or LAN interfaces. LAN interface allows users to perform tests over the Internet."
  • ValueTronics 4350 LCR表

    "The 4350 is a 500 kHz LCR Meter from Wayne Kerr. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","Accurate and fast measurements may be made from 20 Hz to 500 kHz making the 4350 the ideal choice for many applications in the test or production environments. The 4350 may be externally controlled using the standard RS232, GPIB, USB, or LAN interfaces. LAN interface allows users to perform tests over the Internet."
  • ValueTronics 885 LCR表

    "The 885 is a 10 kHz LCR Meter from BK Precision. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The BK Precision 885 Synthesized In-Circuit LCR\/ESR Meter with SMD Probe is the first handheld meter of this type on the market, with a wide range of test frequencies up to 10 kHz and many measurement parameters including Z, L, C, DCR, ESR, D, Q, and Ø as well.","The BK Precision 885 is designed for both component evaluation on the production line and fundamental impedance testing for bench top applications. With a built in direct test fixture, you can test the lead components very easily.","This meter offers an optional 4 wire test clip that can give a convenient connection to larger components and assemblies with the accuracy of 4 wire testing. The LCR meters offer fast, reliable, and versatile testing at low cost."
  • ValueTronics 894 LCR表

    "The 894 is a 500 kHz LCR meter from BK Precision. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The BK Precision 894 is a high accuracy LCR meter capable of measuring inductance, capacitance, and resistance of components and materials at DC or from 20 Hz to 500 kHz. The LCR meter provides flexible AC and DC test signal configuration. AC test signal voltage is variable from 5 mVrms to 2 Vrms, the AC current is adjustable up to 66.7 mArms, depending on the AC impedance selected, and a DC bias signal can be added.","The vivid 4.3-inch TFT LCD offers a clear view of all measured and setting values along with BIN sorting comparator results and a handy Zoom feature that enlarges the measured values to full screen. With a basic accuracy of 0.05%, auto level control (ALC), open\/short\/load correction and cable length compensation, this meter is a perfect tool for R&D, manufacturing and quality control applications.","The 894 features a DC bias source which allows the meter to apply a DC signal to the device under test to simulate in-circuit conditions. DC biasing is commonly used to measure capacitance of ceramic, MLCC, polyester and other capacitors with high dielectric constants.","These type of capacitors exhibit a significant change in capacitance with a DC voltage applied. By controlling the DC voltage, users can obtain a more deterministic measurement result. Other applications include evaluation of cored-inductors and junction capacitance of semiconductor devices.","The DC bias source is adjustable from -5V to +5V \/ -50 mA to +50 mA. Additionally the voltage or current levels can be swept while logging the resulting capacitance."
  • ValueTronics 895 LCR表

    "The 895 is a 1 MHz LCR meter from BK Precision. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The BK Precision 895 is a high accuracy LCR meter capable of measuring inductance, capacitance, and resistance of components and materials at DC or from 20 Hz to 1 MHz. The LCR meter provides flexible AC and DC test signal configuration. AC test signal voltage is variable from 5 mVrms to 2 Vrms, the AC current is adjustable up to 66.7 mArms, depending on the AC impedance selected, and a DC bias signal can be added.","The vivid 4.3-inch TFT LCD offers a clear view of all measured and setting values along with BIN sorting comparator results and a handy Zoom feature that enlarges the measured values to full screen. With a basic accuracy of 0.05%, auto level control (ALC), open\/short\/load correction and cable length compensation, this meter is a perfect tool for R&D, manufacturing and quality control applications."
  • ValueTronics E4980A LCR表

    "The E4980A is a 2 MHz LCR Meter from Agilent. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Agilent E4980A offers the industry's highest accuracy and repeatability from 20 Hz to 2 MHz, fast measurement speed, and outstanding performance at both low and high impedance. As a follow-up to Agilent HP's market-leading 4284A, the compact Agilent E4980A includes a modern PC interface and is five times faster, resulting in enhanced productivity and a lower cost of test. The unit's high speed (5.6 ms at 1 MHz) improves test throughput and increases production yields, allowing manufacturers to make lower-cost devices. And the meter's support for LAN, USB, and GPIB, as well as powerful test signal support (20 Vrms signal, 40 V DC bias), makes it easier to manage multiple instrument setups and improves data collection time.","Additional features built into the Agilent E4980A include support for 40 A DC bias current source for conducting highly accurate and efficient DC current-biased inductance measurements, a DC resistance \/ voltage \/ current measurement readout for performing simultaneous evaluations of DC characteristics, and 10 V DC source output port for evaluating three-terminal devices. For users that do not require the ultimate measurement speed in a short length of time, the economical Agilent E4980A with option 005 is available. This version offers the same level of accuracy only with 2 to 5 times less speed than the standard model, yet it is still faster than the Agilent 4284A. For testing power inductors and transformers, choose Option 002, 42841A, and 42842A to get up to 20 A DC bias current."
  • ValueTronics LCR-6020 LCR表

