
    • TelephoneStuff.com USB-SPARKY 语音记录器和录音器

      "Digitalks Sparky USB voice recorder provides for recording conversations with the touch of a button when on the phone or in a meeting. All conversations are saved to your PC. Delete them at anytime or archive them to a PC or a CD Rom. Record any phone or room conversation to your PC regardless of your phone or phone system. Ideal for conference rooms. Does what expensive recording system equipment does for a fraction of the cost. Includes USB Recorder, USB cable, and coiled phone cable. Current software release is downloaded from provided web page.Now with playback over phone ability while continuing with conversation. The USB Sparky now allows you to playback or broadcast any recording or announcements over the phone to one or many people. Great for fast proof and broadcasting.Features:- If recording from one line or 10,000 lines the USB Recorder is the solution- Learn, change, improve by listening to your recordings- Real proof at your fingertips- No tapes, no batteries, maintenance free- Built in mic for room recordingInstalls in 2 minutes and you're ready to record"
专家网(www.sensorexpert.com.cn) 语音记录器和录音器 专区,为你提供 语音记录器和录音器 品牌厂家,参数,型号,图片等优质产品相关供应信息,供你参考选择,找传感器就上传感器专家网。

