OWI, Inc.","The C9278 Corner Speaker is a commercial\/residential speaker which can be installed in corners and flat walls in a single, two, and three speaker combination.","he C9278 Corner Speaker is a commercial\/residential speaker which can be installed in corners and flat walls in a single, two, and three speaker combination. Engineered for corners or flat walls in Retail Stores, Atriums or Patios. Universal mounting brackets are included to mount the C9278 in the following configurations: a.) Array 1 - in a 90° corner as a single speaker. b.) Array 2 - in a flat wall as a single or two-piece speakers forming a semi-circle. c.) Array 3 - in a 270° degree corrner as three - piece speakers forming a 3\/4 circle. The C9278 is an 8 Ohm and 70 Volt Speaker Combination. It is available in black or white.
Tannoy\/TGI North America, Inc.","In the Kensington SE, a 10.00\" Dual Concentric, with Alnico magnet system and the Tannoy PepperPot WaveGuide™, is mounted in a comprehensively braced and solidly constructed mahogany cabinet.","In combining the best of bespoke cabinet making with the latest production and acoustic design skills, Tannoy presents a loudspeaker that blends time-honored values with cutting edge audio performance. Traditional aesthetic meets modern technology to create a loudspeaker that is as easy to live with as it is exhilarating to listen to. In the Kensington SE a 10.00\" Dual Concentric, with Alnico magnet system and the Tannoy PepperPot WaveGuide™, is mounted in a comprehensively braced and solidly constructed mahogany cabinet. This combination delivers superb dynamics with fluid mid-range, focused imaging, spacious sound staging and deep, controlled bass performance.All components and cabinets are still hand assembled in the time-honored fashion to ensure that attention to detail and unique styling go hand in hand in maintaining the exclusive appeal of this highly respected and sought after loudspeaker. The design comfortably complements any decor from ancient castle through to the cool, casual and contemporary. The only rules we absolutely adhere to when designing and crafting Prestige loudspeakers is to utilise the most up to date, no compromise, acoustic technologies and time-proven cabinet making skills ensuring these are probably the very best sounding loudspeakers you will find ...anywhere.
Tannoy\/TGI North America,Inc.,凭借其极为坚固的橱柜结构,Sensys DC1在同类产品中设定了新的音频性能标准。双同心式u2122、超高音扬声器u2122和驱动器接地装置的结合体现了Tannoy希望将高端声学工程的应用扩展到中等价位产品的愿望范围。避免视觉技巧通常会导致设计快速过时,感官令人耳目一新的整洁的外表,既让人安心又不做作,因为它是永恒的。这一持久的审美吸引力,加上为提高声学性能而整合的众多技术功能,确保Sensys系列提供立体声和多声道A/V系统解决方案,在未来几年内提供完全的音频满足感。
Tannoy\/TGI North America,Inc.,Tannoy CMS401e天花板监听系统适用于需要卓越音质和不折不扣音质的高级音乐和语音增强应用可靠性,特别是设计用于在新建和现有建筑中快速、简单和经济高效的安装,100毫米(4.00英寸)CMS401e可在固定天花板安装环内完全朝向听筒。因此,在不太完美的房间配置中,扬声器布置困难的挑战可以通过将扬声器小心地旋转到所需的覆盖区域来消除。
Tannoy\/TGI North America,Inc.,Tannoy CVS系列产品旨在实现最佳的性能/价格平衡;采用C型环和瓷砖桥进行包装,并获得行业标准认证。,Tannoy CVS系列的设计旨在实现最佳性能/价格平衡;采用C型环包装和瓷砖桥,完全支持行业标准认证,包括UL-1480、UL-2043和CE。小尺寸CVS4是一款100毫米(4.00英寸)全带宽盲板安装模型,带有一体式钢背罐,专为所有需要卓越音质的音乐和语音增强以及卓越的可靠性。理想情况下适用于音质不会受损的装置,CVS4确保性能得到充分优化,成本尽可能具有竞争力。