    "The LCR-6020 is a 20 kHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Instek LCR-6020 has a test frequency range of 10 Hz ~ 20 kHz and a basic accuracy of 0.05%. It uses the popular 3.5 color LCD and can display both settings and results simultaneously. Four parameters - Primary and secondary parameters and two monitoring enrich user friendliness.","The LCR-6020 comes with two zero methods without powering down and saves users tremendous amounts of time. Optional DC Current and DC Voltage bias accessories are also available with this new LCR-6000 series. A USB host port is provided as a convenient way to store settings or store measurements for later analysis.","The LCR-6000 series provides rich functionalities with the compact size. First of all, the entire series adopts 3.5-inch color LCD and features opulent display parameters. In addition to simultaneously displaying setting criteria and measurement results, the series increases two additional monitoring parameters. In other words, there are four parameters, primary\/secondary and two monitoring, simultaneously shown on the screen that tremendously enhances the measurement efficiency. The enlarge display mode not only emphasizes the measurement results, but also provides PASS\/FAIL judgment to facilitate a rapid and convenient test result.","Convenience is one of the unique features. The LCR-6000 series comes equipped with two zero methods, which are full frequency range and spot. Users, without turning off the power and changing test fixture, can freely change frequency within the provided frequency range to conduct measurements. By so doing, tremendous time can be saved from repeatedly executing zero operation. Additionally, frequency range of the series is consecutive that allows users to input precise frequency value to conduct the most genuine test on components.","The LCR-6000 series also features diverse ancillary measurements to meet the measurement requirements of different materials. For instance, the series provides the automatic level control (ALC) function to satisfy the test voltage requirement of MLCC. For inductive component measurements, the series provides the adjustable test current function and the D.C. resistance measurement function. The optional external bias current adapter (±2.5A) is to satisfy the measurement requirements. With respect to the D.C. bias voltage test for capacitive components requirements, the series allows users to conduct verification measurement on materials by its internal ±2.5V adjustable voltage or via an optional external bias voltage adapter (±45V). Furthermore, 10 steps of listed test functionalities allow users to set testing parameters (either by frequency, or voltage, or current) for each step based on users’ requirements in order to observe the trend of DUT characteristics.","The LCR-6000 series has 10 memory sets defined by panel setting criteria to facilitate users in selecting test criteria and saving time in repeated settings. 10,000 measurement result storage capability can easily record measurement results instantaneously. The USB host allows easy access to recorded results without connecting the series to the PC. The USB host also allows USB to retrieve and save screen so as to assist users in compiling setting guidelines.","For the external control, the LCR-6000 series provides handler interface and collocates with its measurement sorting function (9BIN, AUX: 1BIN) to facilitate the connection with sorting machine so as to sort out the materials. For remote control and measurement result retrieval requirements, the LCR-6000 series provides RS-232Cto assist setting control or measurement result retrieval via the PC commands. Additionally, the free PC software gives users an instant tool to store measurement results that saves time in developing programs.","The brand new compacted LCR-6000 series can effectively improve the limitation of space. Diverse measurement functionalities and display methods are making the series the high CP ratio choice in meeting the requirements of R&D, component assessment for engineering departments, category sorting requirements for component production, and IQC for verification on component specifications."
  • ValueTronics LCR-6300 LCR表

