概述,由电工设计。福禄克117电工万用表是由福禄克公司制造的,在精度方面有投资,集成的非接触式电压检测和AutoV\/LoZ功能可防止虚电压引起的错误读数,是电工理想的万用表。事实上,世界各地的用户都表示,他们的117是对准确性的投资。Fluke 117提供最小/最大/平均读数,测量频率和电容。由于其易于使用的设计,福禄克117将节省您的时间,使您可以轻松地从一个工作到另一个工作。设计和测试时考虑到您的工作安全,我们测试我们的117万用表,以确保在CAT III 600 V环境中安全使用。这是您电气工作的理想仪表,因为:,产品亮点,每个单元包括
Overview","Now there’s one intrinsically safe digital multimeter (DMM) you can use in IIC (gas), in Zone 1 and 2 and IIIC (dust), Zone 21 and 22. Whether you work in petroleum, chemical, or pharmaceutical environments, all the test and troubleshooting power you need is packed into the most rugged intrinsically safe (IS) DMM Fluke has ever built. The Fluke 28 II Ex is also waterproof, dust-proof and drop-proof. You’ll be equipped to handle any situation, inside and outside of hazardous zones, without compromising compliance or measurement performance.","Product Highlights