
    • Lufft / OTT HydroMet VS2k-UMB 能见度传感器

      "Measures visibility up to 2000m, ideal for road traffic applications, analog output 4...20mA, digital UMB protocol (RS485 interface), calibration device available (optional). The VS2k-UMB is configured via the software UMB Config Tool: Reading\/Changing of the current configuration, calibration, polling of the current measurement values, the software allows configurations to be loaded and stored. The measurement data is available for further processing in the form of a standard protocol (Lufft UMB protocol or SDI12). ASD = Active Spider Defense: The built-in vibrating motor ensures at irregular intervals that the VS2k visibility sensor is not so prone to spiders. The construction of VS2k also reduces the frequency of maintenance."
    • Vaisala 维萨拉 FD70 Series 能见度传感器

      "FD70 Series is the seventh generation of Vaisala visibility and present weather sensors. It is designed based on more than 30 years of forward scatter technology development experience. This technology innovation sets a new standard in precipitation identification, quantification, and visibility determination accuracy.FD70 Series product models:","Features  • Reports visibility up to 100 km (62 mi)  • Reports precipitation type, intensity, and accumulation  • Exceptional precipitation detection sensitivity  • Precise type identification even for low-intensity precipitation  • Superior liquid\/frozen differentiation  • Optimal forward scatter angle 42°  • Look-down geometry to minimize measurement disturbances","Key Benefits","  • Best-in-class 3-in-1 performance: visibility, present weather, and precipitation quantification   • Accurate visibility measurement with proven calibration traceability and a range of up to 100 km   • Significant enhancement of drizzle, freezing rain, hail, and ice pellet identification"
    • 水德科技 SRF 传感器

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