    "The LCR-6300 is a 300 kHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Instek LCR-6300 has a test frequency range of 10 Hz ~ 300 kHz and a basic accuracy of 0.05%. It uses the popular 3.5 color LCD and can display both settings and results simultaneously. Four parameters - Primary and secondary parameters and two monitoring enrich user friendliness.","The LCR-6300 comes with two zero methods without powering down and saves users tremendous amounts of time. Optional DC Current and DC Voltage bias accessories are also available with this new LCR-6000 series. A USB host port is provided as a convenient way to store settings or store measurements for later analysis.","The LCR-6000 series provides rich functionalities with the compact size. First of all, the entire series adopts 3.5-inch color LCD and features opulent display parameters. In addition to simultaneously displaying setting criteria and measurement results, the series increases two additional monitoring parameters. In other words, there are four parameters, primary\/secondary and two monitoring, simultaneously shown on the screen that tremendously enhances the measurement efficiency. The enlarge display mode not only emphasizes the measurement results, but also provides PASS\/FAIL judgment to facilitate a rapid and convenient test result.","Convenience is one of the unique features. The LCR-6000 series comes equipped with two zero methods, which are full frequency range and spot. Users, without turning off the power and changing test fixture, can freely change frequency within the provided frequency range to conduct measurements. By so doing, tremendous time can be saved from repeatedly executing zero operation. Additionally, frequency range of the series is consecutive that allows users to input precise frequency value to conduct the most genuine test on components.","The LCR-6000 series also features diverse ancillary measurements to meet the measurement requirements of different materials. For instance, the series provides the automatic level control (ALC) function to satisfy the test voltage requirement of MLCC. For inductive component measurements, the series provides the adjustable test current function and the D.C. resistance measurement function. The optional external bias current adapter (±2.5A) is to satisfy the measurement requirements. With respect to the D.C. bias voltage test for capacitive components requirements, the series allows users to conduct verification measurement on materials by its internal ±2.5V adjustable voltage or via an optional external bias voltage adapter (±45V). Furthermore, 10 steps of listed test functionalities allow users to set testing parameters (either by frequency, or voltage, or current) for each step based on users’ requirements in order to observe the trend of DUT characteristics.","The LCR-6000 series has 10 memory sets defined by panel setting criteria to facilitate users in selecting test criteria and saving time in repeated settings. 10,000 measurement result storage capability can easily record measurement results instantaneously. The USB host allows easy access to recorded results without connecting the series to the PC. The USB host also allows USB to retrieve and save screen so as to assist users in compiling setting guidelines.","For the external control, the LCR-6000 series provides handler interface and collocates with its measurement sorting function (9BIN, AUX: 1BIN) to facilitate the connection with sorting machine so as to sort out the materials. For remote control and measurement result retrieval requirements, the LCR-6000 series provides RS-232Cto assist setting control or measurement result retrieval via the PC commands. Additionally, the free PC software gives users an instant tool to store measurement results that saves time in developing programs.","The brand new compacted LCR-6000 series can effectively improve the limitation of space. Diverse measurement functionalities and display methods are making the series the high CP ratio choice in meeting the requirements of R&D, component assessment for engineering departments, category sorting requirements for component production, and IQC for verification on component specifications."
  • ValueTronics LCR-8101G LCR表

