
优越的内部测力传感器 Strainsert 为航天、地面和海洋领域的业界领袖提供全面的设计、测试和服务。Strainsert以两年的保修期展示了它的产品信心,是典型行业标准的两倍。Strainsert的设计可以定制为独特的应用,利用相同的专利内部应变计工艺. 40多年来,Strainsert开创了力传感器行业的先河。我们的专利传感器设计是通过创新的内部测量工艺和对工程和客户要求的卓越贡献而实现的今天,我们将继续以我们的技术、销售和制造团队为行业冠军。我们的目标是为研究、测试、称重和控制应用提供最灵敏、准确、高效的力测量解决方案。此外,我们了解每一个客户应用程序的重要性,并将质量制造作为我们的最高优先事项。我们的内部设计和生产允许根据行业标准进行快速原型制作、焊接和设计灵活性,而我们的NIST可追踪校准设施提供了对所有产品进行特殊验证/过载测试以及最终力校准的能力。最后,Strainsert为所有Strainsert制造的产品提供两年保修,是典型行业标准的两倍。我们的产品在航空航天,汽车,船舶和许多其他工业应用中不断使用。其应用范围从简单的测力解决方案到美国宇航局的火星探测探测器任务、航天飞机发射台以及深海使用的静液压或潜水器等尖端产品。我们期待您的来信,并继续提供准确,坚固,可靠的力传感器
  • Strainsert CBA-0.5-1 称重传感器

    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    额定力 :3000 to ? lbs (1361 to ? kg)
    封装:Load Pin
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert CBA-0.75-1 称重传感器

    额定力 :6000 to ? lbs (2721 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    封装:Load Pin
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert CBA-1 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :12500 to ? lbs (5669 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert CBA-1.25 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    额定力 :18000 to ? lbs (8163 to ? kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert CBA-1.5 称重传感器

    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    额定力 :30000 to ? lbs (13605 to ? kg)
    封装:Load Pin
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert CBA-2 称重传感器

    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :50000 to ? lbs (22676 to ? kg)
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert CBA-2.5 称重传感器

    封装:Load Pin
    额定力 :75000 to ? lbs (34014 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert CBA-2.75 称重传感器

    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    额定力 :100000 to ? lbs (45351 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert CBA-3 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    额定力 :125000 to ? lbs (56689 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert CBA-3.5 称重传感器

    额定力 :160000 to ? lbs (72562 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert CBA-4 称重传感器

    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    额定力 :200000 to ? lbs (90703 to ? kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert CBA-5 称重传感器

    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    额定力 :300000 to ? lbs (136054 to ? kg)
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert SPHC-.5 称重传感器

    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    额定力 :3500 to ? lbs (1587 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert SPHC-.75 称重传感器

    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :6000 to ? lbs (2721 to ? kg)
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert SPHC-1 称重传感器

    剪切型:Shear Beam
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    额定力 :16500 to ? lbs (7483 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert SPHC-1.375 称重传感器

    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    封装:Load Pin
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    额定力 :25000 to ? lbs (11338 to ? kg)
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert SPHC-1.75 称重传感器

    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    额定力 :39000 to ? lbs (17687 to ? kg)
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
  • Strainsert SPHC-2 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    额定力 :56000 to ? lbs (25397 to ? kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert SPHC-2.5 称重传感器

    封装:Load Pin
    剪切型:Shear Beam
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Current (optional feature); Analog Voltage
    精度:0.72 ±% Full Scale
    额定力 :77000 to ? lbs (34921 to ? kg)
    工作温度 :? to 150 F (? to 66 C)
    特征 :Biaxial Measurement (optional feature); Temperature Compensated
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert STL-9.5 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Structural Stress
    额定力 :19000 to ? lbs (8617 to ? kg)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert TLLF-1 称重传感器

    额定力 :1000 to ? lbs (454 to ? kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Structural Stress
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert TLLF-10 称重传感器

    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Structural Stress
    额定力 :10000 to ? lbs (4535 to ? kg)
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert TLLF-100 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Structural Stress
    额定力 :100000 to ? lbs (45351 to ? kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert TLLF-125 称重传感器

    输出 :Analog Voltage
    应用:Structural Stress
    额定力 :125000 to ? lbs (56689 to ? kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    产品类别 :Load Cells
  • Strainsert TLLF-150 称重传感器

    应用:Structural Stress
    额定力 :150000 to ? lbs (68027 to ? kg)
    测量技术:Strain Gauge
    输出 :Analog Voltage
    产品类别 :Load Cells
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