Wharfedale Pro 乐富豪
乐富豪 (Wharfedale Pro)从一开始就进入了专业音频的高要求、高性能世界,凭借一系列高价值、高音质和创新的产品在全球获得成功。 自1932年以来,乐富豪一直走在扬声器技术的前沿——这七十五年在音响系统设计和制造方面的经验使乐富豪产品首屈一指。 如今,Wharfedale Pro已成为竞争激烈的专业市场的领头羊。功放,混音台,效果模块,均衡器和照明都包括在投资组合以及扬声器范围内,以适应每一个应用和安装。 乐富豪的专业理念很简单:都有一个共同的设计理念——价值、诚信和性能。我们投入一生的经验-你得到一生的表现。乐富豪音响公司(Wharfedale Pro)  拥有可追溯到1930年代的卓越品质音频的传承。Wharfedale 由 Gilbert Briggs 于1932年创立,最初是一家家庭高保真扬声船制造商,今天仍然是一个独立的品牌。 GilbertBriggs 在位于Wharfe河谷的一个小镇建造了他的第一台扬声器,该地区今天被称为"Wharfedale”。GilbertBriggs 对细节的敏锐洞察力创造了一款出色的扬声器,这不仅归功于技术知识,还日功于对伟大音乐的热情,他本人就是一位娴熟的钢琴家,他的第一部作品还在布拉德福德无线电学会比赛中获得一等奖和二等奖,而 Wharfedale Hi-5产品至今仍赢得了很多奖项。作为 Hi-Fi 品牌的Wharfedale以其该领域的创新者而闻名,于1945年开发出首批两路扬声器之一,并与 Quad 的 Peter Walker 合作,融合了 Quad 电子和 Wharfedale 扬声服技术,该品牌在接下来的几十年里在风格和科学方面引领行业; 在60年代和70年代引入柚木乙烯基和现代塑料,以及在80年代实现声音精度的扫描激光探头(SCALP)和频率切片图(FRESP)技术。Wharfedale 至今仍在运行的最成功的扬声器系列之一是Wharfedale Diamond 系列,于1981年首次发布。其扬声器改变了游戏规则,因为它是一个超紧凑的书架,来用独特的驱动器技术和巨大的声音----这正是市场所追求的。Diamond 系列今天仍在生产中,Diamond 220 被公认为200英镑级别2014年 What Hi-Fi 大奖中200英镑级别的最佳扬声器。1996年,Wharfedale品牌被国际音响集团(IAG - International Audio Group)收购。为满足不断增长的专业音频市场的需求,该品牌更进一步,Wharfedale Pro 诞生了。今天, Wharfedale Pro 已被公认为是所在竞争市场领域中的领导者。与Hi-Fi中最畅销的Diamond系列类似,Wharfedale Pro 也获得了类似的成功: 包括 Titan ACtive。 WLA和 EVP-X在内的扬声器系列已得到国际认可,从较小的场地、乐队和移动 DJ设置到专业设施,包括体育场、超级俱乐部、教堂和剧院,都得到了广泛使用。IAG集团有限公司的一部分中国是IAG的运营中心。位于江西吉安的新生产基地占地约400,000平方米,拥有完整的扬声器和电子产品”从原材料到成品”的制造流程。IAG自成立以来一直通过严格的垂育整合政策蓬物发展。我们的对内投资扩展到设备齐全的工具车间,支持现场原型设计和开发---对于持续增长至关重要。从我们在中国的制造开始,我们通过简单高效且组织良好的供应链直接向全球100多个国家/地区供应产品。今天,我们设计、加工和制造了超过95%的产品组成部件。我们自己生产的扬声器部件比我们的任何竞争对手都多,而且这种趋势在整个品牌组合中持续存在。该集团继续保持在扬声器研究、设计、和技术创新的前沿,以制造高质量的音频系统,这使IAG成为世界领先的音频/视频产品制造商之一。IAG group Ltd . 于1991年在香港成立,其产品组合代表了高保真和电子世界中一些最古老和最受尊敬的品牌。1997年,该集团收购了Wharfedale,在扩大和丰富其产品线的同时,Wharfedale Pro 被开发为一个自主品牌,以满足扩声市场不断增长的苛刻需求。国际知名的高保真品牌包括 Wharfedale、Quad、Audiolab、Mission、Luxman、Leak 和 Castle,还有其他专业音频和照明品牌,包括COEF、FAL 和 Quad Industrial。IAG集团有限公司中国是我们远东制造工厂的所在地,也是整个亚太地区的中心分销区。 我们在澳门和中国大陆设有办事处,可为世界各地的 Wharfedale Pro 产品提供零件和服务。我们的多语种销售团队位于深圳办事处。 IAG英国英国总部和服务部门设在剑桥郡的亨廷顿。
  • Wharfedale Pro Q-230 混音器和控制台