    "The LCR-8101G is a 1 MHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","Included Accessories:","Applications","The LCR-8101G LCR meter, with test frequency up to 1 MHz, provides accuracy, versatility and high resolution for a wide range of component measurements, even including DC resistance measurement and Voltage\/Current monitoring.","The Multi-Step function allows on-screen programming of customized measurement sequence with Pass\/Fail indication. Each program includes 30 test steps and each test step can be set with selected parameters and test limits. Under Multi-Step operation, a tedious work routine can be done step by step automatically just at a press of a button.","With Graph Mode the LCR-8101G displays the component impedance response either over a wide range of test frequency sweep or over a wide range of test voltage sweep in a graph chart. This gives an analysis result of either impedance vs. frequency or impedance vs. applied voltage all at a glance.","GPIB and RS-232C interfaces are available as standard for instrument control and test result display on the PC. The rich features of LCR-8000G Series easily make your measurement tasks done at a very competitive price.","Wide Frequency Range With Friendly Intuitive User InterfaceThe LCR-8000G Series is designed to perform precision impedance measurements over a wide frequency range of 20Hz ~ 1MHz for LCR-8101G, 20Hz ~ 5MHz for LCR-8105G and 20Hz ~10MHz for LCR-8110G. The instrument is capable of measuring 11 different parameters with 0.1% basic accuracy, which meets the precision measurement requirements of components and modules used in the RF circuits. The large LCD display with single-layer operation menu of LCR-8000G Series provides users with ultimate convenience to plug and play without much learning time.","Multi Step ModeThe Multi-Step mode is capable of running a series of measurements of a component at a number of user-defined steps in sequence automatically. Total 64 programs can be saved into the non-volatile memory, and each program contains up to 30 test steps. The parameter and Hi\/Lo limits can be set respectively for each test step. After a program being properly edited, the instrument can run through all the measurement steps either at a press of the button under the Manual Trigger selection, or automatically run the program by detecting the connection of a DUT under the Auto Trigger selection. When all the test steps are completed, the screen shows the measurement reading of the parameter being selected for each step with Pass, HI, or LO measurement result.","Graph ModeThe graph function shows the component characteristics in visual manner. Either voltage sweep or frequency sweep can be selected for horizontal scale. Just select the parameter, and set the start\/stop voltage or the start\/stop frequency of the sweep, LCR -8000G will run through the sequence of measurements and show the results on a graph. This graphical parameter measurement performs the characteristic verification of components and materials over the response to the changes in AC test frequency or AC test voltage without the need of complex programming of an external controller. When the graph gets out of the vertical range, the LCR- 8000G Series can automatically adjust the scale to get full test information. On the graph the marker operation is available for detailed observation.","Pass\/fail Function with Judgment AlarmIn the Pass\/Fail test, primary parameter measurement result is compared with user-defined limits and the pass or fail result is then displayed. Three methods, including absolute limit, percentage and delta limit, are available for Hi(high) and Lo(low) limit setting based on the nominal test value. The Pass\/Fail test checks whether the parameter measurement result sits within the limits, then display \"PASS\" for within the limits, or \"LO\" for lower than the low limit, or \"HI\" For higher than the high limit. A scale and bar for displaying measurement result is shown at the center of the screen to give a graphical identification, which greatly reduces operator's load in a long time inspection work. This scale and bar also facilitate the adjustment of the variable components. Either Pass or Fail result can be set with a buzzer alarm, which makes component or material sorting easy with sound identification."
  • ValueTronics LCR-8105G LCR表

    "The LCR-8105G is a 5 MHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","Included Accessories:","Applications","The LCR-8105G LCR meter, with a test frequency up to 5 MHz, provides accuracy, versatility and high resolution for a wide range of component measurements, even including DC resistance measurement and Voltage\/Current monitoring.","The Multi-Step function allows on-screen programming of customized measurement sequence with Pass\/Fail indication. Each program includes 30 test steps and each test step can be set with selected parameters and test limits. Under Multi-Step operation, a tedious work routine can be done step by step automatically just at a press of a button.","With Graph Mode, the LCR-8105G displays the component impedance response either over a wide range of test frequency sweep or over a wide range of test voltage sweep in a graph chart. This gives an analysis result of either impedance vs. frequency or impedance vs. applied voltage all at a glance.","GPIB and RS-232C interfaces are available as standard for instrument control and test result display on the PC. The rich features of LCR-8000G Series easily make your measurement tasks done at a very competitive price.","Wide Frequency Range With Friendly Intuitive User InterfaceThe LCR-8000G Series is designed to perform precision impedance measurements over a wide frequency range of 20Hz ~ 1MHz for LCR-8101G, 20Hz ~ 5MHz for LCR-8105G and 20Hz ~10MHz for LCR-8110G. The instrument is capable of measuring 11 different parameters with 0.1% basic accuracy, which meets the precision measurement requirements of components and modules used in the RF circuits. The large LCD display with single-layer operation menu of LCR-8000G Series provides users with ultimate convenience to plug and play without much learning time.","Multi Step ModeThe Multi-Step mode is capable of running a series of measurements of a component at a number of user-defined steps in sequence automatically. Total 64 programs can be saved into the non-volatile memory, and each program contains up to 30 test steps. The parameter and Hi\/Lo limits can be set respectively for each test step. After a program being properly edited, the instrument can run through all the measurement steps either at a press of the button under the Manual Trigger selection, or automatically run the program by detecting the connection of a DUT under the Auto Trigger selection. When all the test steps are completed, the screen shows the measurement reading of the parameter being selected for each step with Pass, HI, or LO measurement result.","Graph ModeThe graph function shows the component characteristics in visual manner. Either voltage sweep or frequency sweep can be selected for horizontal scale. Just select the parameter, and set the start\/stop voltage or the start\/stop frequency of the sweep, LCR -8000G will run through the sequence of measurements and show the results on a graph. This graphical parameter measurement performs the characteristic verification of components and materials over the response to the changes in AC test frequency or AC test voltage without the need of complex programming of an external controller. When the graph gets out of the vertical range, the LCR- 8000G Series can automatically adjust the scale to get full test information. On the graph the marker operation is available for detailed observation.","Pass\/fail Function with Judgment AlarmIn the Pass\/Fail test, primary parameter measurement result is compared with user-defined limits and the pass or fail result is then displayed. Three methods, including absolute limit, percentage and delta limit, are available for Hi(high) and Lo(low) limit setting based on the nominal test value. The Pass\/Fail test checks whether the parameter measurement result sits within the limits, then display \"PASS\" for within the limits, or \"LO\" for lower than the low limit, or \"HI\" For higher than the high limit. A scale and bar for displaying measurement result is shown at the center of the screen to give a graphical identification, which greatly reduces operator's load in a long time inspection work. This scale and bar also facilitate the adjustment of the variable components. Either Pass or Fail result can be set with a buzzer alarm, which makes component or material sorting easy with sound identification."
  • ValueTronics LCR-8110G LCR表

