"Vital is a safety module, with redundant safety outputs, which can monitor up to 30 Eden door sensors and still comply with the highest safety level.","Vital offers the choice between manual and automatic reset of the safety circuit.","Tina Duo Makes it possible to monitor even more sensors."
"Therm-Alert is a very flexible and customizable sensing and alarm system intended to warm employees and management when temperature or dew point in working areas reach dangerous levels.","Therm-Alert will warn employees and managers when environmental conditions reach dangerous levels."
"The ZSD is a hand-held enabling device for manual operation of a machine\/robotSwitch has 3 operating positions — OFF-ON-OFF. It provides safety based on normal human behavior of either releasing or squeezing the actuator in an emergency situation. The machine\/robot can be operated in the on position. Thermoplastic enclosure2 NO & 1 NC contacts Screw terminals, spiral cord grip","Safe Solutions for your Industry.Schmersal is focused on machine safety - protection for man and machine. For over 65 years Schmersal has developed a reputation for the design and manufacture of machine safeguarding switches that satisfy current safety requirements of the latest OSHA, ANSI, RIA and international standards and guidelines. Products supplied by Schmersal are used in a wide variety of applications in industries such as power presses, packaging, automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, elevators, machine tools and heavy industry."
"OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Devices)","Auxiliary contacts ","One auxiliary contact per channel.","Inputs","One start input per channel and one feedback loop per channel. Freely usable on SFM-B...","Logic functions ","Programmable with AsiMon software. All safety components can be programmed with different functions as inputs. The inputs can be linked with AND or OR gates.","With the monitors SFM-B..., additional logic func- tions such as FlipFlop, switch-on delay, turn-off delay or pulses are available. The number of links and the memory depth are larger than on the SFM-A... devices."
"Cellwatch is the premier battery monitoring system for highly critical technology installations where loss of power continuity is not an option. With the correct use of Cellwatch any unplanned outages due to battery failure can be eliminated and preemptive battery management can be taken.","The Cellwatch system has been developed as a cost effective solution for customers with one or more sites utilizing single or multiple batteries, which need a 24x7 monitoring system. These sites can be distributed on a local, regional, and global basis.","Cellwatch Features and Benefits","System Components","The iBMU (Integrated Battery Monitoring Unit) is supplied LAN, WAN and modem ready with internal web browser installed. It is capable of communicating with 3rd party BMS systems via a MODBUS\/TCP output.","Designed to fit into a 19\" rack system or wall mount using the wall mount adapter kit, the iBMU delivers the ease of installation that has become synonymous with Cellwatch products.","Cellwatch software is supplied as part of a Cellwatch battery monitoring system and has been engineered with busy IT and facility managers in mind – providing up-to-date information with a one-glance screen.","Key features:"
"Electro-Sensors is revolutionizing the way hazard monitoring is done, with its turnkey HazardPRO™ systems. Rugged sensors and the most advanced wireless technology combine to create the best hazard monitoring solution with the lowest installed cost.","Status At-A-Glance","Real-Time Information","Intelligent transmitter nodes send information both on a scheduled periodic basis and when important changes are detected, ensuring that there are no polling delays or lapses in monitoring.","Full Integration With Your Controls","Easily integrate to your existing plant control or PLC system via:"
"Underpinned by our patented and world-leading Spinline™ technology, the Rolls-Royce Spinline™ RPS gathers the functionalities of the Reactor Trip system as well as the ESFAS Engineering safety features actuation system. It monitors vital reactor operation parameters and in case of emergency automatically shutdown the reactor and determine the corrective actions to be taken."