与Koss Porta Pro和SportaPro一样,轻巧的Koss Recovery-on-ear耳机为随时随地的听众提供卓越的音质。Koss Recovery头戴式耳机采用了超凡脱俗的设计和现代风格,看起来和听起来一样好。Equipped带有动态元件,可扩展频率响应,可折叠式耳机便于储存和携带,非常适合喜欢随行生活方式的活跃听众和经常旅行的听众。
Koss Sporta Pro是一款完美的耳机,适合需要从客厅到会议室再到更衣室移动而不错过节拍的活跃听众。结合Koss Porta Pro的声音再现和允许头上或头后佩戴的独特设计,Sporta Pro赢得了u00e2€™t干扰帽子或发型的最佳便携式耳机。\Koss Sporta Pro采用Mylar元件,确保精确的声音再现和最小的机械失真,是一款轻巧的耳机,还采用计算机优化的稀土磁铁结构(钕、铁和硼),即使使用低电压DVD,也能提供不寻常的声音清晰度还有MP3播放器。\Sporta Pro’s舒适的耳垫使您能够与周围环境保持联系。仅仅两盎司,即使经过数小时的高保真聆听,Sporta专业人士也会觉得几乎没有重量。把它们折叠成一个小巧的保护包,然后在回办公室的路上塞进公文包、健身包或背包中。
Heavyweight sound intensity teams with an ultra-lightweight design to create the ultimate in on-the-go listening, the Koss UR40. With improved signal transmission and conduction for a clean and clear sound, these headphones will minimize mechanical distortion and ensure exceedingly accurate sound reproduction. Featuring a hybrid design, the UR40 integrate the best of closed and open style headphones. Closed leatherette ear cushions form a tight seal around the ears to enhance bass frequencies, while screened ear cups provide an open, hear-through sound that keeps you in tune with your surroundings. The result: a clean, full frequency, great sound that turns every recording into a “live†performance. At just over six ounces, the Koss UR40 headphones wear comfortably, store easily, and travel lightly. Titanium sound in a collapsible, lightweight package.