    "The LCR-8110G is a 10 MHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","Included Accessories:","Applications","The LCR-8110G LCR meter, with a test frequency up to 10 MHz, provides accuracy, versatility and high resolution for a wide range of component measurements, even including DC resistance measurement and Voltage\/Current monitoring.","The Multi-Step function allows on-screen programming of customized measurement sequence with Pass\/Fail indication. Each program includes 30 test steps and each test step can be set with selected parameters and test limits. Under Multi-Step operation, a tedious work routine can be done step by step automatically just at a press of a button.","With Graph Mode the LCR-8110G displays the component impedance response either over a wide range of test frequency sweep or over a wide range of test voltage sweep in a graph chart. This gives an analysis result of either impedance vs. frequency or impedance vs. applied voltage all at a glance.","GPIB and RS-232C interfaces are available as standard for instrument control and test result display on the PC. The rich features of LCR-8000G Series easily make your measurement tasks done at a very competitive price.","Wide Frequency Range with Friendly Intuitive User InterfaceThe LCR-8000G Series is designed to perform precision impedance measurements over a wide frequency range of 20Hz ~ 1MHz for LCR-8101G, 20Hz ~ 5MHz for LCR-8105G and 20Hz ~10MHz for LCR-8110G. The instrument is capable of measuring 11 different parameters with 0.1% basic accuracy, which meets the precision measurement requirements of components and modules used in the RF circuits. The large LCD display with single-layer operation menu of LCR-8000G Series provides users with ultimate convenience to plug and play without much learning time.","Multi Step ModeThe Multi-Step mode is capable of running a series of measurements of a component at a number of user-defined steps in sequence automatically. Total 64 programs can be saved into the non-volatile memory, and each program contains up to 30 test steps. The parameter and Hi\/Lo limits can be set respectively for each test step. After a program being properly edited, the instrument can run through all the measurement steps either at a press of the button under the Manual Trigger selection, or automatically run the program by detecting the connection of a DUT under the Auto Trigger selection. When all the test steps are completed, the screen shows the measurement reading of the parameter being selected for each step with Pass, HI, or LO measurement result.","Graph ModeThe graph function shows the component characteristics in visual manner. Either voltage sweep or frequency sweep can be selected for horizontal scale. Just select the parameter, and set the start\/stop voltage or the start\/stop frequency of the sweep, LCR -8000G will run through the sequence of measurements and show the results on a graph. This graphical parameter measurement performs the characteristic verification of components and materials over the response to the changes in AC test frequency or AC test voltage without the need of complex programming of an external controller. When the graph gets out of the vertical range, the LCR- 8000G Series can automatically adjust the scale to get full test information. On the graph the marker operation is available for detailed observation.","Pass\/fail Function with Judgment AlarmIn the Pass\/Fail test, primary parameter measurement result is compared with user-defined limits and the pass or fail result is then displayed. Three methods, including absolute limit, percentage and delta limit, are available for Hi(high) and Lo(low) limit setting based on the nominal test value. The Pass\/Fail test checks whether the parameter measurement result sits within the limits, then display \"PASS\" for within the limits, or \"LO\" for lower than the low limit, or \"HI\" For higher than the high limit. A scale and bar for displaying measurement result is shown at the center of the screen to give a graphical identification, which greatly reduces operator's load in a long time inspection work. This scale and bar also facilitate the adjustment of the variable components. Either Pass or Fail result can be set with a buzzer alarm, which makes component or material sorting easy with sound identification."
  • ValueTronics LCR-914 LCR表