    Q - 230是一个双通道30乐队1 \ / 3倍频程图示均衡器使用常数问过滤器维护甚至带宽无论增益保证透明调整甚至极端的增益设置。,一个音量控制器可切换的范围从6 db 12 db帮助你得到最好的声音从你的钻机在你面对的情况。一个可清扫的40Hz到100Hz 12dB\/八度高频允许准确去除不想要的低端隆隆声,可以反过来增加整个系统的净空。Q-230安装在一个2U 19 rackmount底盘中,并且在XLR和1\/4 TRS平衡\/不平衡连接器上有输入和输出。地面升降开关可以消除任何接地回路或嗡嗡声问题。电力是通过IEC连接器提供的。
  • Wharfedale Pro R-1604 混音器和控制台

  • Wharfedale Pro R-1604FX 混音器和控制台

    "R1604 FX- R Series with Digital Effects","The R1604FX offers 4 mono, balanced mic\/line input channels and four stereo input channels with 3 band equalization on each channel."
  • Wharfedale Pro R-200 混音器和控制台

    从沃顿专业的R系列混频器是专为提供一个优质的音频性能在一个容易使用,伟大的价值包。R200具有4个低噪音、高净空低Z mic输入,可用于平衡或低阻抗麦克风或低水平外部设备与XLR连接器。4个平衡\/不平衡高阻抗单声道输入,用于使用1\/4\"电话插头连接器的高电平信号。R200立体声通道功能两个平衡线电平输入与1\/4\"插孔为左和右信号。
  • Wharfedale Pro R-2004 混音器和控制台

  • Wharfedale Pro R-2004FX 混音器和控制台

    "R2004 FX- R Series with Digital Effects","The R2004FX offers 8 mono, balanced mic\/line input channels with with 3 Band equalization and a semi- parametric mid range control plus 3 Band equalization on each of the four stereo input channels. The R2004FX also provides 8 TRS ¼\" channel Insert jacks for the mono channels which allow the connection of external serial signal processing devices."
  • Wharfedale Pro SL1224USB 混音器和控制台

    SL 1224搅拌机是一个工作室\ /生活混合控制台内置全双工USB接口。,为了迎合各种格式混合关税,中期SL 1224包括许多特性适合住声音和家里工作室应用程序。,高质量class-compliant 2-input 2-output 16位\ / 48 khz USB接口特性在所有模型,具有灵活的记录总线和专用的返回通道,非常适合现场和家庭录音。","工作室级麦克风前置放大器在整个使用,并具有平衡的XLR输入,所有通道还提供平衡\/不平衡TRS线水平连接。此外,所有的单声道有一个TRS插入点","一个超音乐3波段EQ是可用的在所有的渠道,与一个额外的高通滤波器在单声道。一个内置的外汇处理器与16预置给您无限的创造潜力,并辅以一个专门的外汇发送和辅助设备。
  • Wharfedale Pro SL424USB 混音器和控制台

    SL 424是一个紧凑的studio \ /生活混合控制台内置全双工USB接口。,为了迎合各种格式混合关税,中期SL 424包括许多特性适合住声音和家里工作室应用程序。,工作室质量class-compliant 2-input 2-output 16位\ / 48 khz USB接口非常适合生活和家庭录音。,工作室年级麦克风前置放大器中使用,平衡XLR输入,与所有渠道也提供平衡\/不平衡TRS线水平连接","一个超音乐3波段均衡器是可用的在所有渠道,与额外的高通滤波器在单声道。
  • Wharfedale Pro SL824USB 混音器和控制台

    SL 824搅拌机是一个工作室\ /生活混合控制台内置全双工USB接口。,为了迎合各种格式混合关税,中期SL 824包括许多特性适合住声音和家里工作室应用程序。,高质量class-compliant 2-input 2-output 16位\ / 48 khz USB接口特性在所有模型,具有灵活的记录总线和专用的返回通道,非常适合现场和家庭录音。","工作室级麦克风前置放大器在整个使用,并具有平衡的XLR输入,所有通道还提供平衡\/不平衡TRS线水平连接。此外,所有的单声道有一个TRS插入点","一个超音乐3波段EQ是可用的在所有的渠道,与一个额外的高通滤波器在单声道。一个内置的外汇处理器与16预置给您无限的创造潜力,并辅以一个专门的外汇发送和辅助设备。
  • Wharfedale Pro SPX613 混音器和控制台

