SWAN Analytical 斯旺
瑞士 SWAN 公司成立于1991年,致力于研究、开发和生产各类水质分析仪表及远程分析系统。其产品涉及高纯水、工业净水、饮用水及污水处理系统,SWAN产品技术领先、测量精度高、可靠性好、操作简便、使用寿命长,在同类产品中是高品质的象征。SWAN是水行业在线分析系统的全球领先提供商。当前的产品范围包括超纯水(如制药和半导体应用),给水,蒸汽和冷凝水监控,饮用水和工业水处理,以及游泳池和卫生用水。SWAN 发明了电导率测量,具有可重复性和极高的功能,能有用降低树脂耗费,并大大削减保护时花费的时刻和成本。AMI CACE在阳离子交换前后连续测量电导率,以及确认样品的pH值和碱化试剂浓度。在线监测AMI CACE将是当时和下一代水蒸汽循环仪器的关键组件,由于它能够在进步仪器可用性的情况下明显降低成本。实际上,该公司将其业务扩展到了发电商场(水蒸气循环监测)和半导体职业。跟着电力商场的进入,SWAN的快速增长开端了。Swan USA提供了以下参数的精确测量解决方案: 钠(低水平和微量) 二氧化硅(低水平和微量) 电导率(比、酸、脱气) 电阻率 磷酸盐 溶解氧(低水平和微量) pH/ORP 肼 浑浊度 氯(游离、总量和组合)、臭氧、二氧化氯 氟化物、硝酸铵 总有机碳等。主要产品水分析设备、变送器、传感器、抽样器、发送器
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-22.401.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:2.00E-4 ppm
    溶解氧范围:0 to 20 ppm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; DissolvedO2
  • SWAN Analytical A-22.411.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:2.00E-4 ppm
    溶解氧范围:0 to 20 ppm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; DissolvedO2
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-23.441.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    电导率范围:0.0550 to 1000 µS/cm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-23.431.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    电导率范围:0.0100 to 1000 µS/cm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    电阻率范围:10 to 18180 kohm-cm
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids; Measures Resistivity
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-23.421.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    电导率范围:0.1000 to 100 µS/cm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-26.111.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:-0.0600 to 0.0600 ppm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    ISE 范围:0 to 5 ppm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; pH; ISE Meter
    pH 测量特性:pH Reference Electrode Input (optional feature)
    pH范围:2 to 12 pH
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A–26.111.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:-0.0600 to 0.0600 ppm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    ISE 范围:0 to 5 ppm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; pH; ISE Meter
    pH 测量特性:pH Reference Electrode Input (optional feature)
    pH范围:2 to 12 pH
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-25.411.500 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    浊度范围:0.0 to 100 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units)
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Turbidity
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-27.131.011 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:-2 to 2 ppm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    ISE 范围:0 to 600 ppm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-13 to 149 F (-25 to 65 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; ISE Meter
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-27.121.011 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:1 to 2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    ISE 范围:0 to 1000 ppm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 to 2 (# channels)
    介质温度:-13 to 149 F (-25 to 65 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; ISE Meter
  • SWAN Analytical A-75.310.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    电导率范围:0.0550 to 1000 µS/cm
    特性和功能:Battery Powered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids (optional feature)
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-75.310.002 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    电导率范围:0.0550 to 1000 µS/cm
    特性和功能:Battery Powered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids (optional feature)
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-75.200.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:2.00E-4 ppm
    溶解氧范围:0 to 20 ppm
    特性和功能:Battery Powered
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; DissolvedO2
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-75.300.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:0.5000 ±% Full Scale
    特性和功能:Battery Powered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    电阻率范围:0.0100 to 18.18 kohm-cm
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Resistivity
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-75.100.000 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:-0.0100 to 0.0100 ±pH
    特性和功能:Battery Powered
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; pH
    pH 测量特性:pH Reference Electrode Input
    pH范围:1 to 12 pH
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-87.532.151 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度:32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    浊度范围:0.0 to 200 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units)
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Turbidity
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-87.532.1251 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    工作温度:32 to 284 F (0 to 140 C)
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:32 to 284 F (0 to 140 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    浊度范围:0.0 to 100 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units)
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Turbidity
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-13.423.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    电导率范围:0.0050 to 2000 µS/cm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 482 F (-30 to 250 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids (optional feature)
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-11.411.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:-1 to 1 +/-millivolts
    特征:ORP Reference Electrode Input
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    ORP 范围:-500 to 1500 millivolts
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; pH; Measures ORP/Redox
    pH 测量特性:pH Reference Electrode Input
    pH范围:0.0 to 14 pH
  • SWAN Analytical A-13.471.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:1 ±% Full Scale
    电导率范围:0.0 to 2000 µS/cm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 482 F (-30 to 250 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids (optional feature)
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-12.435.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    溶解氧范围:0 to 20 ppm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; DissolvedO2
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-13.680.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:2 to 3 ±% Full Scale
    电导率范围:0.0050 to 2000 µS/cm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 482 F (-30 to 250 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-13.451.100 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 266 F (-30 to 130 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-23.421.001.0 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    控制继电器数量:2 #
    工作温度:-13 to 149 F (-25 to 65 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:-0.0100 to 0.1200 ppm
    特性和功能:Event Triggered
    ISE 范围:0 to 5 ppm
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation (optional feature)
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-22 to 212 F (-30 to 100 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; pH; ISE Meter
    pH 测量特性:pH Reference Electrode Input (optional feature)
    pH范围:2 to 12 pH
  • SWAN Analytical USA, INC. A-70.065.001.D 水质检测仪器

    电气输出:Analog Current
    外观形式:Hand Held ; Portable
    工作温度:-58 to 338 F (-50 to 170 C)
    用户控件:Digital Front Panel
    精度:-0.0100 to 0.0100 ±pH
    特性和功能:Battery Powered
    仪器特性:Automatic Temperature Compensation
    最大输入通道:1 (# channels)
    介质温度:-58 to 338 F (-50 to 170 C)
    产品类别:Water Quality Testing Instruments
    水质参数:Water Quality Measurement Instrument; pH
    pH 测量特性:pH Reference Electrode Input
    pH范围:0.0 to 14 pH
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