
BinMaster / Garner Industries
美国 BinMaster 设计和制造可靠的固态点和连续料仓料位指示器、控制系统和传感装置,用于储存粉末和散装固体,服务于电力、谷物、塑胶、化工、食品、水泥 混合物、制药、木材造纸和许多其他的固体液体产品领域的客户。BinMaster 是加纳工业公司(Garner Industries, Inc.)制造的产品品牌之一,Garner Industries 是一家塑料和金属零件的定制制造商,成立于1953年,通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证。 主要产品连续液位SmartBob      3D 液位扫描仪     GWR波导雷达        超声点液位旋转        电容探头   振动棒   薄膜开关  倾斜开关液位压力  超声槽液位  磁致伸缩  浮球开关  流量检测   粉尘检测 发展历程Garner Industries 是一家拥有65年历史的多元化制造公司。Garner 于1953年在内布拉斯加州林肯市成立,当时是一家小型工具和模具公司。20世纪60年代中期,Garner 开始开发自动粮箱料位监控系统,从而诞生了BinMaster系列料位控制技术。BinMaster 是一家美国领先的点式和连续式液位指示器和库存管理系统制造商,用于监控料仓、储罐、料仓和料斗中的散装固体或液体的液位。物料管理解决方案包括全数字谷物监控系统、流量检测传感器以及使用无线设备和网络应用程序向控制室、控制台、智能手机、平板电脑或PC发送数据的完整解决方案。可以为单个站点开发强大的定制系统,也可以为跨国运营中的每个料仓、储罐和料仓开发网络系统。今天,Garner Industries 在其115,000平方英尺的工厂中雇用了130多名员工。其塑料注射成型、模具制造、CNC加工和BinMaster液位传感器产品销往全球多个行业,包括农业、建筑、水泥、采矿、生物燃料和食品加工。加纳工业通过了ISO 9001质量管理体系要求认证。了解更多有关加纳计划的信息。访问网站或下载加纳工业手册. 2020BinMaster为所有BinMaster传感器和许多其他制造商的传感器发布了新的BinCloud IOT平台。BinCloud拥有FeedView、ResinView、CementView、AgriView、PitView和BinView应用程序,可帮助各自行业进行库存管理。2019BinMaster发布了FeedView,为批量feed应用程序提供库存管理。独特的FVL-200让FeedView既实用又经济。2016BinMaster 推出了NCR-80非接触式雷达。NCR-80已成为行业中散装固体连续液位测量的标准。2010BinMaster 将3D水平扫描仪带到了美国市场,今天也带到了世界各地。3D水平扫描仪能够“看到”料箱内的材料几何形状。二十世纪初BinMaster 搬入了目前115,000平方英尺的厂房。这为未来几年的增长奠定了基础。1990年代BinMaster 经历了巨大的增长。BinMaster 推出了其他产品,包括用于额外点位测量的电容探头和振动棒。二十世纪八十年代BinMaster 推出了SmartBob“溜溜球”型液位传感器。SmartBob 液位传感器是 BinMaster 生产的首款可提供“连续”液位测量的传感器。20世纪70年代Garner Industries 增加了额外的数控能力,GR旋转桨首次亮相。随着GR扶轮社的发展,BinMaster 开始成为业内的一个名字。二十世纪六十年代当地一家垃圾桶制造公司找到加纳,询问 Garner Industries 是否能生产一种膜片开关。这是第一款BinMaster产品,至今仍是BinMaster产品系列的一部分。1953Garner Industries 是由埃德·加纳创建的一个小型工具和模具商店。
  • BinMaster MVL 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    测量范围 :? to 2400 inch (? to 60960 mm)
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    介质温度范围:185 F (85 C)
    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial; Other Interface Type (optional feature)
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster PROCAP I & II 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:158 F (70 C)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    最大额定电流:10 amps
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
  • BinMaster PROCAP IX & IIX 干料(粉)料位传感器

    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:185 F (85 C)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    最大额定电流:10 amps
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
  • BinMaster PROCAP I 3-A & II 3-A 干料(粉)料位传感器

    介质温度范围:185 F (85 C)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    特征 :Sanitary Applications rated (3A etc.)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    最大额定电流:10 amps
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
  • BinMaster Pro Auto-Cal 干料(粉)料位传感器

    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类型:Sensor System
    温度范围:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C) ,-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    最大额定电流:10 amps
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
  • BinMaster Pro Remote 干料(粉)料位传感器

    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    温度范围:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C) ,-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    最大额定电流:10 amps
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
  • BinMaster 3DLS S & M & MV 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial; Other Interface Type (optional feature)
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    测量范围 :? to 2400 inch (? to 60960 mm)
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    介质温度范围:185 F (85 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster FCP 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    最大工作压力 :500 psi (352 m H2O)
    介质温度范围:250 to 500 F (121 to 260 C)
    测量技术:Air Bubbler
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster VF-95 干料(粉)料位传感器