    "7 Mic\/ 3 Stereo Inputs, 300 Watts\/channel","Wharfedale Pro's new SPX613 Powered Mixer provides you with everything you need in a compact, powered mixer. Designed for ease of use and quality audio performance, the SPX613 offers many traditional features found in powered mixers along with some additional unique features that will enhance the technical capabilities of your performances.","Featuring high-headroom \/ low noise preamps, switchable global phantom power, built-in signal limiting circuits, along with options for direct connections of low output instruments, the versatile input channels of the SPX613 mixer is ready to meet the challenges of your performance applications.","7 mono, balanced\/unbalanced mic inputs","The SPX613 has 7 mono, balanced\/unbalanced mic inputs. The last two mono Mic channels on this model offer a \"Super Hi-Z\" input for the connection of low level instruments. The rest of the mono channels provide additional balanced, line level inputs. Two additional stereo input channels provide the flexibility of dual RCA, and dual ¼\" balanced analog input jacks. To top that off, a third stereo input channel with dual ¼\" balanced analog inputs also provides a unique, and handy USB port for connection of your laptop computer for stereo playback and recording of digital audio to and from the SPX613 Powered Mixer!","Channel level control and pan","Each mono channel on the SPX613 Powered Mixer offers a channel level control and pan along with variable input TRIM control for detailed input level setting, three band shelving equalization controls, and two separate auxiliary mix controls for stage monitors (MON) and internal or external parallel effects (EFX) processing. Stereo channels each offer channel level and pan, TRIM, two band equalization and summed monitor (MON) and effects (EFX) auxiliary mix controls.","Versatile master section","The versatile master section provides sophisticated control of the overall mixing parameters. These powered mixers offer the capability of being used as a stereo sound reinforcement system, or they can be configured to work as a mono-main and mono-monitor system, making use of the two independent power amplifiers housed within each unit.","Nine band graphic equalizers","Nine band graphic equalizers allow for the flexibility of detailed tonal control of the overall output of each amplifier. When in stereo mode, one graphic \"EQ\" controls the left output while the other controls the right output. When in mono-main\/monitor mode, one EQ controls the mono main speaker output while the other EQ provides for the tonal characteristics of the stage monitor mix, allowing for detailed tonal and feedback control (+\/- 12 decibels) within nine different frequency bands.","Effects Processing Signals","Along with a convenient \"MONITOR MASTER\" level control the SPX613 offers …"
  • Wharfedale Pro SPX815 混音器和控制台

    "9 Mic\/ 3 Stereo Inputs, 400 Watts\/channel","Wharfedale Pro's new SPX815 Powered Mixer provides you with everything you need in a compact, powered mixer. Designed for ease of use and quality audio performance, the SPX815 offers many traditional features found in powered mixers along with some additional unique features that will enhance the technical capabilities of your performances.Featuring high-headroom \/ low noise preamps, switchable global phantom power, built-in signal limiting circuits, along with options for direct connections of low output instruments, the versatile input channels of the SPX815 mixer is ready to meet the challenges of your performance applications.","9 mono, balanced\/unbalanced mic inputs","The SPX815 has 9 mono, balanced\/unbalanced mic inputs. The last two mono Mic channels on this model offer a \"Super Hi-Z\" input for the connection of low level instruments. The rest of the mono channels provide additional balanced, line level inputs. Two additional stereo input channels provide the flexibility of dual RCA, and dual ¼\" balanced analog input jacks. To top that off, a third stereo input channel with dual ¼\" balanced analog inputs also provides a unique, and handy USB port for connection of your laptop computer for stereo playback and recording of digital audio to and from the SPX815 Powered Mixer!","Channel level control and pan","Each mono channel on the SPX815 Powered Mixer offers a channel level control and pan along with variable input TRIM control for detailed input level setting, three band shelving equalization controls, and two separate auxiliary mix controls for stage monitors (MON) and internal or external parallel effects (EFX) processing. Stereo channels each offer channel level and pan, TRIM, two band equalization and summed monitor (MON) and effects (EFX) auxiliary mix controls.","Versatile master section","The versatile master section provides sophisticated control of the overall mixing parameters. These powered mixers offer the capability of being used as a stereo sound reinforcement system, or they can be configured to work as a mono-main and mono-monitor system, making use of the two independent power amplifiers housed within each unit.","Nine band graphic equalizers","Nine band graphic equalizers allow for the flexibility of detailed tonal control of the overall output of each amplifier. When in stereo mode, one graphic \"EQ\" controls the left output while the other controls the right output. When in mono-main\/monitor mode, one EQ controls the mono main speaker output while the other EQ provides for the tonal characteristics of the stage monitor mix, allowing for detailed tonal and feedback control (+\/- 12 decibels) within nine different frequency bands.","Effects Processing Signals","Along with a convenient \"MONITOR MASTER\" level control the SPX613 offers a benefi…"
  • Wharfedale Pro WPG-202 混音器和控制台

