
Viatran 威创
VIATRAN 是创新压力和液位变送器的制造商。我们的高精度变送器和坚固耐用的压力变送器可在广泛的压力和温度范围内提供可重复的精确测量。VIATRAN压力变送器提供mV/V、电压和4-20 mA输出,以及各种电气连接和压力端口接头。我们的压力变送器产品系列包括标准负载压力变送器、高精度压力变送器、差压变送器、浸入式压力传感器、过程压力变送器、卫生型压力变送器、齐平式安装压力传感器、重载压力变送器和特殊压力传感器。半个世纪以来,Viatran一直致力于解决一些恶劣应用环境中的压力、液位测量,极端温度和快速响应问题 ,包括高腐蚀性介质、破坏性循环压力、以及严重的冲击和振动应用环境。Viatran压力传感器和液位测量变送器专门设计用于石油和天然气服务、钢铁生产、食品和医疗设备、压铸、化工生产和各种汽车和航空测试。
  • Viatran 威创 Model 509 压力变送器

    特征:Temperature Compensated
    输出信号:Analog Current
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 20000 psi (0.0 to 14076 m H2O)
    工作温度:-40 to 250 F (-40 to 121 C)
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    冲击:100 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 510 压力变送器

    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 20000 psi (0.0 to 14076 m H2O)
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    输出信号:Analog Current
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    冲击:100 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 574 压力变送器

    工作温度:-10 to 190 F (-23 to 88 C)
    输出信号:Analog Current
    传感技术:Variable Capacitance
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 100 psi (0.0 to 70.38 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 584 压力变送器

    工作压力范围:0.0 to 15000 psi (0.0 to 10557 m H2O)
    精度:0.2000 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    输出信号:Analog Current
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Gauge
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 809 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-40 to 250 F (-40 to 121 C)
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 20000 psi (0.0 to 14076 m H2O)
    冲击:100 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 848 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 5000 psi (0.0 to 3519 m H2O)
    精度:0.2500 ±% FS
    工作温度:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 870 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 100000 psi (0.0 to 70378 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    工作温度:-40 to 190 F (-40 to 88 C)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 948 压力变送器

    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Intrinsically Safe; Temperature Compensated; Submersible
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    输出信号:Analog Current
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 5000 psi (0.0 to 3519 m H2O)
    精度:0.1000 ±% FS
    工作温度:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    冲击:100 g
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model CN422 压力变送器

    特征:Temperature Compensated; Temperature Output
    工作温度:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    输出信号:DeviceNet; CANopen
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 5000 psi (0.0 to 3519 m H2O)
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Gauge; Vacuum
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    真空度范围:259335 to 760 torr (-10180 to 0.0 in Hg vac)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model IGP10 压力变送器

    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 6000 psi (0.0 to 4223 m H2O)
    精度:0.0500 to 0.0600 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-50 to 250 F (-46 to 121 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage; Analog Current; HART® Protocol; PROFIBUS®; FOUNDATION
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model PT130 压力变送器

    工作压力范围:0.0 to 10000 psi (0.0 to 7038 m H2O)
    精度:0.5000 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage; Analog Current
    传感技术:Mechanical Deflection; Diaphragm
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model PT139 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Vacuum
    精度:0.5000 ±% FS
    工作温度:-65 to 285 F (-54 to 141 C)
    传感技术:Mechanical Deflection
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 10000 psi (0.0 to 7038 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    真空度范围:517909 to 760 torr (-20360 to 0.0 in Hg vac)
  • Viatran 威创 Model PT140 压力变送器

    工作压力范围:0.0 to 10000 psi (0.0 to 7038 m H2O)
    精度:0.5000 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-20 to 185 F (-29 to 85 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage; Analog Current
    传感技术:Mechanical Deflection; Diaphragm
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model PT332 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 25000 psi (0.0 to 17594 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated; Submersible
    工作温度:-65 to 350 F (-54 to 177 C)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model PT338 压力变送器

    精度:0.5000 ±% FS
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-65 to 310 F (-54 to 154 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 10000 psi (0.0 to 7038 m H2O)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model PT375 压力变送器

    工作压力范围:0.0 to 30000 psi (0.0 to 21113 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    工作温度:-65 to 250 F (-54 to 121 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model SPX2280 压力变送器

    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 72500 psi (0.0 to 51024 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    工作温度:-20 to 185 F (-29 to 85 C)
    输出信号:Analog Current; HART® Protocol
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model SPX2281 压力变送器

    工作温度:-20 to 185 F (-29 to 85 C)
    输出信号:Analog Current; HART® Protocol
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 72500 psi (0.0 to 51024 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Viatran Networking System (VNS) 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage; Analog Current
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 346 压力变送器

    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    工作温度:-40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)
    输出信号:Analog Current
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Differential; Gauge
    工作压力范围:12.28 to 15.72 psi (8.64 to 11.06 m H2O)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 202 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 100000 psi (0.0 to 70378 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    工作温度:-40 to 250 F (-40 to 121 C)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 218 压力变送器

    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated; Submersible (optional feature)
    工作温度:-40 to 250 F (-40 to 121 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Differential; Gauge; Vacuum
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 15000 psi (0.0 to 10557 m H2O)
    真空度范围:776484 to 760 torr (-30540 to 0.0 in Hg vac)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 222 压力变送器

    工作压力范围:0.0 to 5000 psi (0.0 to 3519 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-40 to 180 F (-40 to 82 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Mechanical Deflection; Diaphragm
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
  • Viatran 威创 Model 240 压力变送器

    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Strain Gauge
    测量压力类型:Absolute; Gauge
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 15000 psi (0.0 to 10557 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    工作温度:-20 to 190 F (-29 to 88 C)
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
    冲击:1500 g
  • Viatran 威创 Model 243 压力变送器

    工作温度:-20 to 200 F (-29 to 93 C)
    输出信号:Analog Voltage
    传感技术:Mechanical Deflection; Diaphragm
    工作压力范围:0.0 to 15000 psi (0.0 to 10557 m H2O)
    介质:Liquid; Gas
    特征:Temperature Compensated
    产品类别:Pressure Transmitters
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