    "The LCR-914 is a 100 kHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Instek LCR-914 is a smart, convenient and fully-functional dual display handheld LCR meter. The test frequency extends as high as 100 kHz\/1 kHz, providing greater flexibility to test a wider range of components.The Instek LCR-914 uses a dual 20,000\/2,000 count display. The 20,000 count display is used for displaying the primary parameters such as capacitance, inductance and resistance as well as DC resistance measurement, and a 2,000 count display is for secondary parameters such as Q, D, ESR and RP measurement. Secondary measurements can also be combined with the primary measurement while the primary measurement is still being taken.","The Instek LCR-914 provides two measurement methods, 2 wire and 5 wire measurement. The Instek LCR-914 also come with a host of various standard or optional accessories to assist the testing a number of different component types. The meters also include handy functions such as data hold, tolerance sorting, and zero mode. The meter’s USB interface can be used to log data to a PC using the Instek LCR900 software and provide the DC 5V needed to power the meter. With the Instek LCR-914, you can perform quick and basic LCR measurements with precision at an affordable price."
  • ValueTronics LCR-915 LCR表

    "The LCR-915 is a 100 kHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The LCR-915 is a smart, convenient and fully-functional dual display handheld LCR meter. The test frequency extends as high as 100 kHz\/10 kHz, providing greater flexibility to test a wider range of components.The LCR-915 uses a dual 20,000\/2,000 count display. The 20,000 count display is used for displaying the primary parameters such as capacitance, inductance and resistance as well as DC resistance measurement, and a 2,000 count display is for secondary parameters such as Q, D, ESR and RP measurement. Secondary measurements can also be combined with the primary measurement while the primary measurement is still being taken.","The LCR-915 provides two measurement methods, 2 wire and 5 wire measurement. The LCR-915 also come with a host of various standard or optional accessories to assist the testing a number of different component types. The meters also include handy functions such as data hold, tolerance sorting, and zero mode. The meter’s USB interface can be used to log data to a PC using the LCR900 software and provide the DC 5V needed to power the meter. With the LCR-915, you can perform quick and basic LCR measurements with precision at an affordable price."
  • ValueTronics LCR-916 LCR表

    "The LCR-916 is a 100 kHz LCR Meter from Instek. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The LCR-916 is a smart, convenient and fully-functional dual display handheld LCR meter. The test frequency extends as high as 100 kHz\/10 kHz, providing greater flexibility to test a wider range of components.The LCR-916 uses a dual 20,000 \/2,000 count display. The 20,000 count display is used for displaying the primary parameters such as capacitance, inductance and resistance as well as DC resistance measurement, and a 2,000 count display is for secondary parameters such as Q, D, ESR and RP measurement. Secondary measurements can also be combined with the primary measurement while the primary measurement is still being taken.","The LCR-916 provides two measurement methods, 2 wire and 5 wire measurement. The LCR-916 also come with a host of various standard or optional accessories to assist the testing a number of different component types. The meters also include handy functions such as data hold, tolerance sorting, zero mode and Min\/Max. The meter’s USB interface can be used to log data to a PC using the LCR900 software and provide the DC 5V needed to power the meter. With the LCR-916, you can perform quick and basic LCR measurements with precision at an affordable price."
  • ValueTronics PM6303 LCR表

    "The PM6303 is a 1 kHz LCR Meter from Fluke. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:"
  • ValueTronics PM6303A LCR表

    "The PM6303A is a 1 kHz LCR Meter from Fluke. An LCR meter is a piece of electronic test equipment that measures inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic components. The LCR meter accurately measures these elements on an electronic device, usually one subjected to an alternating current (AC) voltage source. The LCR meter measures the current through and voltage across the device under test.","Additional Features:","The Fluke PM6303A is quick and simple to operate on the manufacturing floor as a quality assurance tool or in the service lab for quick tests of a wide variety of components. The Fluke PM6303A's simple operation and 0.25 % basic accuracy make the PM6303A equally at home in the classroom for education and training environments."
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