    WPG-202双通道电子交叉,WPG-202适合标准1U, 19\(482mm)机架。使用已证明的电路,这种均衡器是直接使用,可靠的运行,并能够出色的性能。WPG-202被装在适合安装在专业飞行箱中的钢箱中。
  • Wharfedale Pro WPG-315 混音器和控制台

    "WPG - 315 Two channel Graphic equalizer","The WPG-315 fits standard 1U, 19\" (482mm) racks. Using proven circuitry this equalizer is straightforward to use, reliable in operation and capable of excellent performance. The WPG-315 is housed in steel cases suitable for mounting in professional flight cases. WPG315 has the same features as WPG-331, except 15 equalisation bands per channel and without high-pass filter."
  • Wharfedale Pro WPG-331 混音器和控制台

    "WPG - 331 Single channel Graphic equalizer","The WPG-331 fits standard 1U, 19\" (482mm) racks. Using proven circuitry this equalizer is straightforward to use, reliable in operation and capable of excellent performance. The WPG-331 is housed in steel cases suitable for mounting in professional flight cases."
  • Wharfedale Pro WPG-335 混音器和控制台

    "WPG - 335 Dual channel Graphic equalizer","The WPG-335 fits 2U, 38\" (964mm) racks. Using proven circuitry this equalizer is straightforward to use, reliable in operation and capable of excellent performance. The WPG-335 is housed in steel cases suitable for mounting in professional flight cases with 31 equalisation bands per channel."
  • Wharfedale Pro WPR26 混音器和控制台

    WPR-26是一个复杂的、远程控制扬声器切换系统在存储示范和类似的应用程序如录音棚录音和分页系统。、立体\ / 2通道放大器可以远程路由到6双喇叭在进行比较的高功率运行下一个销售演示。高功率处理(3000瓦加)继电器WPR-26允许简单的设置和操作不复杂的路由信号电缆。、前面板显示器显示通道选择和选择器按钮允许直接选择的渠道,同时远程控制提供了简单、方便的选择由客户或演示。,在许多演示环境(显示房间)电子机架可能经常远离视线在演示区,方便很难改变演讲者的选择。为了使WPR-26简单易用,沃顿专业供应(作为标准)无线IR接收模块WPR-26 IR与6m-20\"电缆。WPR-26红外模块也有一个更广泛的接受角度和可能有用的情况下即使主要单位是理想位置。,应用程序:、WPR-26是一个复杂的,遥控议长切换系统在存储演示和录音棚录音和分页等类似的应用程序系统,智能化测试\ /维修设施。
  • Wharfedale Pro XO-204 混音器和控制台

    xo - 204是一个两路立体声模拟有源分频,允许的最简单和安全设置bi-amplified系统。、交叉频率sweepable从60 hz 1 khz提供一个理想的频率分裂适合喂养潜艇和全方位与离散单位带宽的盒子。如果你希望使用xo - 204将项目材料的方式适用于饲料和高中期司机bi-amp兼容各种单位X10开关方便提高交叉频率允许的。,重点一直放在你的钻机的安全可切换的40 hz 12 db \ /高通滤波器来提高八度空间和独立的软切换限制每个乐队来保护你的放大器和扬声器。、帮助调整的设置您的系统有静音开关为每个乐队也独立极性切换。,xo - 204有源分频独立输出电平控制从无限到+ 6 db,协助您有LED输出米和一个简单的输入剪辑。,所有的输入和输出都是平衡的TRS千斤顶和包含有mono总结低频输出使用mono低音炮音响的情况。XO-204采用1U 19机架,并通过IEC连接器接受电源。
  • Wharfedale Pro XO-206 混音器和控制台

    xo - 206是一个三路立体声模拟有源分频,允许的最简单和安全设置tri-amplified系统。,低\ /交叉频率中期sweepable从60 hz 1 khz之间提供一个理想的频率分裂中期潜艇和司机和中期\ /高交叉点sweepable从1千赫至9 khz给你足够的范围内有效地发送一个合适的带宽mids和高音。、重点一直放在你的安全与可切换的装置40 hz 12 db \ /高通滤波器来提高八度空间和独立的软切换限制每个乐队来保护你的放大器和扬声器。、帮助调整系统的设置有静音开关为每个乐队也独立极性切换。,xo - 206有源分频独立输出电平控制从无限到+ 6 db,为了帮助你有LED输出表和一个简单的输入剪辑LED ","所有的输入和输出是在平衡TRS千斤顶,有包括单声道总结LF输出使用单声道低音炮在立体声的情况下。XO-206在一个1U 19机架和接受电源通过IEC连接器。
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