    最大工作压力 :363 psi (255 m H2O)
    安装选项 :Side mount
    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:-58 to 482 F (-50 to 250 C)
    测量技术:Vibrating or Tuning Fork Method
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    温度范围:-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C) ,-40 to 176 F (-40 to 80 C)
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    开关类型:Electro-mechanical switch
    最大交流电压额定值:253 volts
    刀掷规格:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
    最大直流电压额定值:253 volts
  • BinMaster VR-21 SED and VR-41 SED 干料(粉)料位传感器

    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    产品类型:Sensor System
    介质温度范围:284 F (140 C)
    测量技术:Vibrating or Tuning Fork Method
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    温度范围:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C) ,-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
  • BinMaster VR-21 干料(粉)料位传感器

    测量技术:Vibrating or Tuning Fork Method
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:284 F (140 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    温度范围:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C) ,-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
  • BinMaster NCR-80 干料(粉)料位传感器

    输出选项 :Analog Current
    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    测量范围 :? to 4716 inch (? to 119786 mm)
    介质温度范围:392 F (200 C)
    测量技术:Radar or Microwave
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster RL 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial; Other Interface Type (optional feature)
    安装选项 :Top mount
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    介质温度范围:185 F (85 C)
    产品类型:Sensor System
    显示 :Digital Readouts
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster Bendable Capacitance Probe 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    特征 :Can handle liquids with suspended solids (slurries)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster Compact Pro 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    安装选项 :Side mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    温度范围:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C) ,-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    最大额定电流:5 amps
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Single Pole, Double Throw (SPDT)
  • BinMaster 3DLS HT 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial; Other
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    测量范围 :? to 2400 inch (? to 60960 mm)
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    介质温度范围:356 F (180 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster MAXIMA+ 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:185 F (85 C)
    测量技术:Rotation Paddle
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    开关类型:Solid-state switch
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    最大额定电流:10 amps
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Single Pole, Double Throw (SPDT); Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
  • BinMaster VR-51 干料(粉)料位传感器

    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    产品类型:Sensor System
    介质温度范围:284 F (140 C)
    测量技术:Vibrating or Tuning Fork Method
    安装选项 :Top mount
    温度范围:-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C) ,-4 to 140 F (-20 to 60 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
  • BinMaster PROCAP I-FL & II-FL 干料(粉)料位传感器

    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    安装选项 :Side mount (optional feature); Top mount
    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:185 F (85 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    介质:Liquid; Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    最大额定电流:10 amps
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT)
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
  • BinMaster GWR-2000 干料(粉)料位传感器

    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    输出选项 :Analog Current
    介质温度范围:392 F (200 C)
    测量技术:Radar or Microwave
    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial; Other Interface Type (optional feature)
    产品类型:Sensor System
    测量范围 :? to 1200 inch (? to 30480 mm)
    安装选项 :Top mount
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster PROCAP I HD & II HD 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor Only
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    介质温度范围:500 F (260 C)
    测量技术:Capacitive or RF Admittance
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster SHT-120 and SHT-140 干料(粉)料位传感器

    介质温度范围:482 F (250 C)
    测量技术:Vibrating or Tuning Fork Method
    安装选项 :Top mount
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    产品类型:Sensor System
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    温度范围:-4 to 150 F (-20 to 65.56 C) ,-4 to 150 F (-20 to 65.56 C)
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Pole And Throw Specifications:Single Pole, Double Throw (SPDT); Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT) (optional feature)
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
  • BinMaster LL-100 干料(粉)料位传感器

    通信接口选项 :Digital Serial
    液位测量类型 :Continuous Level
    介质温度范围:160 F (71.11 C)
    测量范围 :12 to 1920 inch (305 to 48768 mm)
    安装选项 :Top mount
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
  • BinMaster BM45 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量技术:Pressure Membrane
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    温度范围:-40 to 300 F (-40 to 149 C) ,-40 to 300 F (-40 to 149 C)
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    最大额定电流:15 amps
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:480 volts
  • BinMaster BM65 干料(粉)料位传感器

    产品类型:Sensor System
    液位测量类型 :Single Point or Multi-Point Level
    测量技术:Pressure Membrane
    温度范围:-40 to 300 F (-40 to 149 C) ,-40 to 300 F (-40 to 149 C)
    产品类别 :Dry Material (Powders) Level Sensors
    介质:Dry material (Bulk solids and powders)
    最大额定电流:15 amps
    Number Of Switch Points Range:1 #
    Max Ac Voltage Rating:250 volts
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